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Obama is a Marxist?! Really?! Think again! Rate this Topic:
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Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 7:26:59 AM
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Joined: 11/7/2009
Posts: 14
On 01/21 - member "ben2k9" posted the following :

"Yep...good call.  all bets are off when the President of the USA goes on TV and says he's declaring war against banks.

I don't know any technical analysis that will predict the moves and words of a marxist president."

I have a few comments on this inane position:
1) That's obviously not a direct quote of President Obama.  It sounds like ben2k9 has been watching too much CNBC and Larry Kudlow;

2) What he said (also not a direct quote) was that he was against the banks taking tax payer money and using it to trade for billions in profits to then dole out billions in holiday bonuses.  [Insert vomitting sounds here.] The executives at the big banks should be ashamed of themselves - but their morals are often absent, if they exist at all;

3) I MAY accept that Obama is a bit Marxist, but only if we can agree to also characterize him as ANTI-FASCIST.  Facism, as defined by Mussolini himself (and arguably Hitler as well), is the merging of corporations (banks) and government.  This is also known as CORPORATISM - where the interests of big business play a larger role in how a government conducts itself than the interests of THE PEOPLE who elected them.  This is usually evident in "banana republics" and "emerging markets" but more recently (and more shockingly) here in the States as well.

But oh, that's right, the Supreme Court just ruled that corporations are somehow akin to people, and have now allowed multi-national (and INTERnational) companies to in effect VOTE with their big pocket books to support or defame candidates and propositions.  This does more damage to our democratic system and American way of life than the "terrorists" ever could have imagined.  Big corporations (both foreign and domestic) now have even more voice in our political system than their crony lobbyists already had!  I've never seen anything more UN-Constitutional and UN-patriotic in the history of this country!

But somehow Obama is the bad guy?!?! Are you serious?!

If the Supreme Court won't do their part to protect and uphold the Constitution, then we should all be in support of Obama's push to SOMEHOW separate Wall Street and K Street.  This is especially when the average citizen suffers as a result of the collusionary motives and actions of these "out of touch" leaders and institutions.  This is not a Marxist approach - to the average American it's common sense.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 7:58:26 AM

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I like this guy.....
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 9:03:57 AM
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So your saying to understand Obama we have to look to Hitler and Mussloni.


That says something right there.

(for the record I use Charles Manson for my deep intellectual benchmark but Hitler/Mussloni will do in a pinch)





Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 9:10:42 AM
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the banks ran the country off a financial cliff.  in china people who do that are shot.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:04:56 AM
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It gets even better. Now China is on board for Obama.

To bad the analysis stopped with Hitler/Mussolini/China.
Would love to hear what Pol Pot, Mao and Marx (after all he's the "real deal") think of Obama?

Quote's Mao Zedong:

"U.S. imperialism, and European and domestic reactionary forces, represent real dangers"

"It is also important to unite with the middle peasants, and educate them on the failings of capitalism."

Sound  familiar?????

Its interesting when one wants to denounce America they use Communist, Socialist, Marxist
regimes. (with a few butchers, thugs and murders thrown in for good measure)
as their benchmark of thought.
(or maybe lack of thought?)

Just so were clear with the arguments made so far.
China, Hitler, Mussolini, would have been "onboard" with Obama.

Great arguments guys.

I can only wonder who our next Obama supporter will be?




Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:15:06 AM

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QUOTE (steppingstoneent)
3) I MAY accept that Obama is a bit Marxist, but only if we can agree to also characterize him as ANTI - FASCIST.  Facism, as defined by Mussolini himself (and arguably Hitler as well), is the merging of corporations (banks) and government.  This is also known as CORPORATISM - where the interests of big business play a larger role in how a government conducts itself than the interests of THE PEOPLE who elected them.  This is usually evident in "banana republics" and "emerging markets" but more recently (and more shockingly) here in the States as well.

But oh, that's right, the Supreme Court just ruled that corporations are somehow akin to people, and have now allowed multi-national (and INTERnational) companies to in effect VOTE with their big pocket books to support or defame candidates and propositions.  This does more damage to our democratic system and American way of life than the "terrorists" ever could have imagined.  Big corporations (both foreign and domestic) now have even more voice in our political system than their crony lobbyists already had!  I've never seen anything more UN-Constitutional and UN-patriotic in the history of this country!

But somehow Obama is the bad guy?!?! Are you serious?!

If the Supreme Court won't do their part to protect and uphold the Constitution, then we should all be in support of Obama's push to SOMEHOW separate Wall Street and K Street.  This is especially when the average citizen suffers as a result of the collusionary motives and actions of these "out of touch" leaders and institutions.  This is not a Marxist approach - to the average American it's common sense.

Hello Diceman. I love you I hope that you know that, but You forgot that the gentleman said that Obama is "Anti - Fascist"  In opposition to  Mussolini & Hitler. 

It bothers me also that the banks and wall streeters robed our country and we reward them with stimulas $$$  from the very pockets in wich they stole from. We all sat back and watched as the very institutions that destroyed us have the balls to ask for government money to bail them out. Then they get the government to hand it over and what do they do with it? They give all the CEO's fat bonus checks for their criminal deeds. And just as I always new it would happen, the Republicans are blaming the new administration. 

I vote that Mel Brooks needs to write the screen-play for this shure to be block buster.....
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:57:12 AM

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I may not know everything, but I know better than to feed the trolls. And steppingstoneent is definitely a troll.

How else do you explain registering for a forum and your one and only post comes out insulting longstanding contributing members and starting a political flame war?  That's no way to make an entrance into a place where you wish to be a contributing member. 

There's plenty of great points I could make to rebut the troll, but internet trolls are nothing but I know better.

The people know whats up...that why you see events like the Mass. senate election of Brown.  Enough said.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:14:06 AM

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Ben I hope that the newbie is not who I think that it is... I would not want to ever be on the same side of the coin with him.

I say that we as a forum going foward do not respond to "new first time posts" especially if they are negative or personal against known members... 

Ben I did not agree with his stabs at you but I do stand behind my last paragraph above.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:42:24 AM
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I don't know where this comparison to Marxism comes from?
I've seen no similarities between Obama and Marxism at all.

He cant play the piano. (rules out Chico)
He's not funny. (rules out Groucho)
He talks. (rules out Harpo)

Where do people get this stuff?

Just for the record.
Hitler liked Harpo.
Obviously,  Mussolini thought Chico stole the show.
(one of the few disagreements between Adolf and Benito)





Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 12:18:29 PM
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"Hello Diceman. I love you I hope that you know that, but You forgot that the gentleman said that Obama is "Anti - Fascist"  In opposition to  Mussolini & Hitler."

He didnt say "in opposition to" you did. 
He said: " as defined by Mussolini himself (and arguably Hitler as well),"
Let me give you a little test.

In WW2 (you know the one after WW1)
Who's side do you think  they were on?



Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 12:41:01 PM

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the supreme's job is to interpret the law, not write it. if obama doesn't like the ruling then introduce legislation and change it.

if obama doesn't like what banks are doing with taxpayers dollars then stop giving them taxpayers dollars in the first place.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 12:41:39 PM

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the supreme's courts job is to interpret the law, not write it. if obama doesn't like the ruling then introduce legislation and change it.

if obama doesn't like what banks are doing with taxpayers dollars then stop giving them taxpayers dollars in the first place.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 1:09:53 PM

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Dice buddy, melow man, Tomorow is going to be a nice day. Maybe you are reading a different post than I.. The man said "I MAY accept that Obama is a bit Marxist, but only if we can agree to also characterize him as ANTI-FASCIST.

I gather that the man wants to also characterize him as "ANTI-FASCIST"

Knowing that Hitler is a well known Fascist, then I would interpret that he is "Anti Hitler".

Opposing a thing and being Anti this thing are the same thing where I come from. No need to be flip either. I am aware that 2 comes after 1.

Politics are like religion. No two people see things the same way. There is no right or wrong. I mean I think the Bush is a retard. You like him. The world keeps turning. No need for matter of facts.....
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 1:58:19 PM
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Dont you even realize what your saying?

So you agree with Hitler???
(light bulb should go off around here)

I like the fact that he cant even argue Obama isnt a marxist
(heh, heh)

Using this type of dumb logic.
We can ask if the US had proper paperwork for the DDay invaison?
Why the French dont want to speak German?

So lets sum up the argument made that Obama isnt a marxist.

Obama is a marxist.
For the reasons why ask Hitler/Benito.
(they were smart enough to know how bad we are)

Absolutly incredible

Whats amazing is the kool-aid drinkers think its a defense.

With friends like this Obama doesnt need enemies.

You made  a brillant point Apsll.

Folks see things differently.
Thats why some were cheering on 9/11.

What you would call a difference of opinion.
Two sides of a coin.
What Hilter/Benito would have seen as something wonderful.

After all. All that matters is what they think.

Maybe someone will chime in with MAO's thoughts on Obama.
(probably a fan too)

Never ceases to be amazed

Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 2:29:22 PM

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Wow Diceman, I wish that you were this passionate about trading ideas... Why so incensed? I am not arguing anything one way or the other. You seem to interpret what you want from others words. I am only speaking to what the man said. I have not raised my own issues other than "Bush is a creep".

The man said that - I MAY accept that Obama is a bit Marxist. 

You seem to get off on this stuff. ---"Cannot storm the beaches without the proper forms???? I agree with Hitler??? 

I am not even sure if your speach is for steppingstone, or me. I gave no view at all. Just thought that you were twisting the mans words. Now you have me throwing a party after 911.

I don't know Diceman????

Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 4:12:00 PM
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"I don't know Diceman????"

Something I can agree with.


Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 4:19:20 PM

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Have another beer and chill Diceman. You will feel better in the morning.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 4:40:19 PM
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Greetings Gentleman (and any Ladies who may also be paying attention here),

My sincere apologies for the delayed response on this inadvertently created "political flame war"...
Let me start off by stating that it was not and is not my intention to offend anyone or ruffle any undo feathers.

Thank you Apsll for trying to clarify my positions - I think you read my post more correctly than others.
To those "senior posters" who find my positions somehow offbase and wrong, it's okay.  People do have and can have differing opinions on issues as delicate and controversial as religion and politics.   We can (and should) simply agree to disagree.  It's okay.

Having said that, my main point was that Obama, while being Marxist on some things, may be better characterized as ANTI-FASCIST/ANTI-MARXIST because he OPPOSES the blending of corporate interests into government/public interests.  This UNLIKE Hitler and Mussolini who made such merging a fundamental practice of their regimes.  Obama wants to limit private corporations (like banks) from taking advantage of and benefiting from the use of PUBLIC taxpayer funds.

Additionally, as the "newbie"/ fresh kid on the block, I'm not quite sure how this fact discounts the validity of my argument.  Just because I'm new to posting here doesn't automatically mean that I don't know any more or any less than other posters.  It simply means that I'm new to posting here.  My profession and education not withstanding, I think arguments should stand for themselves on the facts presented, not our opinions of who is presenting them.  We should all be able to distinguish between the MESSAGE and the MESSENGER.

So, to bring this to a hopefully pleasant and happy medium, I'm convinced that our mutual use of Worden's software applications means that we all have critical and objectives minds, and that we should be able to contribute to each other in some productive way.  We're all trying to make more money at the end of the day.

Again, I apologize to those I offended. Let's just agree to disagree on whether or not the banks have Marxist practices (i.e., having undo influence on the political process like large scale companies under Hitler and Mussolini), or whether Obama is taking actions against this status quo that has (arguably) existed for too long.

Otherwise, I hope all is well with everyone, happy trading/investing going forward, and thank you for contributing to my development as a trader and my hopefully positive contributions to yours as well.

Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 4:54:12 PM

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Welcome to the forum Steppingstone. I look foward to reading your thoughts about trading as well. Political views are controversial on this forum to say the least. Some find it necessary be condiscending and self righteous. They tend to misquote and defame.....

Anyway glad to have you on board sir..... 
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 5:36:22 PM
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well I'm now convinced. read between the lines.

steppingstoneent = apsll

Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 5:47:34 PM

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Agm32, please. I wish that I was as enlightened in reference to politics. Look my friend. I am working on a few projects, some with the business that I started for my girlfriend and the stock market. I conceed to the puppet master. I would rather that than have you chime in on my every post. You might not have anything to lose but I do. I wish to remain on this forum.

If you want too than you are welcome to join me in my own testing of the CCI20 as a legitimate trading strategy/system/indicator. Your goal can be to prove me wrong as mine is to prove it worthy.

I will also stay out of the polical arena.. Agm32 I know that you are rooting for the Colts tonight and I for the Saints. So lets end the hostility and enjoy life and the Super Bowl....
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 5:53:58 PM
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Who cares what he is, a marxist, a sex offender, or the second coming?   Just quit wasting our tax dollars.    I certainly don't know  enough , that if some of the big financial institutions had collasped, what would have happened.   A worse economy or a better economy?   I do think that GM and the likes had to be bailed out, but pay back the money.    
Now here we are again, being big brother to Haiti.    Why bother?    The poorest damn country  in the world, talk about putting money down a rat hole.    Isn't the U.N., which we are the largest contributor to, sending money there?    As usual we're sending more than double our share.    Just have Cabela's send a bunch of tents down there, and they'll be right back where they started.       
I bet alot of people in our country,  who lost their jobs, homes and just about everything,   because of the greedy financial institutions, would love to have some of that Haiti money.   Plus I bet they'd even agree to pay it back.   
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 5:56:39 PM

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Apsll, Bravo.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 6:04:42 PM
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yep, that reponse just removed all doubt.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 9:49:14 PM
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APS:      I'm not going to try to argue or try to present facts about it.     But saying that CCI20 is a method is very weak.     Why not a stochastics or macd  cross a method?       A method that works for who, a method that works for swing, day, or scalp trading?       Can't go along with that.    Maybe a helpful indicator to go along with some additional  indicators or candles or  even.  fundamentals.  

If it were only that simple.  WSE wouldn't be the only guy to know about it and it certainly would have been  leaked to the public a long time ago.

Saints win.     
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:04:38 PM

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Howdy John. You are correct that it is not worth an argument among friends. 

WSE suggested to me that professional traders are aware of this indicator and do use it. I have also heard that they respect certain moving averages as well. I have seen that the indicator works better when price is moving in a certain way so I guess that there is one indicator added to the mix. I have noticed that Money stream seems to be on the move when price and CCI20 are aligned so I guess that I could outline a system that if played right could prove to be profitable.

I designed a trading system once that some folks liked on the forum. I traced certain momentum patterns back to their bottoms right as price was breaking into a rally. What I saw was that TSV was crossing up over its 13 day moving average as price was crossing over the 50 day moving average... I forget the third thing but I called the system the "Trifecta" Mammon where are you now.....

A system is hard to stay faithfull to though because you have to trade on the right side of the screen and no system is 100 percent accurate so what if your draw-downs out weigh your winners? There is no getting around it. Trading is not easy.
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:18:43 PM

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John here is the link to some info on the trifecta. Just if you are interested. I know that you were only making reference to CCi but just in case you want to look at more than do a search for "trifecta"
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:43:47 PM
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I'm kind of surprised that David John hasn't posted some facts about the CCI system as far as some backtesting results.    

I'll tell you what i've been doing.    I've "stolen" the top candle patterns from Tom Bulkowski, both continuing and reversals, added some of his fundamentals, added my price per share, added my avg. true range,  added my volume,  make a scan and make a trade on something that looks good. .      I'm experimenting with futures to trade the eminis after hours.  
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:11:07 PM
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Still around, Apsll.  Hiding here in the underbrush on the right side of the road.

I still keep the Trifecta template on my screens and refer to it on occassion.  I still maintain that It could be used as a stand-alone indicator;system, much like the K39. As with the K39 and ADX, it may not get all of the moves, but it will sure keep one out of bad trends and get a very large part of uptrends.

At the least, if it shows uptrending stocks, short term longs could be taken with a measure of confidence. I happen to have EWY on my screen as I write and I notice that the Trifecta called the Mar 09 turn. EWY bottomed at 20something and Trifecta signaled at 25.32.  It followed this trend with few whipsaws till the sell signal in May at 33.92.

About a 34% gain.

EWY went into lateral consolidation from May till Mid-July when Trifecta again gave a good buy signal.

This run went from $37.21 to the sell at $45.82 in October 21.

Somewhere around a 21% gain

In Jan it generated a buy signal at $49.35. With the collapse of the known universe on Jan 22, EWY generated a sell signal at $47.61, for a loss of less than 4%, primarily due to that day being quite a sell-off.  It has kept one on the sidelines since then.

This represents about half of a buy and hold profit, providing that the buy and holder got in at the very bottom and still held the stock.  (In a few weeks this may well no longer be true.)  No would this be true if one got a good return on your capital while not invested in EWY

All in all, a respectable performance, I would think.

It keeps one in all of the major moves, gives few whipsaws, and keeps one from trading when things are going bad. including most of the lateral consolidations.  True, it does miss some at the start and at the end.

Perhaps someone has a method that does get the very top and the very bottom.


Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:51:22 PM
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Thanks for the welcoming words Apsll.  Hopefully I'll get some "benefit of the doubt" leeway from the "senior posters" as well soon.

Just for clarification purposes and as a final note, because I was rushing out to catch the Super Bowl, my last entry had a few terms mixed up in a few spots but I think people get the point: Big business in general and big banks in particular, with their extraordinary lobbying power and influence on Congress, are arguably fascist/corporatist, and Obama is against this. The average American should be against this too, and the newly Supreme Court-granted "right"  of corporations (which are NEITHER PEOPLE, NOR CITIZENS) to have even more political sway through unlimited campaign contributions, should be objected to as well.

Finally, for the record, I think Obama and Geithner's decision to CONTINUE to bail out the banks (after Bush and Paulson started the ball rolling in that direction at the end of 2008), was a bad decision by BOTH administrations and BOTH political parties.  Perhaps the common denominator of Bernanke as head of the Fed should be receiving more scrutiny after all.

If we lived in a truly capitalistic and market driven society, then failing businesses should have been allowed to fail.  Granted, who knows what would have happened, for better or worse, but it's just a bit hypocritical to put money down the rat hole of over-leveraged institutions, only to see them pay back the TARP funds in November just in time to dole out holiday bonuses.  What a waste of our collective good money indeed!
Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:56:18 PM
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Now, back to the main purpose of this forum on the issues of technical analysis (and I hope people can go with me on the segue and transition), I'll be sure to take a look at your CCI20 strategy and give you some feed back on that as soon I get the chance.

As an initial trading-oriented contribution to this discussion forum, one of my more recent strategies has been to use the "usual suspect" indicators (MACD, Williams %R, and Stochastics) but to"stretch them out" over time...

Meaning, instead of the usual 12, 26, 9 setting for MACD, I've been adding another MACD in the same indicator window but set at 24, 52 and 1simply doubling each period.  I've had to tweak the colors of each indicator just to not get them mixed up in the same window, but my buying and selling on respective bullish and bearish crossovers are the same.  Watching the "fast" (regular) and "slow" MACD (with doubled periods) cross over each other, and their separate zero lines, has been a great confirmation signal (in my opinion).

Nothing particularly difficult or innovative on my end, as I'm probably not the first to do this, but I'm curious as to what people in the room may have experienced with any similar strategies.  Any and all insights are welcome.

Chat soon and have a great trading week everybody - and thanks in advance!
Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 12:19:26 AM
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QUOTE (diceman)

It gets even better. Now China is on board for Obama.

To bad the analysis stopped with Hitler/Mussolini/China.
Would love to hear what Pol Pot, Mao and Marx (after all he's the "real deal") think of Obama?

Quote's Mao Zedong:

"U.S. imperialism, and European and domestic reactionary forces, represent real dangers"

"It is also important to unite with the middle peasants, and educate them on the failings of capitalism."

Sound  familiar?????

Its interesting when one wants to denounce America they use Communist, Socialist, Marxist
regimes. (with a few butchers, thugs and murders thrown in for good measure)
as their benchmark of thought.
(or maybe lack of thought?)

Just so were clear with the arguments made so far.
China, Hitler, Mussolini, would have been "onboard" with Obama.

Great arguments guys.

I can only wonder who our next Obama supporter will be?




Nonsense.  You can always find the other side of the coin on any intelectual debate.
The truth is that any system for the most part can work without abuses.  But on the same token it is also true that no system will work if abused.

As long as our capitalist system continues to allow more and more abuses it will fail to the ground.
It is much harder to stop a capitalist system from crashing because the complexity of its goverment and the complexity of multidirectional influences, decisions, and legistration.

Remember the fall of the Roman Empire - what created the chaos?  Similarities to the falling of our systems?
It took over 100 yrs for the empire to fall, and some may claime that it never fell since rome still exists today.

Obama is not the whole problem here.  The banks bailout programs started with the Republican administration, and the globalization way before that.
The health system has been running the system down for years, yet there is enough lobbying from the pharmaceutical, insurance, and health industry to stop an universal coverage from happening.  This country will never be able to compete with the world without it.

Anyways, and on and on and on.  What benefits you doesn't benefit me - That is a rat race, and only the stronger (richest) will win.

Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 12:45:43 AM
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Posts: 14
QUOTE (Apsll)
Howdy John. You are correct that it is not worth an argument among friends. 

WSE suggested to me that professional traders are aware of this indicator and do use it. I have also heard that they respect certain moving averages as well. I have seen that the indicator works better when price is moving in a certain way so I guess that there is one indicator added to the mix. I have noticed that Money stream seems to be on the move when price and CCI20 are aligned so I guess that I could outline a system that if played right could prove to be profitable.

I designed a trading system once that some folks liked on the forum. I traced certain momentum patterns back to their bottoms right as price was breaking into a rally. What I saw was that TSV was crossing up over its 13 day moving average as price was crossing over the 50 day moving average... I forget the third thing but I called the system the "Trifecta" Mammon where are you now.....

A system is hard to stay faithfull to though because you have to trade on the right side of the screen and no system is 100 percent accurate so what if your draw-downs out weigh your winners? There is no getting around it. Trading is not easy.

I don't know of a single institutional trader, electronic system trading used by institutional traders, or MM that uses CCI in any way or form.
This is not a system of any kind, it is a public domain indicator that has been around for over 30 years.  It was created by Donald Lambert in 1980.

If this was of any profitable use, do you really think that it wouldn't be put to use by real money?

Please stop misleading people by telling them lies and claims that are false.
This is not really more effective than taking buying and selling signals from moon cycles.

Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 12:58:01 AM
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Joined: 10/16/2005
Posts: 31
Steppinstone, you committed a factual error, the SCOUS DID NOT ALLOW foreign corporations or even China to be involved in our elections. 
Perhaps you remember the State of the Union, where the Supreme Court Justice was shaking his head and saying "not true". You like many overlooked Federal law which prevents foreign involvement which was not struck down, only that part of the McCain/Feingold bill that prohibited free speach by you and I plus corporations. I suggest you read the case decision before making blanket statements which you heard on the liberal media.

After 75 years let me give you a tip, never ever believe a politican!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They ALL lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 12:58:50 AM
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QUOTE (agm32)

well I'm now convinced. read between the lines.

steppingstoneent = apsll

From what I have read in these Apsll threads in this forum, I must agree here that it is very possible that this is true.  It seems this fellow  Apsll used to create so many imaginary users that I wouldn't be surprise that it may be happening again.
It seems bigblock was big in econopolitics, and so may apsll wants to also imitate that in the soul of another character since as clearly stated in his writings he himself has no intellectual capacity to conduct that kind of debates.
Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 1:25:41 AM

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Joined: 3/21/2006
Posts: 4,308
Well Steppingstone, it looks like you have already accumulated a fan base. Do not let it bother you as we have our share of trolls like most other sites. The Wordens are pretty good about removing them. I hope that you have a thick hide..

I will plot your indicators and take them for a test drive. I will give you some feed-back soon. 

Thanks for chiming in Mammon. It feels good to have old friends still around. Please participate more often, I am feeling that the Markets are going to rally a bit and with my new found free time I would like to bounce some ideas off you. Your perspective on the markets is refressing.

John, I believe that Davidjohnhall did do some testing on the CCI strategy. (yes I admit that strategy might be a more correct term) If I remember correctly his finding were not good but you know how I stand on the results from such sterile and clinical tests...

See you all in the Morning. I will be trading with some friends on Skype and checking in here also...

Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 12:53:59 PM
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Joined: 1/28/2005
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"Nonsense.  You can always find the other side of the coin on any intelectual debate."

I'm not even sure this coin has one-side. (maybe counterfeit currency is the best descripton)
Since this so called argument is pretty silly to begin with.

You seem to be lost in the distinction between making arguments and actually convincing someone
of your argument.

Arguments have to be adjusted for:

Hidden Agenda's
Broken Moral Compass

Thats why some are careful and thoughtful about what they say.
Once you have trashed your reputatoin its difficult to command respect.

Making an argument doesn't win your argument.

If simply stating something won an argument.
Then I could just say "Your wrong" and were done.

You can make arguments all day long:

The Sun is cold
Water is dry.

Good luck trying to get someone to believe you.


Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 1:06:22 PM
Registered User
Joined: 2/3/2010
Posts: 14
QUOTE (diceman)

"Nonsense.  You can always find the other side of the coin on any intelectual debate."

I'm not even sure this coin has one-side. (maybe counterfeit currency is the best descripton)
Since this so called argument is pretty silly to begin with.

You seem to be lost in the distinction between making arguments and actually convincing someone
of your argument.

Arguments have to be adjusted for:

Hidden Agenda's
Broken Moral Compass

Thats why some are careful and thoughtful about what they say.
Once you have trashed your reputatoin its difficult to command respect.

Making an argument doesn't win your argument.

If simply stating something won an argument.
Then I could just say "Your wrong" and were done.

You can make arguments all day long:

The Sun is cold
Water is dry.

Good luck trying to get someone to believe you.


Believe?  Belief is a sense usually not based on facts, but on preference, interest, and ignorance.

Posted : Monday, February 8, 2010 1:10:20 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138
I'm not in the mood for giving out a bunch of warnings. If everybody keeps it up I'm going to start locking more topics and banning people.

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