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Profile: JDiStefano
User Name: JDiStefano
Groups: Gold User, Member, TeleChart
Rank: Registered User
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Joined: Saturday, May 20, 2006
Last Visit: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:52:06 AM
Number of Posts: 101
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: price and volume cumulative indicator
Posted: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:58:36 PM
is it possible in TC to plot an indicator that counts the total number of times in the last X days that  (C>C1and V>V1)
Topic: Options charts
Posted: Sunday, February 17, 2008 12:05:34 PM
I think tradestation has what you are looking for.  You can plot the specific option strike historical price action. you can also plot imploed volatilities and statistical volatility as well.  The optionOracle is another great option analysis package and its free @ you can't plot in Tradestation, I bet you'll find @ the Oracle.  Hopefully one of these  days TC will incorporate options data
Topic: Stop loss
Posted: Saturday, January 6, 2007 5:26:42 PM
There is a "current trade" block. green arrow used in trade stops..It seems the output of this block is the date and bars values..conceptually , it seems like easy coding.

If the Low on THIS day < Low on the buy date then
addtooutput(XXXX, true)
addtooutput(XXXX, false)
end if

loop back and look for tomorrows low etc...

few issues first I could not get a bar to t/f block to connect to the t/f arrow for the output, and I do not know how to "address" the info being passed into the block and I do not know how to set up an array that starts fom the date the trade started to inputcount-1. can you shed some light on this..

This is certainly a basic exit strategy that needs to be addressed..
Topic: Stop loss
Posted: Thursday, January 4, 2007 7:05:18 PM
Thankyou Bruce.....if I want to see RBR's in a weekly chart, do I just change the Prices 1day block to 5 and display a weekly chart?

Topic: Stop loss
Posted: Thursday, January 4, 2007 4:46:25 PM
How could I create a stoploss that uses the low of the day the buy condition is met?For example...stay in this trade(long) until x% profit or close is lower than the low made on the day the buy condition was met.
Topic: code question
Posted: Monday, January 1, 2007 11:36:40 PM
what you said is what I am trying to avoid. You mentioned that there is a bug in the program and that until it's fixed, any code needs to output false on ever occurance that is not true(no skipping). So, What I am trying to do is look for a pattern (RBR from another thread which I think you are familiar with) and when the pattern is found look for when price returns to that base area for the first time..that is the buy..

You developed the "candlestick long" block a few weeks ago which conceptually did what I wanted..To refresh just looked for some price...$50(that was the pattern) and the buypoint was the first and only time the price = $55(the return to the "base") but I have been unable to manipulate it to do what I ultimately need.

So...Instead, I tried another approach using nested For next loops. The outer one scrolls thru the data looking for a pattern... if it is found, the inner loop looks for a buy point and if it finds one it outputs true...great!! and if it does not it outputs false but eventually the outer loop scrolling thru looking for patterns meets up with that buypoint and if a pattern is not found or a buypoint is not found it tries to mark it as false..erasing the buy, I wanted to test it before assigning a false to it..

what I came up with is:

If InputValue(i) = True Theh
End If

But even though it seems to work, it is not exactly what I need. The code for defining the RBR is on another thread. So, until the fix is in place for this bug, Can you incorporate my definition of the rally base rally into your candlestick long blockcode?

Topic: code question
Posted: Monday, January 1, 2007 12:13:06 PM
if you have a for next loop that outputs a date and T/F, is there a way to determine or test the value on that date? for instance, if on a date... say inputdate(i).. if that value has been assigned a value = true then do not change it to false maybe on a second pass. I understand there is a bug and all dates need to have a value of false( no skipping) I think my code overwrites true dates to false dates and I want to check the value assignment before changing it to false.

Topic: Visual basic
Posted: Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:46:01 PM
OK Thanks...put that where I had x=inputcount-1?
Topic: Visual basic
Posted: Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:24:42 PM
Thanks..but I guess what I am asking is can you have a for next loop indexing with "i" find a date and value then with index"x" scroll forward from that point in time( from i) and look for that same value?

and then return to the "i" for next loop and continue:

for i = 0 to inputcount -1
look for some thing and
if found ( call it buypoint)then
for x = i to inputcount -1
look for the buypoint again(only one occurance)
if found again then
addtooutput buypoint(x)
end if
end if

something like that?
Topic: Visual basic
Posted: Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:01:10 PM
I have a code block that has a for next loop using i to index thru the data.. Is it possible to nest another for next loop with in it and use another variable say x to further ahead in the data? then revert back to where i was/is and continue? for instance:

For i As Integer = 1 To inputcount -1
if XYZ(i) = true then (looking for a pattern)
found = true
for x as integer = (i+3) to inputcount-1
< look ahead for price to be < the inputhigh(i).. look thru all the data for the first instance
end if <go back to i and look for another pattern>

I know this won't compile.. I am thinking conceptually.. also would it be possible to actually talk to someone regarding coding something?
