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Version 17 PCF Capabilities Topic Rating:
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Posted : Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:54:34 PM
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Joined: 9/17/2010
Posts: 484

Is there any systemic overview of the new PCF Capabilities available or planned? A few hints were dropped here earlier, but I need more to address my need for a fix.


Posted : Wednesday, January 18, 2017 8:12:55 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

TC2000 v17 Syntax (Alphabetical)

* -> Multiply (Mathematical Operator)

/ -> Divide or Ratio (Mathematical Operator)

+ -> Add (Mathematical Operator)

++ -> Add (Mathematical Operator)

-- -> Add (Mathematical Operator)

- -> Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)

+- -> Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)

-+ -> Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)

\ -> Integer Divide (Mathematical Operator)

^ -> Power (Mathematical Operator)

> -> Greater Than (Boolean relational operator)

>= -> Greater Than or Equal To (Boolean relational operator)

< -> Less Than (Boolean relational operator)

<= -> Less Than or Equal To (Boolean relational operator)

= -> Equal To (Boolean relational operator)

<> -> Not Equal To (Boolean relational operator)

() -> Parentheses will force an operation to perform earlier in the order.

(b) -> returns -1 if b is true and 0 if b is false

ABS(b) -> returns 1 if b is true and 0 if b is false

ABS(w) -> Absolute Value - Calculates w. Returns a positive value of the same magnitude as w if w is negative. Otherwise returns w.

ADX(d, s, z) -> Average Diretional Index (d = DI Period and s = Smooth Period)

ADXd.s.z -> Average Directional Index (d = DI Period and s = Smooth Period)

AND -> AND (Boolean Logical Operator)

ARCCOS(w) -> Inverse cosine - returns the angle in radians whose cosine (adjacent / hypotenuse) is the specified number.

ARCCOSH(w) -> Inverse hyperbolic cosine - returns LOG(w + SQR(w ^ 2 - 1))

ARCCOT(w) -> Inverse cotangent - returns the angle in radians whose cotangent (adjacent / opposite) is the specified number.

ARCCOTH(w) -> Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - returns LOG((w + 1) / (w - 1)) / 2

ARCCSC(w) -> Inverse cosecant - returns the angle in radians whose cosecant (hypotenuse / opposite) is the specified number.

ARCCSCH(w) -> Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - returns LOG((1 + SQR(1 + w ^ 2)) / w)

ARCSEC(w) -> Inverse secant - returns the angle in radians whose secant (hypotenuse / adjacent) is the specified number.

ARCSECH(w) -> Inverse hyperbolic cosceant - returns LOG(1 + SQR(1 + SQR(1 - w ^ 2)) / w)

ARCSIN(w) -> Inverse sine - returns the angle in radians whose sine (opposite / hypotenuse) is the specified number.

ARCSINH(w) -> Inverse hyperbolic sine - returns LOG(w + SQR(w ^ 2 - 1))

ARCTAN(w) -> Inverse tangent - returns the angle in radians whose tangent (opposite / adjacent) is the specified number.

ARCTANH(w) -> Inverse hyperbolic tangent - returns LOG((1 + w) / (1 - w)) / 2

AROONDOWN(xz) -> Aroon Down portion of Aroon Indicator

AROONDOWNx.z -> Aroon Down portion of Aroon Indicator

AROONUP(xz) -> Aroon Up portion of Aroon Indicator

AROONUPx.z -> Aroon Up portion of Aroon Indicator

ATN(w) -> Returns the angle in radians whose tangent (opposite / adjacent) is the specified number.

ATR(xz) -> Average True Range (uses simple moving average for smoothing)

ATRx.z -> Average True Range (uses simple moving average for smoothing)

AVG(wx) -> Simple Moving Average - Returns the x period simple moving average of w.

AVGwx.z -> Simple Moving Average of Price Component or Volume over a specified span of bars ending on the specified bar (w must be O, H, L, C or V).

BBBOT(dxz) -> Bottom Bollinger Band (d = width in standard deviations +/- centerline)

BBBOTd.x.z -> Bottom Bollinger Band (d = whole number width in standard deviations +/- centerline)

BBTOP(dxz) -> Top Bollinger Band (d = width in standard deviations +/- centerline)

BBTOPd.x.z -> Top Bollinger Band (d = whole number width in standard deviations +/- centerline)

BOP(yz) -> Balance of Power (Green>30,Red<-30,Yellow30to–30)

BOPy.z -> Balance of Power (Green>30,Red<-30,Yellow30to–30)

C(z) -> Close/Current Price of the specified bar

Cz -> Close/Current Price of the specified bar

CCI(xz) -> Commodity Channel Index

CCIx.z -> Commodity Channel Index

CLG(w) -> Log Base 10

COS(w) -> Returns the cosine (adjacent / hypotenuse) of the specified angle in radians.

COTH(w) -> Hyperbolic cotangent - returns (e ^ w + e ^ -w) / 2

CountTrue(bx) -> Will return the number of times Boolean formula was true in the period

CSC(w) -> Returns the cosecant (hypotenuse / opposite) of the specified angle in radians.

CSCH(w) -> Hyperbolic cosecant - returns 2 / (e ^ w - e ^ -w)

DIMINUS(xz) -> Directional Movement DI- component

DIMINUSx.z -> Directional Movement DI- component

DIPLUS(xz) -> Directional Movement DI+ component

DIPLUSx.z -> Directional Movement DI+ component

EXP(w) -> Natural Exponent

FAVG(wx) - > Front Weighted Moving Average - Returns the x period front weighted moving average of w.

FAVGwx.z -> Front Weighted Moving Average of Price Component or Volume over a specified span of bars ending on the specified bar (w must be O, H, L, C or V).

GREATEST(v, w) -> Allows an unlimited number of arguments separated by commas and returns the argument with the highest value.

H(z) -> High Price of the specified bar

Hz -> High Price of the specified bar

HAVG(wx) - > Hull Moving Average - Returns the x period Hull moving average of w.

HAVGwx.z -> Hull Moving Average of Price Component or Volume with the specified period ending on the specified bar (w must be O, H, L, C or V).

IIF(btf) -> returns t if b is true and f if b is false

L(z) -> Low Price of the specified bar

Lz -> Low Price of the specified bar

LEAST(v, w) -> Allows an unlimited number of arguments separated by commas and returns the argument with the lowest value.

LOG(w) -> Natural Log

MACD(slz) -> Exponential Moving Average Convergence Divergence Oscillator (s = short period, l = long period)

MACDs.l.z -> Exponential Moving Average Convergence Divergence Oscillator (s = short period, l = long period)

MAX(wx) -> Maximum - Returns the highest value of w over the most recent x bars.

MAXwx.z -> Maximum Value of Price Component or Volume over a specified span of bars ending on the specified bar (w must be O, H, L, C or V).

MIN(wx) -> Minimum - Returns the lowest value of w over the most recent x bars.

MINwx.z -> Minimum Value of Price Component or Volume over a specified span of bars ending on the specified bar (w must be O, H, L, C or V).

MOD -> Modulo (Mathematical Operator)

MS(yz) -> MoneyStream (MS) and Cumulative MoneyStream (CMS) are the same

MSy.z -> MoneyStream (MS) and Cumulative MoneyStream (CMS) are the same

NAND -> NAND (Boolean Logical Operator) Not And

NOR -> NOR (Boolean Logical Operator) Not Or

NOT(b) -> NOT() Function (Boolean Logical Operator) (turns true to false and turns false to true)

O(z) -> Open Price of the specified bar

Oz -> Open Price of the specified bar

OBV(yz) -> On Balance Volume

OBVy.z -> On Balance Volume

OR -> OR (Boolean Logical Operator)

RSI(xyz) -> Relative Strength Index (RSI) - not Wilder's Smoothed

RSIx.y.z -> Relative Strength Index (RSI) - not Wilder's Smoothed

SEC(w) -> Returns the secant (hypotenuse / adjacent) of the specified angle in radians.

SECH(w) -> Hyperbolic secant - returns 2 / (e ^ w + e ^ w)

SGN(w) -> Sign (-1, 0 or 1) - Returns -1 if w is negative, 0 if w is zero and 1 if w is positive.

SIN(w) -> Returns the sine (opposite / hypotenuse) of the specified angle in radians.

SinceTrue(bx) -> returns -1 if Boolean Formula was not true in period, or bars since it was true, 0 being the current bar, and period-1 the max it will return

SINH(w) -> Hyperbolic sine - returns (e ^ w - e ^ -w) / 2

SQR(w) -> Square Root

STDDEV(xz) -> Standard Deviation

STDDEVx.z -> Standard Deviation

STOC(xyz) -> Simple Stochastic

STOCx.y.z -> Simple Stochastic

SUM(wx) - > Sum - Adds together the value of w over the most recent x bars.

TAN(w) -> Returns the tangent (opposite / adjacent) of the specified angle in radians.

TANH(w) -> Hyperbolic tangent - returns (e ^ w - e ^ -w) / 2

TrueInRow(bx) -> Will return a value between 0 and period that is how many times the Boolean formula was true in a row

TSV(yz) -> Time Segmented Volume

TSVy.z -> Time Segmented Volume

V(z) -> Volume of the specified bar

Vz -> Volume of the specified bar

WRSI(xz) -> Wilder's Relative Strength Index (RSI) - Wilder's Smoothed

WRSIx.z -> Wilder's Relative Strength Index (RSI) - Wilder's Smoothed

WSTOC(xyz) -> Worden Stochastic

WSTOCx.y.z -> Worden Stochastic

XAVG(wx) -> Exponential Moving Average- Returns the x period exponential moving average of w.

XAVGwx.z -> Exponential Moving Average of Price Component or Volume with the specified period ending on the specified bar (w must be O, H, L, C or V).

XDOWN(v, w, x) -> Returns true when v is greater than w at x bars ago and v is less than or equal to w now. x defaults to 1 if not supplied.

XNOR -> XNOR (Boolean Logical Operator) Not Exclusive Or

XOR -> XOR (Boolean Logical Operator) Exclusive Or

XUP(v, w, x) -> Returns true when v is less than w at x bars ago and v is greater than or equal to w now. x defaults to 1 if not supplied.

The first numeric parameter of in indicator is not separated from the indicator. The numeric parameters in indicators are separated from each other with periods.

Functions have the arguments inside parentheses. The arguments in functions are separated by commas.

Where b can be any formula which returns a true or false result

Where f is a formula returning a numeric result

Where t is a formula returning a numeric result

Where v can be any formula which returns a numeric value

Where w can be any formula which returns a numeric value

Where x is the Period of the Indicator

Where y is a the Period of an additional Simple Moving Average

Where z is the number of Bars Ago. z can also be a date. May 4, 2015 would be (single quotes required): '05/04/2015'

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Posted : Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:51:13 AM
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Posted : Wednesday, February 1, 2017 12:17:15 PM
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  Thank you.


Posted : Tuesday, February 14, 2017 12:11:58 PM
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Joined: 5/23/2006
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Hi Bruce,

Is it possible now in V17 to embed comments in the PCF code?


- Mark


Posted : Tuesday, February 14, 2017 12:14:32 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
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No, it is not currently possible to embed comments in the PCF code.

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Posted : Friday, March 10, 2017 12:24:08 PM
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Bruce, what is the significance of the brackets around the x,y, z variable?

Example: What is rgw difference between

WRSI(xz) -> Wilder's RSI (Wilder's Smoothed)

WRSIx.z -> Wilder's RSI (Wilder's Smoothed)

and when would I use one or the other?
Posted : Saturday, March 11, 2017 10:23:05 PM
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Believe it or not "RGW" is supposed to be THE - I was in a darkened hotel room at the time :-)

Posted : Monday, March 13, 2017 1:43:00 PM

Worden Trainer

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The first version with the parantheses is the function version. The arguments are separated by commas and you can have a space after that comma before the next argument. The numeric arguments can be non-intergers.

The second version without the parentheses is the indicator version. The arguments are sparated by periods and you cannot have a space after that period befor the next argument. The numeric arguments need to integers because there is no way to specify the part of the number after the decimal marker if it is not an integer.

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Posted : Monday, March 13, 2017 8:07:00 PM
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Took me a minute to figure out (I think) what is meant by the two different uses (had some wine with dinner) 

Function Version: Use if I want to plot directly on chart

Indicator Version: Use if I want to use within a PCF

Am I correct?

Wine was Kirkland (Costco) Old Vines Zinfandel - recommended

Posted : Wednesday, March 15, 2017 1:46:14 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
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You can use both versions both in standard Personal Criteria Formulas and in Custom PCF Indicators on the chart. The difference is just in how the formula is written.

This can make a difference functionally. With Bollinger Bands for example, you can't specify anything besides integer multiples of standard deviation for the widths in the indicator version.

This is because the indicator version separates all of the arguments with periods all in a row while the function version separates the arguments with commas and can have spaces between arguments.

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Posted : Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:28:16 PM
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Posts: 10
Good evening sir
In that programming language is develop Worden?
thank you in advance
Posted : Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:55:19 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
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The Personal Criteria Formula Language is internally developed by Worden Brothers.

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Posted : Sunday, March 19, 2017 7:22:39 PM
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Posts: 35

Hi Bruce,

I've been trying to figure out how to calculate the Biggest range(High-Low)  OF the last 10 days..... but not coming up w/anything good.... Since I know you know this stuff VERY well will you help me out?


Posted : Monday, March 20, 2017 12:09:41 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

Please try the following if want to include the current bar.

MAX(H - L, 10)

Or the following if you want to exclude the current bar.

MAX(H1 - L1, 10)

Personal Criteria Formulas
TC2000 Support Articles
Posted : Thursday, April 6, 2017 1:16:22 PM
Gold Customer Gold Customer

Joined: 5/16/2014
Posts: 57



Thay added new time frames on the intraday charts.  Basically, they partitioned the trading day into 13, 26, 39, 65, 78, 130, 195 minute time frames.  These numbers factor into 390 trading minutes evenly, so a 26 minute chart  being 15 periods and a 39 miute chart having 10 periods  


I've been asking TC2000 for years for a 60 minute bar that open and closes on the bottom of the hour, but now I have 65 minute chart that open and closes at ~10:35am.  They were almost there and were so close to success.  Unfortunately,  they couldn't resist to throw an additional 5 minute bar into time frame for no reason but to divide the day into 6 even segments.   What's the significance of 10:35, or better yet, what's the significance of the next 65m bar closing at 11:40, and what's the advantage of the  additional corresponding closing and openings of this time frame as a whole???  Also, I can ask the same question of all the new time frames ?
Having equal timed partitions seems to be irrelevant, at least to me.   The bottom of the hour 60m would be the reverse of the traditional 60.  The last hour of the "bottom of the hour 60" would be equal to the last 30 minutes of trading.  Similar to the traditional 60 being equal to the first the 30 minutes of trading.  Having  equal sized bars or periods  doesn't fit my model and its very discerning to me.   I have requested the "bottom of the hour 60" for years and they failed to meet a simple need, it's even more troubling they just do things on a whim while I've been providing  evidence for this for years.  
Posted : Thursday, April 6, 2017 2:48:25 PM
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QUOTE (jklmttrader)



Thay added new time frames on the intraday charts.  Basically, they partitioned the trading day into 13, 26, 39, 65, 78, 130, 195 minute time frames.  These numbers factor into 390 trading minutes evenly, so a 26 minute chart  being 15 periods and a 39 miute chart having 10 periods  


I've been asking TC2000 for years for a 60 minute bar that open and closes on the bottom of the hour, but now I have 65 minute chart that open and closes at ~10:35am.  They were almost there and were so close to success.  Unfortunately,  they couldn't resist to throw an additional 5 minute bar into time frame for no reason but to divide the day into 6 even segments.   What's the significance of 10:35, or better yet, what's the significance of the next 65m bar closing at 11:40, and what's the advantage of the  additional corresponding closing and openings of this time frame as a whole???  Also, I can ask the same question of all the new time frames ?
Having equal timed partitions seems to be irrelevant, at least to me.   The bottom of the hour 60m would be the reverse of the traditional 60.  The last hour of the "bottom of the hour 60" would be equal to the last 30 minutes of trading.  Similar to the traditional 60 being equal to the first the 30 minutes of trading.  Having  equal sized bars or periods  doesn't fit my model and its very discerning to me.   I have requested the "bottom of the hour 60" for years and they failed to meet a simple need, it's even more troubling they just do things on a whim while I've been providing  evidence for this for years.  

I don't think you can get around this. Either you count the first half hour as one hour, or you count the last half hour. Since close is more important, I would count the last full hour as one hour.

If you are concerned about the alignment. You can use 30 minute chart.

Just my two cents.

Posted : Friday, April 7, 2017 8:48:35 AM
Gold Customer Gold Customer

Joined: 5/16/2014
Posts: 57


"cant get around this"  I could get aroung this if the programers didn't divide the 390 minutes in a trading  day into equal parts..

I already count 2- 30minute bars witht the formula below.  

((L3<L or L2<L) and (H<H3 or H<H2)) and ((L3<L1 or L2<L1) and (H1<H3 or H1<H2))

Why can't  my questions be answered and what is the reasoning of having a 65 minute bar  closing at 10:35, 11:40, 12:45, 1:50, and 2:55??

There are no reasons for 65 minute bar, other dividing the day by a factor that separates the day into equal parts, which is insignificant to trading and hows no barring on technical analysis...






Posted : Friday, April 7, 2017 11:07:20 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
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I understand your frustration both with the hourly bars ending at the top of the hour instead of the bottom of the hour and with not getting your particular suggestion implemented when you see other customer suggestions making it into the program. Especially when the implemented customer suggestions also relate to time frames.

Hourly bars ending at the bottom of the hour would be more consistent with your other programs. You would prefer the first hour be a full hour than that the last hour be a full hour. The bottom of the hour is a more significant mark than the top of the hour in an hourly time frame for you.

I really am sorry your suggestion didn't make it into the current release. I don't know why other customer's time frame suggestions did make it into the current release while your suggestion did not.

That said, the time frames were added as a result of multiple customer suggestions. Most suggestions are submitted by email (not in the forums), but there are still a few topics about these time frames in the forums. There were customers that had been sticking to TC2000 v12 which switched to TC2000 v17 solely because of the addition of these time frames.

Time frames ending at the bottom of the hour is what you want. You find the new time frames that evenly divide into the trading day useless. Other customers don't and requested these time frames because they wanted to use them in their own trading.

The suggestion you use a 30 minute chart instead of an hourly chart was made by mdhuang. This is another customer, not a staff member. I know it isn't an adequate work around for you, but attacking or denigrating other customers and their ideas isn't allowed and will get you banned from the forums if it continues.

Personal Criteria Formulas
TC2000 Support Articles
Posted : Friday, April 7, 2017 1:27:10 PM
Gold Customer Gold Customer

Joined: 5/16/2014
Posts: 57

Who are these traders because i want t ask them  what's the advantage of having a 65 minute bar closing at 10:35, 11:40, 12:45, 1:50, and 2:55, as well as the newest time frames.


I'm just curious, becasue if TC2000 added it the lastest build it has to be substantial!!


Posted : Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:07:14 AM
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Just courious. What are the differences between these Add/Subtract operators?

+ -> Add (Mathematical Operator)

++ -> Add (Mathematical Operator)

-- -> Add (Mathematical Operator)

- -> Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)

+- -> Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)

-+ -> Subtract or Difference (Mathematical Operator)

Posted : Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:21:34 AM

Worden Trainer

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Posts: 65,138

As far as I can tell from the testing I have done, all of the add operators work the same and all of the subtract operators work the same. I included the various versions in the list instead of just + and - only because these variations are explicitly coded into the PCF Language for whatever reason.

Personal Criteria Formulas
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Posted : Sunday, November 12, 2017 7:24:12 PM

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Joined: 11/16/2015
Posts: 105
Bruce I am looking for the formular list  for the p o f version 17, is it going to this the teacher thousand help with page and get it there, I do not see it there, can you send me that used to be on the but I can't even find it on the forms, the criteria formulas, here's a list of the ones I was gone for,
Personal Criteria Formula (PCF)
 Indicator (PCF) Formula
 Condition (PCF) Formula
 (True/False) Conditions
Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 3:24:46 PM
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Joined: 11/18/2017
Posts: 56

HI Bruce,

Is there any way to auto refresh scans, instead of manual refresh in v17?


Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 3:27:26 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

Streaming EasyScans are a feature of TC2000 Platinum.

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Posted : Tuesday, December 19, 2017 7:05:33 AM
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Joined: 8/10/2014
Posts: 10

Hi Bruce,

Is there a way to use input from two symbols. Like plot symbol1 / symbol2 ?

Thanks in advance

Posted : Wednesday, December 20, 2017 10:07:21 AM
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There is a user who speaks Spanish and can explain a bit how this wonderful platform works to be able to buy. Thank you.
Posted : Wednesday, December 20, 2017 10:21:16 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

We don't have any support materials or program features in Spanish, but if you have specific questions, you could send them to technical support.

We also have a 30 day money back guarantee. This would give you time to see if you you could figure out the features. If it doesn't work out, it wouldn't cost you anything.

Personal Criteria Formulas
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Posted : Monday, January 29, 2018 9:06:24 PM
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Posts: 5


Can you please help with wth this. I have a 72 period CCI on the chart and would like to add 5 Day Smoothed vesion of that CCI. I'm currently using Version 18.0




Posted : Tuesday, January 30, 2018 8:43:51 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

The easiest way to do this would be to just add a 5 period moving average to the CCI on the chart. If you don't want to see the raw 72 period CCI, you can edit it to drag the Opacity setting all the way to the left.

A formula for the raw 72 period CCI is just:


While the fomula for a 5 period simple moving average of this is just:

AVG(CCI72, 5)

Personal Criteria Formulas
TC2000 Support Articles
Posted : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 2:25:15 PM
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Joined: 3/17/2012
Posts: 1

Hi Bruce,

This is beauifull.. but isome of them need to show an examples of. such as;

1- TrueinRow

2- NOR



the rest are ok and can be understood. what I mean by examples, actual scanning cases using these.

Thank you very much.

Note: will you send me an email for the answer ..pls?


Posted : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 3:27:09 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

The Personal Criteria Formula Syntax Table is a bit better about linking to more detailed articles.

Some recent examples using TrueInRow():

Some recent examples using XDOWN():

I don't think I have ever used NOR or XNOR when answering any customer questions (so would not have any existing examples), but they work pretty much like AND or OR with the exception of the results produced.

While OR will return true as long as one of the arguments is true and AND requires both arguments to be true in order to return true, NOR will return true only if both of its arguments are false and XNOR will only return true if one if its arguments is true and the other argument is false.

So C > C1 OR C > O returns true when the current price is above both the previous close and the current open, returns true when the current price is above either the previous close or the current open but not both, and returns false when the current price is not above either the previous close or the current open.

C > C1 AND C > O returns true when the current price is above both the previous close and the current open, returns false when the current price is above either the previous close or the current open but not both, and returns false when the current price is not above either the previous close or the current open.

C > C1 NOR C > O returns false when the current price is above both the previous close and the current open, returns false when the current price is above either the previous close or the current open but not both, and returns true when the current price is not above either the previous close or the current open.

And C > C1 XNOR C > O returns true when the current price is above both the previous close and the current open, returns false when the current price is above either the previous close or the current open both not both, and returns true when the current price is not above either the previous close or the current open.

Personal Criteria Formulas
TC2000 Support Articles
Posted : Friday, June 15, 2018 6:23:11 AM
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Joined: 1/4/2018
Posts: 2


ist it possible to create a watchlist that contains stocks and add a column to it that displays a specificoption price?

What I want to achieve is a list of stocks were i can see directly where I can get a high option premium without open the open chain and click through every stock.

The best would be to display the IVR or option implied volatility but as I have found in the forum this is not possible.


Best regards,


Posted : Friday, June 15, 2018 6:25:21 AM
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Posts: 2

I want to note that I tried the "implied volatility" value column but it does not show anything when added to a stock watchlist

Posted : Friday, June 15, 2018 7:11:45 AM


Joined: 9/30/2004
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Options Implied Volatility is only available on options symbols, not underlying stocks.

Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2019 2:05:36 PM
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Joined: 1/17/2018
Posts: 7

Hi Bruce,

Please help me  with formula for current stock price (5 minute bar) mnus 20 period moving vwap (5 min bar).  I want to add this formula to a column in my stock watchlist.


Thanks very much


Posted : Tuesday, February 26, 2019 2:16:18 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I do not know of any way to reproduce the VWAP in the current version of TC2000 in order to create the desired WatchList Column.

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