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Posted : Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:55:42 PM
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Joined: 12/2/2004
Posts: 18
Do you have a training session for an EZScan using IBD's CANSLIM criteria ?
Posted : Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:29:37 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
We do not but let me look into it and see what I can come up for you. I'll post something here in next 24 hours.

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Friday, January 21, 2005 8:19:02 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
Here are my thoughts. Please let me know if it makes sense. I am personally not familiar with CANSLIM but did some research. Let me know if I am off the mark on this.

C = Current quarterly earnings per share
20% or more increase in the most recent quarter's EPS vs the same quarter last year.

There is a condition called EPS Percent Change Latest Qtr. Add it to an Easy Scan and set it to a VALUE of 20 or more.

A = Annual earnings per share
Looks for good annual growth over the last five years

Though you cannot look at this for the last five years there is the condition EPS Percent Change Latest Yr. You can set this to fit your own definition of 'good'. There is also Earnings Growth Rate 5-yr available. It is not an EPS but still can be added to the scan and set as high as you see fit.

N = New product/management/price high
New product and a new price high

Obviously you cannot scan for a new product. For stocks making a new high add this PCF to your scan:

S = Supply/Demand
Low shares outstanding with with large insider holding

Latest Float is a condition that is available. Set this as low as you like. Percent Shares Held by Insiders is also in the system. Set this as high as you like.

L = Leader or Laggard
Is the stock a leader or laggard vs. the overall market (typically the SP500)

Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs. SP500) is in the system. Add it and set it as high as you desire.

I = Institutional Sponsorship
Held by Institutions

Percent Shares Held by Institutions is in the system. Add it and set as high as you like.

M = Market Direction
Don't fight the direction of the overall market

There is not an exact condition for this... BUT there is BETA in the system. If the stock moves in the same direction as the market, generally, it will have a positive BETA. You could consider adding BETA to the scan and set it to values greater than 0.

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Saturday, February 5, 2005 8:21:02 PM
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Joined: 1/3/2005
Posts: 28
Since CANSLIM is a proprietary method of stock
selection based upon the provided contents of Invest-
ors Business Daily it is not surprising that Word-
ens have not included it in TC200x—they could have
to pay a license fee for doing so. Let's stay with
things that are included, or we think should be, in
TC200x. Detovrea
Posted : Sunday, February 6, 2005 3:09:17 PM
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Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 3
I was using the pre-release and but lost my hard disk. Now that I have rercovered the disk I'd like to reload the pre-release. Billyhat
Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 11:28:18 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
If you still have the email we sent giving the link to download it, you only need to follow those steps again.

Sorry about your HD!

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:07:09 PM
Gold Customer Gold Customer

Joined: 1/22/2005
Posts: 73
LOve this scan, terrific, and I don't think there can be a better scan developed! Thanks for suggesting it.
Posted : Friday, October 13, 2006 6:59:24 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/1/2004
Posts: 18,819
Glad to hear you are finding value in it.

- Craig
Here to Help!
Posted : Friday, July 20, 2007 11:23:20 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138
I've attached a Strategy Condition for Blocks containing all of the Conditions from Craig's Friday, January 21, 2005 8:19:02 AM ET post. If you want to try it, please download the attached .scond file to:

\My Documents\Blocks Files\Tool Parts\Strategy Conditions

Once downloaded, you should be able to select Add Condition | My Computer when adding a Strategy Condition to access it.

The settings are mostly left unadjusted (the trainers cannot give settings, interpretation or investment advice). You can adjust the settings and view the Block Diagrams using QuickEdit. You can also remove any Condition you don't want.

CANSLIM.scond - 14 KB, downloaded 2,685 time(s).

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Posted : Monday, October 13, 2008 9:10:50 PM
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Joined: 1/30/2005
Posts: 19
I could not seem to select Add Condition | My Computer when adding a Strategy Condition as indicated above when using Blocks 3.1. What am I missing?

Posted : Wednesday, October 15, 2008 12:10:22 AM


Joined: 9/30/2004
Posts: 9,187
QUOTE (jim2138)
I could not seem to select Add Condition | My Computer when adding a Strategy Condition as indicated above when using Blocks 3.1. What am I missing?


The is an old thread from Blocks 2.0.  In Blocks 3.1 conditions are created on the chart and cannot be saved and loaded from disk.
Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2018 11:49:03 AM

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Joined: 6/10/2017
Posts: 1

Hello Bruce,

I put the CANSLIM.scond at \My Documents\Blocks Files\Tool Parts\Strategy Conditions
folder, but not able to find it by search (menu path: EasyScan > Conditions > Search). I am using version 18.0.67.  Can you shed some light to making it to work?


Posted : Monday, July 16, 2018 8:56:05 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

That file is designed for Blocks (StockFinder) and will not work in TC2000. You would need to set up a scan using the conditions outlined in StockGuy's Friday, January 21, 2005 8:19:02 AM ET post to do this in TC2000.

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