Registered User Joined: 5/20/2005 Posts: 178
Dear trainer,
can you tell me the pcf for 5 day price trend vs. Market? I couldn'f find that information on the online help file.
Registered User Joined: 5/20/2005 Posts: 178
can you also tell me the pcf for pe vs. 5 yr avg pe?
thanks again
Registered User Joined: 5/20/2005 Posts: 178
and also the pcfs of the following:
earnings as percent sales 1 year price to sale ratio sales growth rate 5 year
sorry that i kept forgetting something, i promises these are the last 3

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
QUOTEcan you tell me the pcf for 5 day price trend vs. Market? We cannot write a PCF for this because we cannot call on calculations of a group of outside tickers in the PCF language.
QUOTEcan you also tell me the pcf for pe vs. 5 yr avg pe? PCFs cannot be written using fundamentals. This is already a criterion in TeleChart, though, and you can sort and scan by it.
QUOTEearnings as percent sales 1 year price to sale ratio sales growth rate 5 year Again, no PCFs can be written using fundamentals. But, again, all three of these are already criteria in the system.
You can use them in EasyScan or as sort conditions. Please review these videos:
Using EasyScan to find stocks that meet your own criteria Create your own stock rankings using WatchLists and Sort conditions
We only need to create PCFs for conditions NOT included in TeleChart. Here is a list of conditions you can sort and scan by without writing a PCF: Definitions of all built in scanning and sorting criteria
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 1/1/2005 Posts: 2,645
QUOTE (jlin827) can you tell me the pcf for 5 day price trend vs. Market?
There is a good PCF for "5 day price trend vs. Market". The problem is that you will have to change one number each time you Update.
Suppose we wish to compare the 5 day price trend of the stock to SP-500. The PCF for 11/03/06 is:
1000000*(2*LOG(C0)+LOG(C1)-LOG(C3)-2*LOG(C4))/10 - (-2760.42)
The -2760.42 is the number that has to be changed with each new Update.
The procedure for changing the PCF is:
1) Replace the Number by 0 (zero). 2) Test the PCF on SP-500 and copy the resulting Number. 3) Place the Number from 2) in the PCF. 4) Test the PCF on SP-500 again. The result is 0 (zero) or there is a mistake. 5) Update the calculation of the PCF.
The PCF is 1000000 times the 5 day Linear Regression Slope of LOG(C/X) where X is the Close of SP-500. The 1000000 factor is solely for the purpose of allowing the Slope to be read to more significant figures.
The larger the PCF value, the stronger the uptrend compared to that of the SP-500. A value of 0 (zero) means the trends are the same. If we use the PCF:
1000000*(2*LOG(C0)+LOG(C1)-LOG(C3)-2*LOG(C4))/10 - (-2760.42) > 0
the Stocks which are accepted have a stronger uptrend than SP-500.
The use of the Logarithm permits a valid comparison between Stocks. The Stock with the larger PCF value has the stronger uptrend.
If you do not wish to change the PCF on a daily basis, just replace the Number by 0 (zero). Then, the Stocks with the larger PCF values have the stronger uptrend. This is again a consequence of using the Logarithm.
Thanks, Jim Murphy
Registered User Joined: 5/20/2005 Posts: 178
Dear trainers,
Thank you for your input and i have a few follow up questions.
Is it possible to have a pcf or any way to compare current pe vs. high or low of current year's pe not just the average since you are able to compare pe vs. 5 yr avg pe?
and i see that you cannot write a pcf for 5 day price trend vs. Market, but is there a way to find out if a stock moves the way the market moves? for example, a NYSE or sp-500 stock moves up when sp-500 moves up and moves down when sp-500 moves down?
Registered User Joined: 1/1/2005 Posts: 2,645
QUOTE (jlin827) and i see that you cannot write a pcf for 5 day price trend vs. Market, but...
I just gave you a PCF for "5 day price trend vs. Market". So, how did you come up with the above untrue statement?
Maybe you do not consider SP-500 an adequate representitive of the "Market". How about RUA-X, the Russell 3000? If there is no Index adequate to describe the "Market", then such a PCF is beyond practicality.
Thanks, Jim Murphy
Registered User Joined: 5/20/2005 Posts: 178
my bad, Jim, i think i somehow missed your post. So I need to change the last value everyday. That probably is not too convenient. thanks for taking the time to write out the pcf for me.
Do you have any idea on the pe ratio pcf? (compare current pe ratio with the high of pe ratio of the current year or so)

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
As I mentioned in my Saturday, November 04, 2006 8:24:00 AM response:
QUOTEPCFs cannot be written using fundamentals
We cannot write PCFs that use any fundamental data (including P/E). PCFs can only access price, volume or indicators that use price and/or volume.
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Quote:"my bad, Jim, i think i somehow missed your post. So I need to change the last value everyday. That probably is not too convenient. thanks for taking the time to write out the pcf for me."
Cant the SP-500 be put into the watchlist you are looking at?
This would avoid having to change the value each day.
Do a sort. All the stocks above the SP have performed better.
I believe you can use the "J" jump key to find the position of the SP-500 in the watchlist.
Thanks diceman
Registered User Joined: 1/1/2005 Posts: 2,645
You are correct.
Just sort by the PCF:
as suggested.
Thanks, Jim Murphy
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2014 Posts: 18
QUOTE (bustermu) diceman,
You are correct.
Just sort by the PCF:
as suggested.
Jim Murphy
Regarding the above PCF formula for "5 day price trend vs market", what would the PCF forumlas be for "2 day price trend vs market", "3 day price trend vs market" and "4 day price trend vs market"?
Also, what would the forumlas be for 2, 3, 4 and 5 day price trend vs market as of close yesterday?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
2 day price trend vs market
250000 * (LOG(C ) - LOG(C1))
3 day price trend vs market
1000000 * (LOG(C ) - LOG(C2)) / 3
4 day price trend vs market
125000 * (3 * (LOG(C ) - LOG(C3)) + LOG(C1) - LOG(C2))
5 day price trend vs market
100000 * (2 * (LOG(C ) - LOG(C4)) + LOG(C1) - LOG(C3))
2 day price trend vs market yesterday
250000 * (LOG(C1) - LOG(C2))
3 day price trend vs market yesterday
1000000 * (LOG(C1) - LOG(C3)) / 3
4 day price trend vs market yesterday
125000 * (3 * (LOG(C1) - LOG(C4)) + LOG(C2) - LOG(C3))
5 day price trend vs market yesterday
100000 * (2 * (LOG(C1) - LOG(C5)) + LOG(C2) - LOG(C4))
Note the above is just the part bustermu suggested using for the sort in his Sunday, November 05, 2006 10:40:37 AM ET post.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2014 Posts: 18
Also, what would the PCF formula be for the "30 day price trend vs market"?
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2014 Posts: 18
QUOTE (akadre20)
Also, what would the PCF formula be for the "30 day price trend vs market"?
Regarding the above question, I meant to ask for the PCF formula for the "30 day price trend vs market" as of today and also as of close yesterday.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
30 day price trend vs market
200000 * (29 * (LOG(C ) - LOG(C29)) + 27 * (LOG(C1) - LOG(C28)) + 25 * (LOG(C2) - LOG(C27)) + 23 * (LOG(C3) - LOG(C26)) + 21 * (LOG(C4) - LOG(C25)) + 19 * (LOG(C5) - LOG(C24)) + 17 * (LOG(C6) - LOG(C23)) + 15 * (LOG(C7) - LOG(C22)) + 13 * (LOG(C8) - LOG(C21)) + 11 * (LOG(C9) - LOG(C20)) + 9 * (LOG(C10) - LOG(C19)) + 7 * (LOG(C11) - LOG(C18)) + 5 * (LOG(C12) - LOG(C17)) + 3 * (LOG(C13) - LOG(C16)) + LOG(C14) - LOG(C15)) / 899
30 day price trend vs market yesterday
200000 * (29 * (LOG(C1) - LOG(C30)) + 27 * (LOG(C2) - LOG(C29)) + 25 * (LOG(C3) - LOG(C28)) + 23 * (LOG(C4) - LOG(C27)) + 21 * (LOG(C5) - LOG(C26)) + 19 * (LOG(C6) - LOG(C25)) + 17 * (LOG(C7) - LOG(C24)) + 15 * (LOG(C8) - LOG(C23)) + 13 * (LOG(C9) - LOG(C22)) + 11 * (LOG(C10) - LOG(C21)) + 9 * (LOG(C11) - LOG(C20)) + 7 * (LOG(C12) - LOG(C19)) + 5 * (LOG(C13) - LOG(C18)) + 3 * (LOG(C14) - LOG(C17)) + LOG(C15) - LOG(C16)) / 899
Note the above is just the part bustermu suggested using for the sort in his Sunday, November 05, 2006 10:40:37 AM ET post.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
How do you determine the first multiplier?
Lets say a stock measures 1000 in the 30 day above.
Does that actually mean something or is it just a relaltive measure of slope?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I'm just using the factor because that is what bustermu used. My guess is it is a factor designed to make the resulting number large enough to be useful in a sort. I could be missing something however.
If I were going about "choosing a factor", I would probably choose to use an annualized percent slope instead.
finding stocks with nearly flat linear regression line
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2014 Posts: 18
What's the PCF formula for 6, 10 and 20 day "price trend vs market" as of today and close yesterday?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
6 Period Today:
1000000 * (2.5 * LOG(C ) + 1.5 * LOG(C1) + .5 * LOG(C2) - .5 * LOG(C3) - 1.5 * LOG(C4) - 2.5 * LOG(C5)) / 17.5
6 Period Yesterday:
1000000 * (2.5 * LOG(C1 ) + 1.5 * LOG(C2) + .5 * LOG(C3) - .5 * LOG(C4) - 1.5 * LOG(C5) - 2.5 * LOG(C6)) / 17.5
10 Period Today:
1000000 * (4.5 * LOG(C ) + 3.5 * LOG(C1) + 2.5 * LOG(C2) + 1.5 * LOG(C3) + .5 * LOG(C4) - .5 * LOG(C5) - 1.5 * LOG(C6) - 2.5 * LOG(C7) - 3.5 * LOG(C8) - 4.5 * LOG(C9)) / 82.5
10 Period Yesterday:
1000000 * (4.5 * LOG(C1 ) + 3.5 * LOG(C2) + 2.5 * LOG(C3) + 1.5 * LOG(C4) + .5 * LOG(C5) - .5 * LOG(C6) - 1.5 * LOG(C7) - 2.5 * LOG(C8) - 3.5 * LOG(C9) - 4.5 * LOG(C10)) / 82.5
20 Period Today:
1000000 * (9.5 * LOG(C ) + 8.5 * LOG(C1) + 7.5 * LOG(C2) + 6.5 * LOG(C3) + 5.5 * LOG(C4) + 4.5 * LOG(C5) + 3.5 * LOG(C6) + 2.5 * LOG(C7) + 1.5 * LOG(C8) + .5 * LOG(C9) - .5 * LOG(C10) - 1.5 * LOG(C11) - 2.5 * LOG(C12) - 3.5 * LOG(C13) - 4.5 * LOG(C14) - 5.5 * LOG(C15) - 6.5 * LOG(C16) - 7.5 * LOG(C17) - 8.5 * LOG(C18) - 9.5 * LOG(C19)) / 665
20 Period Yesterday:
1000000 * (9.5 * LOG(C1 ) + 8.5 * LOG(C2) + 7.5 * LOG(C3) + 6.5 * LOG(C4) + 5.5 * LOG(C5) + 4.5 * LOG(C6) + 3.5 * LOG(C7) + 2.5 * LOG(C8) + 1.5 * LOG(C9) + .5 * LOG(C10) - .5 * LOG(C11) - 1.5 * LOG(C12) - 2.5 * LOG(C13) - 3.5 * LOG(C14) - 4.5 * LOG(C15) - 5.5 * LOG(C16) - 6.5 * LOG(C17) - 7.5 * LOG(C18) - 8.5 * LOG(C19) - 9.5 * LOG(C20)) / 665
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2014 Posts: 18
What's the PCF formula for a 3 day, 30 day, 60 day and 90 day annualized percent slope?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
100 * (EXP(253 * 6 * (FAVG(LOG(C ), 3) - AVG(LOG(C ), 3)) / (3 - 1)) - 1)
100 * (EXP(253 * 6 * (FAVG(LOG(C ), 30) - AVG(LOG(C ), 30)) / (30 - 1)) - 1)
100 * (EXP(253 * 6 * (FAVG(LOG(C ), 60) - AVG(LOG(C ), 60)) / (60 - 1)) - 1)
100 * (EXP(253 * 6 * (FAVG(LOG(C ), 90) - AVG(LOG(C ), 90)) / (90 - 1)) - 1)
The above formulas assume a daily time frame. The 253 is te number of bars we are using for a year.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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