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Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
Can you help with a PCF? 5 EMA was below the EMA 10 yesterday and today is crossing up thru the 10 EMA (using a value not a true/false).
Thanks in advance. dwm4554

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Your stated condition is Boolean (either True or False). What value do you want returned?
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
Precentage. I plan to add this PFC to a easy scan and fine tune the value scale. Do you have some other value ideas?
thanks, dwm4554
Joined: 9/30/2004 Posts: 9,187
What value are you looking for, exactly? A PCF for the 5 crossing up through the 10 returns only True or False.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
dwm4554, Please try the following:
100 * (XAVGC5 / XAVGC10 - 1) * ABS(XAVGC5 > XAVGC10 AND XAVGC5.1 <= XAVGC10.1)
You may wish to review the following:
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF) Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs! PCF Formula Descriptions
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
I would like to create a PCF (and add the PCF to a easy scan and adjust the value scale)the same as the chart "indicator sort" method using the 5 EMA compared to a 10 EMA. Sort Method: comparison - % difference.
sort results: ZUMZ is 0.14 (I would like find this setup - just crossing) vs. CRK shows 0.62 (the 5 crossing the 10 was days ago)
thanks for your help dwm4554
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
Bruce, Please follow up on my last question for a PCF.
thanks in advance.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
dwm4554, Bumping a topic is strictly prohibited and will not affect when a topic is answered.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
Bruce, I asked you a follow up question (5:38 pm) without a reply from you. And then see other postings answered after mine, I am thinking you have not seen my follow up question. So what do I do?
Do you see follow up questions the same time as a new posting? If so, why would you skip over a existing topic not resolved?
I'm still waiting for you help on the above PCF.
Thanks in advance.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
QUOTE (dwm4554) I asked you a follow up question (5:38 pm) without a reply from you. And then see other postings answered after mine, I am thinking you have not seen my follow up question. So what do I do? You wait your turn patiently like everybody else. There are other unanswered questions in the forums.
QUOTE (dwm4554) Do you see follow up questions the same time as a new posting? Yes.
QUOTE (dwm4554) If so, why would you skip over a existing topic not resolved? Questions are not answered on a first come first served basis, but the order is not arbitrary either. There are lots of factors that affect when a question is answered. Some questions require research. Some questions require writing complex formulas. Some questions can be answered very quickly or by referencing an already existing topic. Some questions require an answer from a specific trainer. There are other factors as well.
QUOTE (dwm4554) I'm still waiting for you help on the above PCF. Yes you are. I really am sorry about that, but some additional testing is still required. It will be answered in due course.
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-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
I"m too busy for this. Enjoy your day. dwwm4554

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I've been testing this and the Personal Criteria Formula already presented in my Wednesday, October 03, 2007 1:29:37 PM ET post returns the same value as an Indicator Sort with the following settings (with one difference):
Sort By: Moving Average 5 - bars Exponential Compared to: Checked - MovAvg 10 Time Frame: Daily Sort Method: Comparison - % Difference
The difference between the results of the Indicator Sort and the results of the PCF is that the PCF returns 0 instead of a positive or negative Value if the 5-Period Exponential Moving Average did not cross up through the 10-Period Exponential Moving Average.
This would seem to allow you to use it as an EasyScan Condition with the EasyScan Rangefinder set to Value: (smallest non-zero value) to Max. It would also allow it to be used as a sort.
This technique can miss some crosses that are very close to zero as a percentage because the EasyScan Rangefinder only displays Values corresponding to Percentile Rank breaks. Unfortunately, the only way around this would violate your requirements (using a value not a true/false). You would create two Personal Criteria Formulas. The first, would find all symbols that crossed up:
The second would be for the value of a Comparison - % Difference (for use with sorts or the EasyScan Rangefinder):
100 * (XAVGC5 / XAVGC10 - 1)
One possible improvement of the PCF originally presented is to make the PCF return a negative value (-1) when the cross did occur to increase the obviousness of the results when looking at a sort (and visually distinguish in a sort between non-crosses and crosses where XAVGC5 is just very close to XAVGC10):
100 * (XAVGC5 / XAVGC10 - 1) * ABS(XAVGC5 > XAVGC10 AND XAVGC5.1 <= XAVGC10.1) + (XAVGC5 <= XAVGC10 OR XAVGC5.1 > XAVGC10.1)
You may wish to review the following:
Using EasyScan to find stocks that meet your own criteria Create your own stock rankings using WatchLists and Sort conditions Comparing indicators using Visual Difference sorts
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
Thanks for your work on these PCF'S. Very helpful.
As you can tell I'm wanting to create a easyscan with a EMA crossover as close to the price turning up as possible. I have added the ones you create and have been working with them.
I know a MA is lagging the price (the reason for the EMA), But these are still a little later on stocks like RGLD, EXC, BIIB, SU which look ready to cross, but hasn't yet (2:30 pm timeframe)
So using the above stocks examples how would I create the 10 EMA >= 5 EMA >= 3 EMA with a sort to find the ones with the 3 EMA closest to the 5 EMA?
Would this be the way you would start? XAVGC10>=XAVG5>=XAVGC3 not sure how to add the 3 closest to the 5?
Thanks in advance for your work. dwm4554

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Your start is very close, but Boolean (True or False) comparisons are done one at a time in TeleChart. This means XAVGC10 >= XAVG5 >= XAVGC3 needs to be written as:
You could create a sort based on the actual difference between EMA5 and EMA3:
But you would probably be better off using a Percentage Difference as you have been doing earlier:
100 * (XAVGC5 / XAVGC3 - 1)
We can use the same technique used above to create a combined formula that returns the Percentage Difference when XAVGC10 >= XAVGC5 AND XAVGC5 >= XAVGC3 is True and -1 if False:
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/9/2006 Posts: 99
Thank You

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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