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Registered User Joined: 4/24/2005 Posts: 5
Ok, so I had a watchlist that was likned to my MIG watchlist which renderd all the symbols in that watchlist. For some reason the same watchlist is not working and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to redo it.....

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
If the WatchLists being displayed were the component WatchLists for the Morningstar Industry Group symbols which start with MG, there is no way to do this in TC2000 version 12.4. These component WatchLists are no longer available in TC2000 and have been replaced by newer sector and industry indexes and component WatchLists.
Using these newer sector and industries to do what you describe is relatively straightforward. When you click on the WatchList name to change the WatchList, it will bring up a list of WatchLists. Near the top of this list is a Quick Lists section which contains Industry and Sector in blue (along with a variety of other quick options).
Clicking on Industry or Sector will bring up a Related Items WatchList in a new window with either Industry or Sector selected at the top depending on what you selected.
This WatchList will automatically change to display the component WatchList of the Industry or Sector of any stock you select for a chart or WatchList with the same Symbol Linking color in the upper right hand corner.
Note that you can also select the Member of tab to list all of the WatchLists to which the active symbol for that Linking Color belong. Clicking on one of the WatchLists in this tab will bring up that component WatchList.
You can click on the Move Window icon (it looks like arrows pointing in four directions) in the upper right of this WatchList and then select where you want to place it to add it to the main layout.
Rearranging & Tabbing Windows
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 42
Is there a way to write a PCF that will let me run a screen that compares the 26 week rate of change % for a stock vs. the 26 week rate of change % for the SP-500.
Example: tonight the sp-500 ROC% is 13.70 based on a weekly calc. and QIHU 26 week ROC% is 78.17. I would like to be able to screen for stocks that have a ROC% 26 weeks that is greater than the market and be able to screen on this critiera.
Registered User Joined: 11/29/2013 Posts: 2
could you advise me on how to ientify a bar at a certain time? for example at 11 am, 11:05

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I do not know of a practical automated method of writing Relative Strength PCFs in either verison of TC2000 as the Personal Criteria Formula Language does not have syntax for referencing other symbols. You may wish to review the following for a semi-automated technique for creating Relative Strength in a PCF:
Indexes in PCF's
It should also be noted that when you click on a Relative Strength (RS) indicator, there will not be an option to Create Scan Condition as there is for most indicators. There will be an option to do this on a child indicator such as a moving average of RS, but even though the option is available, it will not work.
This means it is possible to plot the ratio of one symbol to another on the chart by adding a Relative Strength indicator. You can even get the Relative Strength as a percentage over an arbitrary time period by adding a Rate of Change Percent inidcator to the Relative Strength indicator as a child indicator in TC2000 version 12.4 (but not earlier versions). But you cannot use these plotted values as a WatchList Columns or EasyScan Conditions.
To add a Rate of Change Percent indicator to a Relative Strength indicator in TC2000 version 12.4, you would first add the Relative Strength indicator to the chart and adjust its settings as desired. Then you would add the Rate of Change Percent indicator to the chart. You would need to click on the Rate of Change % indicator on the chart and select Change Data Source to apply it to the Relative Strength indicator.
While it is possible to specify dates in daily PCFs, there is no syntax available to reference the time or bar of the day in intraday PCFs.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 42
First of all thanks for the response.
Secondly, is there a possibility some canned values written such as the 13,26, & 39 week % ROC of the SP-500 that might be then used for screening purposes within the TC2000. Much of this functionality was around in Stock Finder and it seems that with this new product that feature seems to have disappeared.
Trying to figure out how to get the same RS screening power we had in your older product.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The only time frame of relative strength available as a fundamental in TC2000 would be the Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500).
You can click on it and select Add Column to WatchList or Create Scan Condition to create a WatchList Column or condition based on the Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500).
The limitation about not being able to use Relative Strength or its child indicators as a WatchList Column or condition is limited to the actual Relative Strength indicator which can be set to use different symbols as the comparison symbol.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 42
Well it would be nice to have some shorter time frames to run some RS screens on... So you have 52 weeks or 4 QTRS. I would like to request that we might have the same RS 1-YR (vs,SP-500) and also the same item for 13 weeks (1QTR.), 26 weekd(2 QTRS.) and lastly 39 weeks(3 QTRS.). I assume that since Worden has the one year screenable condition it might be able to do some shorter time frames without a great deal difficulty.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Thank you for your suggestion.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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