Registered User Joined: 9/10/2010 Posts: 10
Any thoughts on how to write a PCF for Relative Strength new highs? i generaly use the indicator vs. VTI but would like to be able find stocks making new highs. I'd be happy with 26 week or 52 week or just some direction on how to write the PCF...

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I do not know of a practical automated method of writing Relative Strength PCFs in either verison of TC2000 as the Personal Criteria Formula Language does not have syntax for referencing other symbols. You may wish to review the following for a semi-automated technique for creating Relative Strength in a PCF:
Indexes in PCF's
It should also be noted that when you click on a Relative Strength (RS) indicator, there will not be an option to Create Scan Condition as there is for most indicators. There will be an option to do this on a child indicator such as a moving average of RS, but even though the option is available, it will not work.
A Daily Condition Formula for a 26-week new high could be written as:
H > MAXH125.1
A Daily Condition Formula for a 52-week new high could be written as:
H > MAXH251.1
PCF Formula Descriptions
Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs!
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/16/2013 Posts: 29
Is there any way to measure the Relative Strength as a comparative against 2 or more positions so that I can guage that positions strength against another? ie., comparing the ETF sectors against one another or various "large cap" etfs against one another to see which one is better to own at any given time. I use a RS system currently and it would basically be a measurement against each security. It would be nice to emulate this so that I can cancel a much more expensive system.
When the RS of one crosses above the other, then that would provide an indication that the trend is changing in the strength of a sector or class.
I couls also it to measure asset classes against another to see if any class "fails" ownership (ie, gold or commodities in general when compared to equities in erly 2013)
Can this be done easily?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You could sort by price percent change over some arbitrary period of time, but there is no automated method of comparing relative strength itself currently in TC2000.
Relative Strength cannot be used as a sort or as an EasyScan Condition unless you are willing to go through the effort of implementing the semi-automated technique referenced in my previous response in this topic.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/16/2013 Posts: 29
Changing the subject on indicator scanning.Is it possibe to write a condition that reflects the Rate of change line crossing below the TSV line and then set an alert or just be able to scan for equities with it?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You could theoretically do so if you moved the ROC and TSV into the same pane and scale, but the scaling of ROC and TSV are generally vastly different. In most cases, you would just get similar results as checking if TSV was crossing through zero when the ROC and TSV are in the same scale.
If the ROC and TSV are not plotted in the same scale, then you aren't going to be able to create the Condition. More to the point, such crossovers are meaningless in that the relative positions of ROC and TSV plotted in the same pane but their own scales will change based on scroll and zoom. The crossover points are not static.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/16/2013 Posts: 29
How do I receive training on the tsv or the balance of power other than the archived webinars?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The archived webinars can be a good source of such information, but the trainers can't actually give setting, interpretation or investment advice. I would start with the Basic Info on BOP, TSV and MoneyStream and Don Worden on the history of BOP and MoneyStream topics.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
I do not know of a practical automated method of writing Relative Strength PCFs in either verison of TC2000 as the Personal Criteria Formula Language does not have syntax for referencing other symbols. You may wish to review the following for a semi-automated technique for creating Relative Strength in a PCF:
Indexes in PCF's
Hello, How do you go about ranking the major Morningstar industry groups in terms of relative strength vs the SP500 (or any index for that matter)? Also, is there a provision for historical volatilty (HV)?Thanks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You cannot use Relative Strength as a sort (with the exception of Relative Strength 1-Yr vs SP-500), but the sort order of a Rate of Change % indicator would be the same as a Relative Strength calculated as a percent over the same period.
Sorting with Indicators
Historical Volatility is not one of the indicators built into TC2000, but it is possible to create it using a Custom PCF Indicator.
Historical Volatility (HV)
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
You cannot use Relative Strength as a sort (with the exception of Relative Strength 1-Yr vs SP-500), but the sort order of a Rate of Change % indicator would be the same as a Relative Strength calculated as a percent over the same period.
Sorting with Indicators
Historical Volatility is not one of the indicators built into TC2000, but it is possible to create it using a Custom PCF Indicator.
Historical Volatility (HV)
Hello again. Thanks for your response. I was advised by another TC2000 user to proceed as follows to create a RS of the Morningstar Industry Groups vs SP500: 1) C hotkey leads to custom sort; 2) Select Morningstar Groups from WATCHLIST; 3) Plot SPY and 4) Pick the period of the sort. However, selecting hotkey C does not lead to a custom sort option. Am I missing something here? I developed code for HV.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The hot key for Custom Date Sort in TC2000 version 12.3 is Shift-T. You can use "c" as the hot key as well if you have Version 7 selected under Tools | System Settings | General | Hot Key Settings.
Updated documentation for Hot Keys in TC2000 v12.2 - Nnofficial
Note that you cannot create a RS of the Morningstar Industry Groups versus SP-500 using Custom Date Sort. The results will be a straight percent change over the period or a relative strength versus the Main Industry Group or Sub Industry Group of the symbol in the WatchList.
So following the directions given in your post would have compare the Sub Industries in the WatchList to their Main Industry and the Main Industries to themselves (resulting in results of 0 for the Main Industries).
Basics of Custom Date Sort
Finding Resilient Stocks with Custom Date Sort
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
The hot key for Custom Date Sort in TC2000 version 12.3 is Shift-T. You can use "c" as the hot key as well if you have Version 7 selected under Tools | System Settings | General | Hot Key Settings.
Updated documentation for Hot Keys in TC2000 v12.2 - Nnofficial
Note that you cannot create a RS of the Morningstar Industry Groups versus SP-500 using Custom Date Sort. The results will be a straight percent change over the period or a relative strength versus the Main Industry Group or Sub Industry Group of the symbol in the WatchList.
So following the directions given in your post would have compare the Sub Industries in the WatchList to their Main Industry and the Main Industries to themselves (resulting in results of 0 for the Main Industries).
Basics of Custom Date Sort
Finding Resilient Stocks with Custom Date Sort
Hi again. I see that that is the case! I have the changes in the value of the individual MIGs ranked from largest + change to largest - change and NOT relative to the SPY. What I would like to do is compare each MIG vs SPX (or SPY) and have them ranked from largest (+) outperformance to largest (-) underperformance. Have the entire MIG library in a left-side of screen window. That was step 1!! :) Now, to get them to list in order of relative performance for, say, the most current 4-month period. How do I proceed from this point if the sorting protocol does not work? Thanks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You can't sort them by relative strength versus SPY over an arbitrary period of time. If there was a workaround, I would have mentioned it.
Note that the sort order of a percent change and the sort order of a relative strength calculated over the same period as the percent change will be exactly the same even though the values are different. This means you can use Custom Date Sort as described if you are only interested in the sort order and not the actual values (I do not have a workaround for the actual RS values).
Another option is to add a Rate of Change % indicator to the chart and set the Period to the number of bars covering the time over which you want to calculate the % change. So in the case of a 4 month period, you could set the Period to 84 on a Daily Chart. You can click on it and select Show Values in WatchList. That said, the results would just be the same as doing a Custom Date Sort covering the same span. You still won't get actual RS, but the sort order would be the same.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
You can't sort them by relative strength versus SPY over an arbitrary period of time. If there was a workaround, I would have mentioned it.
Note that the sort order of a percent change and the sort order of a relative strength calculated over the same period as the percent change will be exactly the same even though the values are different. This means you can use Custom Date Sort as described if you are only interested in the sort order and not the actual values (I do not have a workaround for the actual RS values).
Another option is to add a Rate of Change % indicator to the chart and set the Period to the number of bars covering the time over which you want to calculate the % change. So in the case of a 4 month period, you could set the Period to 84 on a Daily Chart. You can click on it and select Show Values in WatchList. That said, the results would just be the same as doing a Custom Date Sort covering the same span. You still won't get actual RS, but the sort order would be the same.
Hi. OK. Got it. I noticed that there is an indicator for RS relative to SPX for 1-yr.Although that will not be quite the same as the most current 4-month period, it might be a suitable substitute.I have tried to incorporate this into the watchlist but it comes up as a blank column for all entrants. The column heading is RS to SP500 1-yr or some such but the values are absent. What to do? Thank you.
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
Another option is to add a Rate of Change % indicator to the chart and set the Period to the number of bars covering the time over which you want to calculate the % change. So in the case of a 4 month period, you could set the Period to 84 on a Daily Chart. You can click on it and select Show Values in WatchList. That said, the results would just be the same as doing a Custom Date Sort covering the same span. You still won't get actual RS, but the sort order would be the same.
Hi again! DONE! Have the ROC%age incorporated into the watchlist now and its ranks (sorts) from highest + value to lowest - value. Just as desired. Could the SPX chart fitted w/ the same ROC%age be added to the MIG watchlist? Not as a relative comparison (eg, the ROC values for the MIG entities would not be derived from the SPX value but the SPX would be ranked where ever in the list its own value warranted) but as a unique member of the watchlist? Since the MIG watchlist is pre-constructed, I take it that simply adding an outside entry is verboten. I tried and could not get SPX as an entry. Would I have to cut/paste members of the MIG watchlist to a new customized watchlist so as to include SPX? Thanks. [P.S. This is too cool! :)]

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500) is pretty much only calculated for tradable equities. It is not caculated for most indexes or the Industry Groups.
It is a very good idea of the goal is to see if the symbols under or overperformed a particular symbol to have that symbol in the WatchList so you can see if a symbol is above or below that symbol in the WatchList when sorting.
You are correct that you cannot add your own symbols to a system WatchList. You would need to create a Personal WatchList and copy all of the desired symbols to that Personal WatchList.
Copying Symbols to Personal WatchLists
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500) is pretty much only calculated for tradable equities. It is not caculated for most indexes or the Industry Groups.
It is a very good idea of the goal is to see if the symbols under or overperformed a particular symbol to have that symbol in the WatchList so you can see if a symbol is above or below that symbol in the WatchList when sorting.
You are correct that you cannot add your own symbols to a system WatchList. You would need to create a Personal WatchList and copy all of the desired symbols to that Personal WatchList.
Copying Symbols to Personal WatchLists
Hi again. Got the personal MIG watchlist constructed and added SPX. Funny thing is that SPX values were appended to the bottom of the watchlist and will not sort relative to the other entries in the list. All other entries have sorted based on RoC%. Basically, per your statement above re "good idea if the goal is to see....", if SPX sorts per RoC% along w/ the other entries on the list, one will see exactly what you said. Thanks for your assistance.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I cannot reproduce this. When I create a Personal WatchList containing all of the industry groups and SP-500, add a Rate of Change % indicator the chart and then click on it to select Show Values in WatchList & Sort, SP-500 is 182 of 240 items in Personal WatchList. It sorts along with all of the other symbols in the WatchList.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 8/7/2012 Posts: 28
QUOTE (Bruce_L)
I cannot reproduce this. When I create a Personal WatchList containing all of the industry groups and SP-500, add a Rate of Change % indicator the chart and then click on it to select Show Values in WatchList & Sort, SP-500 is 182 of 240 items in Personal WatchList. It sorts along with all of the other symbols in the WatchList.
OK. After closing the site and returning a few hrs later, it does indeed sort SP500 along w/ the other entries in the watchlist! Thanks for all your assistance.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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