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Profile: kempferts2997
User Name: kempferts2997
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, December 30, 2004
Last Visit: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 6:18:33 PM
Number of Posts: 45
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: TTM Squeeze
Posted: Friday, July 6, 2018 11:27:05 PM

Hi Bruce,

Could I also impose on you to send me the latest copy of the TTM Squeeze?

Thank you . . . . 

Topic: TTM Squeeze
Posted: Friday, July 6, 2018 11:25:33 PM
Topic: Comparison Scan
Posted: Friday, June 21, 2013 10:57:03 AM

QUOTE (kempferts)

Based on Tuesday nights Webinar --- is there a way to scan for stocks accelerating higher vs it's industry/subindustry group; eg, in the last 5 days which stocks are moving higher vs it's subindustry group?

Very helpful ------ thanks, Bruce!

Topic: Comparison Scan
Posted: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:39:34 PM

Based on Tuesday nights Webinar --- is there a way to scan for stocks accelerating higher vs it's industry/subindustry group; eg, in the last 5 days which stocks are moving higher vs it's subindustry group?

Topic: Hull Moving Average
Posted: Friday, September 21, 2012 12:28:41 AM

Would someone be so kind as to put this Hull Moving Average formula, taken from SF 5, and put it into an Indicator to be used in TC200?  Thank you . . . .

'Hull Moving Average
'# Period = UserInput.Integer = 21
Plot = Single.NaN
If isLastBar Then
 If InputCount >= Period + Period ^ .5 - 1 Then
  Dim P(3) As Integer
  P(0) = Period
  P(1) = Period / 2
  P(2) = Period ^ .5
  Dim Den(2) As Integer
  Dim Sum(2) As Single
  Dim FwSum(2) As Single
  For i As Integer = 0 To 2
   Sum(i) = 0
   FwSum(i) = 0
   Den(i) = (P(i) + 1) * P(i) / 2
  Dim Past(1,P(2)) As Single
  For bar As Integer = 1 To InputCount
   P(3) = bar Mod P(2)
   If Bar <= P(0) Then
    FwSum(0) += P(0) * Price.Last(InputCount - bar) - Sum(0)
    Sum(0) += Price.Last(InputCount - bar)
    FwSum(0) += P(0) * Price.Last(InputCount - bar) - Sum(0)
    Sum(0) += Price.Last(InputCount - bar) - Price.Last((InputCount - bar) + P(0))
   End If
   If Bar <= P(1) Then
    FwSum(1) += P(1) * Price.Last(InputCount - bar) - Sum(1)
    Sum(1) += Price.Last(InputCount - bar)
    FwSum(1) += P(1) * Price.Last(InputCount - bar) - Sum(1)
    Sum(1) += Price.Last(InputCount - bar) - Price.Last((InputCount - bar) + P(1))
   End If
   If bar >= P(0) And bar <= P(0) + P(2) - 1 Then
    FwSum(2) += P(2) * (2 * FwSum(1) / Den(1) - FwSum(0) / Den(0)) - Sum(2)
    Sum(2) += 2 * FwSum(1) / Den(1) - FwSum(0) / Den(0)
   End If
   If bar > P(0) + P(2) - 1 Then
    FwSum(2) += P(2) * (2 * FwSum(1) / Den(1) - FwSum(0) / Den(0)) - Sum(2)
    Sum(2) += (2 * FwSum(1) / Den(1) - FwSum(0) / Den(0)) - _
     (2 * Past(1, P(3)) / Den(1) - Past(0, P(3)) / Den(0))
   End If
   For i As Integer = 0 To 1
    Past(i, P(3)) = FwSum(i)
   If Bar >= P(0) + P(2) - 1 Then AddToOutput(InputDate(bar - 1), FWSum(2) / Den(2))
 End If
End If

Topic: Anchored VWAP Channel
Posted: Friday, June 25, 2010 12:14:43 PM
ah, one forgot to scale it with price history; very good ---------- thanks once again for your quick, helpful response!
Topic: Anchored VWAP Channel
Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2010 6:45:13 PM
In Stocks & Commodities, July 2010 issue SF has a Traders' Tips illustration that I am unable to duplicate; the illustration on p.79 shows channels using the date of 7/23/09 with offset of 5.0% and -2.0% on a chart of SPY; when I input the offsets, regardless of % I sue, the VWAP indicator does not change; what might I be doing wrong; TIA --- Merrill
Topic: Chart Notations
Posted: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:20:51 PM
Excellent!  Thanks Bruce for the clarification -------
Topic: Chart Notations
Posted: Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:48:23 AM
Is there a way to eliminate my chart notations (trendlines, notes, etc.) from displaying on every pane, i.e., limiting those notations to the chart of origin?  Thanks ------------
Topic: SF5 minute connection failure
Posted: Monday, January 11, 2010 9:58:23 AM
I downloaded SF5.0 and all the screens come up but there is no data connection; it must have been my error in the download because I now also lost the data on SF 4.0; how might I activate the data feed?  Thank you ------- Merrill