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Profile: maxhrush
User Name: maxhrush
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, December 30, 2004
Last Visit: Friday, April 29, 2016 5:31:34 PM
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: WatchList - Charts with Notes
Posted: Thursday, May 9, 2013 5:46:05 PM

Simple enough (although not adequately documented) . Thank you.

Topic: WatchList - Charts with Notes
Posted: Thursday, May 9, 2013 2:17:40 PM

Opening "Charts with Notes" - by default 5 columns appear (from left to right (Flag, Symbol, My Notes, Friends, Research).

My question relates to the final column "Research."  Review the many choices in the "add column" screen I assume that "Research" as the header means "Research Notes" - - - 

Scrolling through "Charts with Notes" I have

(1 ) Some "Symbols" populated with dates in both the "My Notes" and "Research" column

(2) Some "Symbols" populated with a date only in the "My Notes" column, and

(3) Some "Symbols" populated with a date only in the "Research" column

However, all I seem able to "find" for review  are "My Notes" by using "My Notes & My Public"

I can find no documentation regarding the "Research" column in the "WatchList- Charts with Notes"

I have no idea what I (or someone else) did to populate the "Research" column, so I am at a loss as the to purpose and/or use of this column.

Thanks for any information you can provide or refer me to.




Topic: Bollinger Band Alert "Not Passing" / "Passing" (Ver12.3)
Posted: Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:22:20 PM

Hi - I need some help understanding Bollinger Band Alert "Status" as shown in "Alert Console"

Example: On "day 1"  I see a very narrow BB and set an alert based on that band. Since price is inside the "squeeze" on "day 1" the "status" in "Alert Counsel" is "Not Passing."  Say, 5 days latter (Day 5) I get a message and on checking the "Alert Consel" reports "Passing."

Question: Does this mean (1) that price is now outside the BB's as they were calculated at the time I set the Alert (Day 1) or (2) that price is outside the BB as they are now calculated on (Day 5)?





Topic: Help with block diagrams
Posted: Thursday, June 28, 2007 1:12:59 AM
Thanks Julia

That is just the fine tuning I was having trouble with.

It looks simply with your help, my mental model was making it too complicated.\

Topic: Help with block diagrams
Posted: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 4:40:42 PM
Hi Bruce,

The pane you developed in this thread was a great help and I was able to move on to many other small variations I wanted in the many variables available to blocks. But, I remain challenged in working with charting colors except in the simplest of cases.

I have attempted without success to modify the pane you posted in this thread as follows:

Current pane color is very simple - plots as a red line above a value of 2.0 and plots green below.

I would like to make this change:

Continue to plot above 2.0 as red
between 1.0 and 2.0 plot as yellow
below 1.0

I get close with using First T/F and a Second T/F, but can't get exactlty what I am looking for.

Hints would be appreciated. Thanks as always/

Topic: Worden Tools for Blocks
Posted: Monday, June 18, 2007 2:36:42 PM
So simple - thank you

Topic: Worden Tools for Blocks
Posted: Monday, June 18, 2007 1:34:22 PM
Knowledge Base lists four tools:

Anticipating Moving Average Crossovers
Fibonacci Retracements
Stochastics with Long Term EMA Filter
Swing Chart with TimeSpan Bars

I am particularly interested in the Fibonacci Retracements - but would also like to take a look at the others.

Finding nothing resembling any of these names in the Workspaces sub-directory I looked through all the other directories and subdirectors of the "Blocks Files" directory in "My Documents."

I have tried to search both the Knowledge Base and Forums without effect.

Can you point me in the right direction?


Topic: Blocks seminar in Anaheim, notes by Craig
Posted: Monday, June 18, 2007 11:58:28 AM
QUOTE (maxhrush)
[quote=StockGuy]Make sure you are running Blocks 2.0. If not, you can install it from <a></a>

Now it all comes together.

I recall Craig mentioning that for most of the day he was using an unreleased update.

This weekend Build 31 was releasedand - and the BackScanner tab was renamed to "Strategy."

Topic: Blocks seminar in Anaheim, notes by Craig
Posted: Thursday, June 14, 2007 11:16:46 AM
QUOTE (StockGuy)
Make sure you are running Blocks 2.0. If not, you can install it from <a></a>

In my case I AM running Blocks 2.0 and share the confusion in sdang00123's post.

To get very specific the Anaheim Notes read.... "Ok... back to the class. To scan for crossovers in the last 10 days click the Strategy tab to the right of the Watchlist tab on the left (it is just above the Company Name column)"

NO WHERE (to the right, or otherwise) is there a "Strategy" tab. To the right of the WatchList tab is a small icon associated with the word "BackScan," followed on the right by a small down arrow, followed by a green funnel icon.

Playing around it looks like Craig may have meant "BackScreen" tab when he used the term "Strategy" tab in the notes. . . since when I make that assumption,I can continue to follow the sample.

I too was very confused. . . and was very disappointed with a response that suggested we were likely using the wrong version... WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS that in the correct version there is NO "STRATEGY" tab.

That said, I really appreciated the class, and all in all found the notes helpful as far as they went. In my own case, however, the notes stopped right were I need them most... the "Rest of the Day" part. I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MY OWN NOTES, but relied on the promise that I would not need them. The downloads are nice, but without notes using them remains a real challege for an old timer trying to move fromt he best of the past Telechart to the best of the new Blocks.

Proof reading, this may sound a bit more critical than I intend. The Blocks learning curve is verfy steep --- which is very understandable considering its flexible design. The lack of basic "how to documentation" is very frustrating.

Topic: Help with block diagrams
Posted: Monday, June 11, 2007 3:19:40 PM
Bruce ---

Thank you. Your .pane file and mine work the same. Yours has a much better scale

I feel real dumb. I was crating a problem where none existed. Once I realized that changing from a day chart to a week chart chaged the screen from providing a bit under 1 years data to over 4 years data the line looked different and the scale changes. . . zomm to cover the same time period as the day chart and the scale and line "reformated" to match the line and scale of the daily chart.

A good learning experience. It was quite instructive to see how our different block diagrams produced the same result.

Thanks again for the lesson.
