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automatic fib retrace indicator in realcode Topic Rating:
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Posted : Sunday, February 3, 2013 2:53:16 AM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
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for the sake of experimenting with addtooutput, I wrote a fib retrace indicator in realcode:

 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# retr1 = userinput.single = 23.2
  '# retr2 = userinput.single = 38.2
  '# retr3 = userinput.single = 50
  '# retr4 = userinput.single = 61.8
  '# retr5 = userinput.single = 78.6
  '# retr6 = userinput.single = 100
  '# retr7 = userinput.single = 161.8
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
  Dim BarA As Integer = Range(0)
  If Range(0) >= 0 Then
   For i As Integer = Range(0) To Range(1)
    If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) >= Price.Bar.HighValue(BarA) Then
     BarA = i
    End If
  End If
  If BarA < Range(1) - 1 Then
   Dim BarB As Integer = BarA
   Dim BarBqualified As Integer = BarA
   For i As Integer = BarA + 1 To Range(1) - 1
    If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarB) Then
     BarB = i
     For j As Integer = i To Range(1) - 1
      If Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j - 1) AndAlso _
       Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j + 1) Then
       BarBqualified = BarB
      end if
      Exit For
    end if
   If BarBqualified > BarA Then
    AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarA), Price.Bar.highValue(BarA), "A")
    AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarBqualified), Price.Bar.lowValue(BarBqualified), "B")
    Dim leg As Single = -
    Dim k As Integer = BarBQualified + 1
    If > price.Bar.lowvalue(BarBQualified) AndAlso k <= range(1) Then
     Dim retrlvl1 As Single = + retr1 / 100 * leg
     Dim lvl1 As String = retr1 & "%= " & retrlvl1.ToString("N2")
     addtooutput(price.Bar.datevalue(k), retrlvl1, lvl1)
     k += 1
     Do Until > retrlvl1 OrElse k = range(1)
      addtooutput(, retrlvl1)
      k += 1
     If > retrlvl1 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
      Dim retrlvl2 As Single = + retr2 / 100 * leg
      Dim lvl2 As String = retr2 & "%= " & retrlvl2.ToString("N2")
      addtooutput(, retrlvl2, lvl2)
      k += 1 
      Do Until > retrlvl2 OrElse k = range(1)
       addtooutput(, retrlvl2)
       k += 1
      If > retrlvl2 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
       Dim retrlvl3 As Single = + retr3 / 100 * leg
       Dim lvl3 As String = retr3 & "%= " & retrlvl3.ToString("N2")
       addtooutput(, retrlvl3, lvl3)
       k += 1 
       Do Until > retrlvl3 OrElse k = range(1)
        addtooutput(, retrlvl3)
        k += 1
       If > retrlvl3 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
        Dim retrlvl4 As Single = + retr4 / 100 * leg
        Dim lvl4 As String = retr4 & "%= " & retrlvl4.ToString("N2")
        addtooutput(, retrlvl4, lvl4)
        k += 1 
        Do Until > retrlvl4 OrElse k = range(1)
         addtooutput(, retrlvl4)
         k += 1
        If > retrlvl4 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
        Dim retrlvl5 As Single = + retr5 / 100 * leg
        Dim lvl5 As String = retr5 & "%= " & retrlvl5.ToString("N2")
        addtooutput(, retrlvl5, lvl5)
        k += 1 
        Do Until > retrlvl5 OrElse k = range(1)
         addtooutput(, retrlvl5)
         k += 1
         If > retrlvl5 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
          Dim retrlvl6 As Single = + retr6 / 100 * leg
          Dim lvl6 As String = retr6 & "%= " & retrlvl6.ToString("N2")
          addtooutput(, retrlvl6, lvl6)
          k += 1 
          Do Until > retrlvl6 OrElse k = range(1)
           addtooutput(, retrlvl6)
           k += 1
         End If
        End If
       End If
      End If
     End If
    End If
   End If
  End If       
 End Function
End Class



It works pretty good. However would you have any idea on how to plot all the fib levels at once, instead of looping till a level breaks and then being able to plot the next one?

Posted : Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:09:29 PM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
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something weird:

the code from the indicator following below, allows to recalculate the indicator when you scroll through the time-axis. Last night when I finished the indicator it worked instantaneously, scroll, and immediately it drew the new high/low on the chart with the corresponding fib levels.

Now this morning I opened up SF, with same layout, haven't changed anything in the code, and now it takes a minute to recalculate, or do a refresh chart to recalculate.





Dim Range(1) As Integer
Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)



Posted : Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:25:02 PM

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during the 1 minute delay to recalculate, all my processor cores are virtually at 0%, so doesn't look like it's due to "cpu intensive" calculations. and also as I mentioned, when you do a "refresh chart" it recalcs immediately.  so why the delay? bug with the  '# RECALC_ON_ZOOM_SCROLL function?

Posted : Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:28:03 PM

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"update freq" set to 5sec.

Posted : Monday, February 4, 2013 1:32:39 PM

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Just loaded my layout with the fib retrace indicator, to see what it does during market hours. still the same, takes a long time to recalculate.

Then I added the AB=CD indicator, mentioned in the "market/stocks" forum. and used it the same way with both

Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
Range(0) = Price.indexfordate(activechart.zoomstartdate)


enabled. and this indicator recalculates immediately on zoom-scroll through charts!!


what gives?



 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 200
  '# NewLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 20
  '# PullbackPercent = UserInput.Single = 38.2
  '# EntryPercent = UserInput.Single = 23.6
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.indexfordate(activechart.zoomstartdate)
  'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
  Dim BarA As Integer = Range(0)
  If Range(0) >= 0 Then
   For i As Integer = Range(0) To Range(1)
    If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) <= Price.Bar.LowValue(BarA) Then
     BarA = i
    End If
   If BarA - Range(0) < NewLowPer AndAlso BarA > 0 Then
    Dim Count As Integer = 0
    For i As Integer = BarA - 1 To 0 Step -1
     Count += 1
     If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) <= Price.Bar.LowValue(BarA) Then
      BarA = i
      Count = 0
     End If
     If Count >= NewLowPer Then
      Range(0) = BarA
      Exit For
     End If
   End If
   If BarA < Range(1) - 1 Then
    Dim ABretr As Single = Single.NaN
    Dim BarB As Integer = BarA
    Dim BarBqualified(1) As Integer
    BarBqualified(0) = BarA
    BarBqualified(1) = BarA
    Dim BarC As Integer = BarA
    Dim BarCQualified As Integer = BarA
    Dim L1(1) As Integer
    L1(0) = BarA
    L1(1) = BarA
    For i As Integer = BarA + 1 To Range(1) - 1
     If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) > Price.Bar.HighValue(BarB) Then
      BarB = i
      BarC = BarB
      ABretr = PullbackPercent * (Price.Bar.HighValue(BarB) - Price.Bar.LowValue(BarA)) / 100
     End If
     If Price.Bar.Value(i) < Price.Bar.highValue(BarB) - ABretr AndAlso _
      i > BarB Then
      If BarC = BarB Then
       BarC = i
      Else If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarC) Then
       BarC = i
      End If
      BarBqualified(0) = BarB
      If BarC > BarCqualified Then
       Dim Level1 As Single = Single.MaxValue
       For j As Integer = i To Range(1) - 1
        If Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j - 1) AndAlso _
         Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j + 1) Then
         Level1 = System.Math.Min(Level1, Price.Bar.HighValue(j))
         L1(0) = j
        End If
        If Price.Bar.Value(j) > Level1 Then
         BarCqualified = BarC
         BarBqualified(1) = BarBqualified(0)
         L1(1) = L1(0)
         Exit For
        End If       
      End If
     End If
    If BarCqualified > BarA Then
     AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarA), Price.Bar.LowValue(BarA), "A")
     AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarBqualified(1)), Price.Bar.HighValue(BarBqualified(1)), "B")
     AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarCqualified), Price.Bar.LowValue(BarCqualified), "C")
     AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(L1(1)), Price.Bar.HighValue(L1(1)), "1")
     Dim k As Integer = L1(1) + 1
     Do Until Price.Bar.Value(k) > Price.Bar.HighValue(L1(1)) OrElse k > Range(1)
      AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), Price.Bar.HighValue(L1(1)))
      k += 1
     If Price.Bar.Value(k) > Price.Bar.HighValue(L1(1)) AndAlso k <= Range(1) Then
      Dim entry As Single = Price.Bar.LowValue(BarCQualified)  
      Dim B As Single
      Dim retr As Single
      Dim projection As Single
      Dim steptrgt As Single = EntryPercent * (Price.Bar.HighValue(BarBqualified(1)) - Price.Bar.LowValue(BarA)) / 100
      Dim AB As Single = price.Bar.highvalue(barBqualified(1)) - price.Bar.lowvalue(BarA)
      Dim BC As Single = Price.Bar.HighValue(BarBqualified(1)) - price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified)
      retr = 100 * BC / AB
      entry = entry + steptrgt
      B = entry + steptrgt
      AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), entry, "entry")
      k += 1
      Do Until Price.Bar.Value(k) > entry OrElse k > Range(1)
       AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), entry)
       k += 1
      If Price.Bar.Value(k) > entry AndAlso k <= Range(1) Then
       Dim PRZlow As Single
       Dim PRZhigh As Single
       Select Case retr
        Case <= 38.2
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 2.618
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 2.618
        Case 38.2 To 50
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 2
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 2.618
        Case 50 To 61.8
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.618
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 2
        Case 61.8 To 70.7
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.41
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.618
        Case 70.7 To 78.6
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.27
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.41
        Case 78.6 To 88.6
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.13
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.27
        Case 88.6 To 100
         PRZlow = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.13
         PRZhigh = price.Bar.lowvalue(BarCqualified) + BC * 1.13
       End Select
       AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), PRZlow, "PRZlow")
       k += 1
       Do Until Price.Bar.Value(k) > PRZlow OrElse k > Range(1)
        AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), PRZlow)
        k += 1
       If Price.Bar.Value(k) > PRZlow AndAlso k <= Range(1) Then
        AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), PRZhigh, "PRZhigh")
        k += 1
        Do Until Price.Bar.Value(k) > PRZhigh OrElse k > Range(1)
         AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(k), PRZhigh)
         k += 1
       End If
      End If
     End If
    End If
   End If
  End If       

end function
End Class




Posted : Monday, February 4, 2013 2:47:33 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I do not know of a way to plot all of the values at once other than to create a different indicator for each level. To clarify further, you could output up to four values at once by outputting bar data instead of line data, but you would then need to extract the values somehow (probably by adding 1-Period Simple Moving Average of OHLC indicators).

The recalculation issue would appear to be your use of:


Instead of:


When I take out the space it seems to recalculate just fine.

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Posted : Monday, February 4, 2013 3:21:52 PM

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ah, of course.  thanks!

just out of curiosity, the drawing tools in SF, such as the fib retracement tool, aren't they written in ?

Posted : Monday, February 4, 2013 3:26:35 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I would guess so, but they aren't externally accessible. There is no way for you or I to create a RealCode Drawing Tool for example.

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Posted : Monday, February 4, 2013 3:34:15 PM

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understood, but if in case it is, then the fib tool must be using some other way of outputting lines, since it does draw multiple lines at once. In any case, something to consider maybe, when (if) any further SF development might happen.

thx Bruce.

Posted : Monday, February 4, 2013 3:48:22 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

Visual basic itself would have no problem having something besides 1 or 4 values at each bar, that limitation is part of the structure of RealCode Indicators.

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Posted : Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4:19:40 PM

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Bruce I have been fighting with getting a condition to work, so that I can scan my watchlist on a break on any of the levels.

I know you have touched on this before, but I just don't quite understand it.

1st of all, correct me if I'm wrong, but a condition will only work by avoiding the RECALC_ON_ZOOM_SCROLL

so therefore the indicator has to work with a manual set range. (which is not a problem)

could you try and create a condition for me that would pass if price breaks one of the levels? it would be great if you could speifically determine which level, but again, I think you mentioned it before that it's not possible.

I believe we have to use the structure

If Price.DateValue = Prop.DateValue Then...

I'd appreciate it if you could explain the reasoning.



Posted : Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:47:35 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

Let's reimagine your RealCode Indicator somewhat so it meets the requirements of not using RECALC_ON_ZOOM_SCROLL.

	Sub New
		AutoLoop = False
	End Sub
	Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
		'# Retrace = userinput.single = 23.2
		'# BarsAgo = UserInput.Integer = 0
		'# Period = UserInput.Integer = 500
		Dim Range(1) As Integer
		Range(1) = Price.Bar.Count - 1 - BarsAgo
		Range(0) = Range(1) - Period + 1
		Dim BarA As Integer = Range(0)
		If Range(0) >= 0 Then
			For i As Integer = Range(0) To Range(1)
				If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) >= Price.Bar.HighValue(BarA) Then
					BarA = i
				End If
		End If
		If BarA < Range(1) - 1 Then
			Dim BarB As Integer = BarA
			Dim BarBqualified As Integer = BarA
			For i As Integer = BarA + 1 To Range(1) - 1
				If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarB) Then
					BarB = i
					For j As Integer = i To Range(1) - 1
						If Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j - 1) AndAlso _
							Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j + 1) Then
							BarBqualified = BarB
						end if
						Exit For
				end if
			If BarBqualified > BarA Then
				Dim level As Single = + Retrace / 100 * _
					( -
				For i As Integer = BarBqualified To Range(1)
					AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(i), level)
			End If
		End If       
	End Function
End Class

Doing so creates an an indicator for which we can just drag and drop Price History onto the indicator to create a condition for price being above or crossing up through the retrace value. We can this condition as a WatchList Column and it should use the most recent price in its calculations.

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Posted : Sunday, February 17, 2013 11:12:34 PM

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the way I have been using these various fib related indicators, is the way you wrote the very 1st request for me, quite some time ago (not longer on the forum). and that is by plotting one level, then looping until price breaks that level, and then plot the next level, and so on.

I have used this principal to write several other fib related indicators, like the one posted on top of this thread . This works great, but doesn't work very well for trying to create conditions for scanning.

creating a condition by drag/drop price onto the indicator, and select crossup through, will run extremely slow in the watch list and seems to give random results.

Your solution, as per previous post, which plots only one level, works fine.

I have used a realcode that works, but i have a feeling that it not always catches all occurrences.

'# rlvl = chart.retr-lvls-up

Static retr As Single

Static rBarCount As Integer
If isFirstBar Then
 retr = Single.NaN
 rBarCount = 0
End If
If currentindex > price.count - 15 Then
 If Price.DateValue = rlvl.DateValue Then
  rBarCount += 1
  If rBarCount = 2 Then
   retr = rlvl.Value
  End If
 End If
 If rBarCount >= 2 Then
  If (Price.Value(1) < retr AndAlso Price.Value > retr) Then
  End If
 End If
End If

So, in order to get reliable sorting results I would have to use as many indicators as I have levels that I want to sort by. Each indicator with the same logic , the only difference being is the fib% level.

It's been a while (over 25years) that I attended some programming classes (Pascal) in school, but I remember that my teacher would have a fit, if you suggested to write any part of code more then once. :-)  that's what object oriented languages are all about, right?


So... I assume there should be a way that we have one "main" indicator (or a class, or subroutine) that calculates the A-high, B-low, and then hands of this data, and index position of point B to several indicators (or classes) that have but one function, and that is to plot the individual levels as of index position of point B.


so in pseudo code:


sub main

            find barA.highvalue

            find barB.lowvalue


            for i as integer = 1 to 3

                        do sub(i)


end sub main


sub 1

            retrlvl1 = + 23.6% * ( -                    

            addtooutput(, retrlvl1)

end sub 1


sub 2

            retrlvl2 = + 38.2% * ( -              

            addtooutput(, retrlvl2)

end sub 2


sub 3

            retrlvl3 = + 50% * ( -      

            addtooutput(, retrlvl3)

end sub 3


For the sake of argument I used "sub" in the above pseudo code. I have no idea if this can be done with subs, classes, or by using individual indicators, But I would think this would be the proper way of doing it.


any ideas?

and thanks for the help as always.








Posted : Sunday, February 17, 2013 11:37:36 PM

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thinking it over a bit more, the "sub1", "sub2", etc.. would have to be individual indicators, in order to be able to create conditions for each level. so therefore the data from the "main" routine, would have to be parsed to individual indicators.

Since my goal is to write some indicators that are a lot more complex then the above described "fib retrace indicator", but that will create several levels as well, I think it will be much more efficient to be able to parse data from a main "routine" or indicator into several indicators that just plot the levels. Isn't that what the "sharedhashvalue" object is for?

Posted : Monday, February 18, 2013 12:52:26 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I'm not a programmer and I have never used this feature, but I suspect it is not going to do what you want. From Kuf's Friday, January 29, 2010 4:20:09 PM ET post in the New SharedHash object topic:

The code will only work on a chart. I didn't qualify this but the shared object is shared with the chart. If you want to run your calculation on a list of symbols, run it as a market indicator.

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Posted : Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:49:19 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I did get your layout, but it pretty much locks up my computer (which is a three year old laptop). The WatchList Column takes several minutes to calculate a symbol before starting to calculate the next symbol.

I'm not a programmer and I'm not sure I could tell you how it worked if my computer was up to running it, but I definitely can't figure it out without being able to even use it.

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Posted : Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:40:33 PM
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Joined: 5/11/2009
Posts: 120

QUOTE (Bruce_L)

I did get your layout, but it pretty much locks up my computer (which is a three year old laptop). The WatchList Column takes several minutes to calculate a symbol before starting to calculate the next symbol.

I'm not programmer and I'm not sure I could tell you how it worked if my computer was up to running it, but I definitely can't figure it out without being able to even use it.

And this my friends is the reason that Worden did the right thing by pulling the plug on future development of Stockfinder.

If you spend a lot of money on a powerful computer like pthegreat did you might get by with fancy programs. Otherwise stick with something simple.  It would probably be better to spend time with TC2000 ver 12. Hands down the best stock program on the market today.

Posted : Tuesday, February 19, 2013 2:28:41 PM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
Posts: 1,356

Thx for the suggestion Tomson, but not until TC will have the same functionality (realcode, multi-screen, etc..) as SF, will I spend more time with TC. Not having to invest in a decent PC, to me, is nothing more then a selling point to the statistically +80% beginnin traders that will blow up their accounts., been there, done that. Yes SF has the power to outperform your PC, that's exactley why I like it. Trading is a business. starting a business right is investing in the tools that work for you, and spending the time to learn. SF is an indispensable tool for me.

Posted : Friday, March 1, 2013 2:38:31 PM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
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Bruce, modified the code, so it will look for the low first, then from that point counting down the index find the high, that way i can do projections over 100% of the High-Low.

However when I have this running on my layout, after an hour or two I get a memory exception error, and SF freezes.

can you quickly double check if I do something wrong with this code?


 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 500
  '# retr1 = userinput.single = 23.2
  '# retr2 = userinput.single = 38.2
  '# retr3 = userinput.single = 50
  '# retr4 = userinput.single = 61.8
  '# retr5 = userinput.single = 78.6
  '# retr6 = userinput.single = 100
  '# retr7 = userinput.single = 161.8
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
  'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
  'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
  Dim BarB As Integer = Range(1)
  Dim BarA As Integer
  For i As Integer = Range(1) - 1 To Range(0) Step -1
   If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarB) Then
    BarB = i
   End If
  If BarB > Range(0) + 1 Then
   BarA = BarB
   For i As Integer = BarB - 1 To Range(0) Step -1
    If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) >= Price.Bar.HighValue(BarA) Then
     BarA = i
    End If
  End If
  If BarB > BarA Then
   AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarA), Price.Bar.highValue(BarA), "High")
   AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarB), Price.Bar.lowValue(BarB), "Low")
   Dim leg As Single = -
   Dim k As Integer = BarB + 1
   If > price.Bar.lowvalue(BarB) AndAlso k <= range(1) Then
    Dim retrlvl1 As Single = + retr1 / 100 * leg
    Dim lvl1 As String = retr1 & "%= " & retrlvl1.ToString("N2")
    addtooutput(price.Bar.datevalue(k), retrlvl1, lvl1)
    k += 1
    Do Until > retrlvl1 OrElse k = range(1)
     addtooutput(, retrlvl1)
     k += 1
    If > retrlvl1 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
     Dim retrlvl2 As Single = + retr2 / 100 * leg
     Dim lvl2 As String = retr2 & "%= " & retrlvl2.ToString("N2")
     addtooutput(, retrlvl2, lvl2)
     k += 1 
     Do Until > retrlvl2 OrElse k = range(1)
      addtooutput(, retrlvl2)
      k += 1
     If > retrlvl2 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
      Dim retrlvl3 As Single = + retr3 / 100 * leg
       Dim lvl3 As String = retr3 & "%= " & retrlvl3.ToString("N2")
       addtooutput(, retrlvl3, lvl3)
      k += 1 
       Do Until > retrlvl3 OrElse k = range(1)
        addtooutput(, retrlvl3)
        k += 1
       If > retrlvl3 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
       Dim retrlvl4 As Single = + retr4 / 100 * leg
        Dim lvl4 As String = retr4 & "%= " & retrlvl4.ToString("N2")
        addtooutput(, retrlvl4, lvl4)
        k += 1 
        Do Until > retrlvl4 OrElse k = range(1)
         addtooutput(, retrlvl4)
         k += 1
        If > retrlvl4 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
        Dim retrlvl5 As Single = + retr5 / 100 * leg
         Dim lvl5 As String = retr5 & "%= " & retrlvl5.ToString("N2")
         addtooutput(, retrlvl5, lvl5)
         k += 1 
         Do Until > retrlvl5 OrElse k = range(1)
          addtooutput(, retrlvl5)
          k += 1
         If > retrlvl5 AndAlso k < range(1) Then
         Dim retrlvl6 As Single = + retr6 / 100 * leg
          Dim lvl6 As String = retr6 & "%= " & retrlvl6.ToString("N2")
          addtooutput(, retrlvl6, lvl6)
          k += 1 
          Do Until > retrlvl6 OrElse k = range(1)
           addtooutput(, retrlvl6)
           k += 1
         End If
       End If
       End If
      End If
     End If
    End If
   End If

end function
End Class

Posted : Friday, March 1, 2013 4:32:02 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I've gone through the RealCode line by line and I don't see anything obviously wrong. I have also been running all three of your RealCode indicators from this topic in my copy of StockFinder 5 continuously for about two hours without generating any error messages or having StockFinder crash.

That said, I'm not a programmer, and even if I were, there could be a bug in the RealCode (or in RealCode itself) causing a memory leak of some sort (or some other bug) and I would not necessarily find it.

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Posted : Friday, March 1, 2013 8:59:46 PM
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Joined: 3/6/2009
Posts: 78

WOW... runing for more than 2 hours and still not done. The trade would have been missed by the time you get an answer. Now I see why Worden dropped Stockfinder.

Posted : Friday, March 1, 2013 10:01:36 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

TC2000 version 12.3 is generally quite a bit faster than StockFinder 5, but you appear to have significantly misread my recent post (and keep in mind that you can speed up StockFinder 5 significantly by reducing its bar limit from 5000 to the same 500 bar limit enforced in TC2000 version 12.3). I wasn't able to get pthegreat's code to crash while running it over the course of two hours.

The RealCode posted by pthegreat actually seemed to run quite efficiently without generating any issues at all on my computer. All three indicators plotted nearly instantly both when switching symbols and changing zooms. They are designed to completely recalculate when scrolling or zooming as they plot differently depending on the time span being viewed.

That I was not able to get the indicators to crash is not necessarily a good thing as I was attempting to replicate an error message which pthegreat gets when running his newest indicator for an extended period of time to try and figure out what might be causing the issue.

The slow RealCode that would not run on my computer earlier in the thread was in a layout containing an incredibly complicated RealCode Indicator that pthegreat picked up from a third party and sent to me via email.

All of these indicators are the sorts of things that you can't do at all in TC2000. They are possible in StockFinder because of the versatility of RealCode compared to the relatively simple Personal Criteria Formula Language used in TC2000.

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Posted : Friday, March 1, 2013 10:11:45 PM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
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dryfess, what's running for 2hours? it's virtually instantaneous on my chart! either describe the problem you are experiencing, and I would be more then happy to try and help, or stay in your TC2000 threads. I think its a bit rude to barge in on someones topic, and start dissing the application. I prefer SF, by far, over TC, that doesn't mean I would come over and barge into someones TC thread and start dissing TC2000. TC IMO has many many shortcomings, compared to SF.

Posted : Saturday, March 2, 2013 11:11:22 PM

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back to the subject at hand;

figured out what the problem was:

if the first bar on the chart is the lowest low, then BarA wouldn't get a value.


at initialisation of the parameters, instead of:

Dim BarB As Integer = Range(1)
Dim BarA As Integer

should use :

Dim BarB As Integer = Range(1)
Dim BarA As Integer = Range(1)


working fine

Posted : Sunday, March 3, 2013 3:42:24 PM

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Now my second objective is:

have one indicator calculate the high/low on the chart, and corresponding fib levels, and then via sharedhasvalue share these values with individual indicators that will plot each level as of the BarLow.

I simplified the indicator, so I can build it up step by step:

starting with an indicator(class) that calculates only a 23.6% level and than shares it:

 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 500
  '# retr1 = userinput.single = 23.6

 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
  'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
  'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
  Dim BarLow As Integer = Range(1)
  Dim BarHigh As Integer = Range(1)
  For i As Integer = Range(1) - 1 To Range(0) Step -1
   If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarLow) Then
    BarLow = i
   End If
  If BarLow > Range(0) Then
   BarHigh = BarLow
   For i As Integer = BarLow - 1 To Range(0) Step -1
    If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) > Price.Bar.highValue(BarHigh) Then
     BarHigh = i
    End If
  End If
  If BarLow > BarHigh Then
   AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarHigh), Price.Bar.highValue(BarHigh), "High")
   AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarLow), Price.Bar.lowValue(BarLow), "Low")
   Dim leg As Single = -
   Dim fib As Single = + retr1 / 100 * leg
   Me.setSharedHashValue("key", fib)
  End If

end function

End Class



then I wrote a simple indicator(code) catching the value and plot it:

Static sharedData As Single

If isFirstBar Then

            sharedData = 0

            If Me.WaitForDataReady("key", 1000) Then

                        shareddata = Me.getSharedHashValue("key")

            End If

End If

plot = sharedData


this works.


next step will be to plot the level, starting at BarLow. From the sharedhash post by Kuf, I see an example of sharing a set of parameters. But one step at a time. So I tried to change the 2nd indicator into a class:

 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 500
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
  'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
  'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
  Dim test As Single
  test = 0
  test = Me.getSharedHashValue("key")
  If Me.WaitForDataReady("key", 1000) Then
   For i As Integer = range(0) To Range(1)
    addtooutput(price.Bar.datevalue(i), test)
   End If
 End Function

End Class

Does Not Work.


any ideas?



Posted : Sunday, March 3, 2013 9:21:45 PM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
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If we get the class to work, then the next step would be to create a System.Collections.Generic.List which holds all the calculated fib levels, and index of BarLow. and store that in the sharedhashvalue

then we could use indicators to plot each individual fib level as of index BarLow.

I have no experience with this, and info is very limited.

so please correct if my thinking is wrong, or if you have a better approach:

main indicator: finding BarHigh and BarLow, then calculate all fib levels, store them in System.Collections.Generic.List, and store in sharedhashvalue  :

I have limited here to only store the fib236 in the collection. but once we get this working, we can add all of them.


 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 500
  '# retr1 = userinput.single = 23.6
  '# retr2 = userinput.single = 38.2
  '# retr3 = userinput.single = 50
  '# retr4 = userinput.single = 61.8
  '# retr5 = userinput.single = 78.6
  '# retr6 = userinput.single = 88.6
  '# retr7 = userinput.single = 100
  '# retr8 = userinput.single = 127
  '# retr9 = userinput.single = 161.8
  '# retr10 = userinput.single = 200
  '# retr11 = userinput.single = 224
  '# retr12 = userinput.single = 261.8
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
  'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
  'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
  Dim BarLow As Integer = Range(1)
  Dim BarHigh As Integer = Range(1)
  Dim RetrCollection As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of fibinfo)
  For i As Integer = Range(1) - 1 To Range(0) Step -1
   If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarLow) Then
    BarLow = i
   End If
  If BarLow > Range(0) Then
   BarHigh = BarLow
   For i As Integer = BarLow - 1 To Range(0) Step -1
    If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) > Price.Bar.highValue(BarHigh) Then
     BarHigh = i
    End If
  End If
  If BarLow > BarHigh Then
   AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarHigh), Price.Bar.highValue(BarHigh), "High")
   AddToOutput(Price.Bar.DateValue(BarLow), Price.Bar.lowValue(BarLow), "Low")
   Dim leg As Single = -
   Dim item As New fibinfo()
   item.fiblow = BarLow
   item.fib236 = + retr1 / 100 * leg
   Me.setSharedHashValue("fib", RetrCollection)
  End If

end function
 Public Structure fibinfo
  Public fiblow As Integer
  Public fib236 As Single
 End Structure
End Class


then the "plot" indicator would look like this, (I assume)

 Sub New
  AutoLoop = False
  '# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 500
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
  Dim Range(1) As Integer
  Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
  Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
  'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
  'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
  Dim RetrCollection As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of FibInfo)
  Dim item As New FibInfo()
  Dim test As Single
  If Me.WaitForDataReady("fib", 1000) Then
   RetrCollection = Me.getSharedHashValue("fib")
   For i As Integer = item.FibLow To Range(1)
    addtooutput(price.Bar.datevalue(i), item.Fib236)
  End If

end function
 Public Structure FibInfo
  Public FibLow As Integer
  Public Fib236 As Single
 End Structure
End Class

just like the previous class code to plot the level, it's not working.

I'd appreciate it if you could go over this.





Posted : Monday, March 4, 2013 10:14:53 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I'm not a programmer, but my guess as to the issue is that you are attempting to getSharedHashValue before using WaitForDataReady to make sure there is actually data available.

I think you want the following instead:

	Sub New
		AutoLoop = False
		'# RecLowPer = UserInput.Integer = 500
	End Sub
	Public Overrides Function Plot() As System.Single
		Dim Range(1) As Integer
		Range(1) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomEndDate)
		Range(0) = Price.IndexForDate(ActiveChart.ZoomStartDate)
		'Range(1) = price.Bar.count - 1
		'Range(0) = Range(1) + 1 - RecLowPer
		Dim test As Single
		test = 0
		If Me.WaitForDataReady("key", 1000) Then
			test = Me.getSharedHashValue("key")
			For i As Integer = range(0) To Range(1)
				addtooutput(price.Bar.datevalue(i), test)
		End If
	End Function
End Class

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Posted : Monday, March 4, 2013 10:21:28 AM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
Posts: 1,356

yes makes sense. will try AH today. thx.

Posted : Monday, March 4, 2013 12:48:32 PM

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Made the change, just did a quick test, it works the 1st time you open the layout, then either changing timeframe, or ticker, will not work.

the main indicator, redraws the high to low, but the fib236 indicator, just keeps calculating, and no plot.

Posted : Monday, March 4, 2013 1:33:33 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

I don't know why it doesn't work. I'm not a programmer and I've never used this particular feature of RealCode. I don't think you need to use this feature to do what you want however.

For example, the first line of the following RealCode Indicator was created by dragging and dropping your simplified indicator that "calculates only a 23.6% level and than shares it" into the Code tab of the RealCode. You are probably using a different name and will need to adjust that line and any references to the variable name created appropriately. It takes advantage of the fact that your indicator actually also plots the high and low used to calculate the 23.6% level to work.

'# HtL = chart.HightoLow
'# Level = UserInput.Single = 0
Static Top As Single
Static Bot As Single
If isFirstBar Then
	Top = Single.NaN
	Bot = Single.NaN
End If
If Single.IsNaN(Top) Then
	If Price.DateValue = HtL.DateValue Then
		Top = HtL.Value
	End If
Else If Single.IsNaN(Bot) Then
	If Price.DateValue = HtL.DateValue Then
		Bot = HtL.Value
	End If
End If
Plot = Bot + Level * (Top - Bot) / 100

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Posted : Tuesday, March 5, 2013 1:18:52 PM
Platinum Customer Platinum Customer

Joined: 3/19/2008
Posts: 64

Thank you guys for this thread, it has been really informative.  

And to the other poster, there are many people (myself included) who find great use out of TC, but LOVE stockfinder due to the huge functionality if offers


Posted : Wednesday, July 24, 2013 1:12:21 PM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
Posts: 1,356

Hi Bruce,

I'm doing some more experimenting.

I'd like to know how to use class, autoloop = false and addtooutput in a condition.


Modified your previous posted indicator code, to work as a condition:

inherits RealCodeCondition_base
 Sub New
         autoloop = False
 End Sub
 Public Overrides Sub CallUserCode()
          '# Retrace = userinput.single = 23.2
          '# BarsAgo = UserInput.Integer = 0
          '# Period = UserInput.Integer = 500
          Dim Range(1) As Integer
          Range(1) = Price.Bar.Count - 1 - BarsAgo
          Range(0) = Range(1) - Period + 1
          Dim BarA As Integer = Range(0)
          If Range(0) >= 0 Then
              For i As Integer = Range(0) To Range(1)
                If Price.Bar.HighValue(i) >= Price.Bar.HighValue(BarA) Then
                   BarA = i
                End If
          End If
          If BarA < Range(1) - 1 Then
             Dim BarB As Integer = BarA
             Dim BarBqualified As Integer = BarA
             For i As Integer = BarA + 1 To Range(1) - 1
                  If Price.Bar.LowValue(i) < Price.Bar.LowValue(BarB) Then
                       BarB = i
                       For j As Integer = i To Range(1) - 1
                             If Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j - 1) AndAlso _
                                 Price.Bar.lowValue(j) < Price.Bar.lowValue(j + 1) Then
                                 BarBqualified = BarB
                             end if
                             Exit For
                  end if
             If BarBqualified > BarA Then
                  Dim level As Single = + Retrace / 100 * _
                      ( -
                  For i As Integer = BarBqualified To Range(1)
                       If price.Bar.lastvalue(i) > level Then
                             MyBase.addtoOutput(, True)
                       End If
             End If
  End If       
 End Sub
End Class
When I add the condition to a watchlist column "bars since true" , it either shows 0 or 50.
I suspect that the addtoouput statement's function in a condition is; only to be able to show a "True Marker" on the chart ?
How would you be able to use this in a watchlist? 
maybe instead of writing it all in a class, maybe you should in the "code" tab check if the "class" is true and then "pass" ?
Posted : Wednesday, July 24, 2013 1:16:58 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

You are going to mostly have to figure this out by yourself. I am not a programmer. What you are attempting to do is not like a typical condition.

That said, don't use the pass line. You also need to do more than just return true.

When the result is false, use AddToOutput to return false.

The only time you shouldn't return true or false is when there isn't enough data to do the calculations. But keep in mind that if you are passing through the data more than once or not in chronological order, you should only do a maximum of one AddToOutput for each bar and these AddToOutput results should be outputted in chronological order from oldest to newest.

Also note that the "indicator" upon which the condition is based isn't a typical indicator. It does its calculations only once for a range of bars. It does not calculate a new value for each bar. So you won't have a situation where a different condition is being calculated for every bar (at least in that the indicator is a different indicator at each bar). No test is done to see if it might have been true 10-bars ago to generate anything besides a 0 "since true" type result.

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Posted : Sunday, August 4, 2013 12:45:42 AM

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Joined: 6/15/2008
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ok, understanding the concept now.

rewrote the last part, and works fine.

If BarBqualified > BarA Then
  Dim level As Single = + Retrace / 100 * _
  ( -
  Dim brklevel As Integer = 0
  For i As Integer = BarBqualified To Range(1)
    If price.Bar.lastvalue(i) > level AndAlso price.Bar.lastvalue(i - 1) < level Then
    brklevel = i
  End If
  For j As Integer = 0 To price.Bar.count - 1
    If j = brklevel Then
      MyBase.addtoOutput(, True)
        MyBase.addtoOutput(, False)
    End If
End If
so basically just made another run through the whole price data range.
I should be able to rewrite and optimize it. but it was just a learning experiment.
Thanks !!!
Posted : Wednesday, August 7, 2013 8:49:45 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138

You're welcome.

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