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Attn: usertm, re posting telechart charts.... Rate this Topic:
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Posted : Tuesday, May 3, 2005 10:05:49 AM
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Joined: 12/2/2004
Posts: 1,775
usertm (or anyone), still unable to post charts on these forums or any other outside application (email, etc). Some of you are doing it with no problem, but I am still unable to do so even after following easy, detailed instructions as below. I bring up a telechart chart, full size it, press "alt" then "print screen" at same time, open paint, but here's where I always get stuck. My paint program ALWAYS has the "paste" function greyed out. What could I possibly be doing wrong. Is it possible my particular paint program by default does not allow pasting of outside images such as TC? Searching for answer. Thanks in advance to all for any suggestions. Okay, below the easy/specific instructions that usertm provided....but will not work for me when I get to the paste action in Paint.

To post a chart as a picture on this board just follow these instructions

1. On your computer with your chart open press the “ALT” key and the “Print-Screen” key at the same time. This will copy a picture of your chart program on the Windows clipboard.

2. Go to, Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint

3. In the Paint program click, Edit > Paste. A picture of your chart should appear in the Paste program

4. Go to, File > Save As. In the “Save In” box, click on the drop down arrow and choose “Desktop”. At the bottom of the window change the “Save As Type” to “JPEG”, then click “Save”. You should now have your chart saved as a picture

If you have not already done so, go out to the Internet and register with a free photo storage site to store your pictures on the internet. I use You can also search the internet for “Free photo storage” You should come up with a list of other free file storage servers you can use

5. Upload your picture to the photo storage server. The storage server will then provide you with an image link that you can then include on your post on the Worden message board using the Image tags

When done it should look something like this
Right click on this picture to see how the link looks

Posted : Tuesday, May 3, 2005 10:16:12 AM


Joined: 9/18/2004
Posts: 3,522
What paint program are you using? It might not support pasting from the windows clipboard.

You can use the built in Paint program in windows (Start - Programs - Accessories - Paint). It supports this functionality. Alt-PrtScn copies only the active program. PrtScn copies the entire screen.

Ken Gilb (Kuf)
Chief Software Engineer - Worden Brothers Inc.
Try/Catch - My RealCode Blog
Posted : Tuesday, May 3, 2005 10:25:08 AM
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Joined: 12/2/2004
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I'm using Microsoft Paint, version 5.1. Build 2600 xpsp 2.050301-1526 Service Pack 1. Several other staffers have tried to help me with this the past few weeks, but I still can't get the chart to paste in paint or any other program that supports the paste function. Thanks Kuf.
Posted : Friday, May 6, 2005 5:28:20 AM
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Joined: 11/13/2004
Posts: 141
What kind of computer are you using, A laptop, desktop, MAC ??.
what Operating system are you using, Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP? MAC?

This function may be different depending on your platform

Posted : Friday, May 6, 2005 5:30:53 AM
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Joined: 11/13/2004
Posts: 141
Never mind, just saw your other post about the FN key

Glad you found it

Posted : Friday, June 15, 2007 12:55:12 AM
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Joined: 9/22/2005
Posts: 849
I too am having trouble.

I have a Hewlett Packard laptop with Windows XP. I have MSPAINT version 5.1 2600 2180 (xpsp_sp2_tm.040803-2158)

My PRTSC key is on the same button as insertand the letters are enclsed in a box.

I have tried all combinations of alt,
ctrl, and PRTSC and pasted into Paint with no success.
Posted : Friday, June 15, 2007 8:11:30 AM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138
Without actually seeing the keyboard, I really can't say, but do you have Function (Fn) Key that might activate your PRTSC Key (on one of the computers I use, Prnt Scrn shares the Key with SysRq, but it is SysRq that uses the Fn Key)?

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Posted : Friday, June 15, 2007 3:31:14 PM
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Joined: 9/22/2005
Posts: 849
Thanks, Bruce. I'll call Hewlett Packard and see if they can help.
Posted : Friday, June 15, 2007 3:34:30 PM

Worden Trainer

Joined: 10/7/2004
Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.

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Posted : Saturday, June 23, 2007 11:43:56 AM
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Joined: 6/14/2005
Posts: 628
If you have not already done so, go out to the Internet and register with a free photo storage site to store your pictures on the internet. I use You can also search the internet for “Free photo storage” You should come up with a list of other free file storage servers you can use

5. Upload your picture to the photo storage server. The storage server will then provide you with an image link that you can then include on your post on the Worden message board using the Image tags
Elsewhere on these forums it has been stated that one reason for not allowing users to delete their own posts is that it could adversely affect thread continuity if posts from the middle of a conversation "go missing".

What about images? Same situation, guys ...

If you are sincere in your concern for thread continuity, it is illogical to be all laissez-faire for images while considering text sacrosanct.

Here's my feedback as a customer:

Not hosting your own images is lame. It's a false economy (in this era of cheap hard disks), and it makes your boards very much less powerful for teaching/learning/service than they otherwise would be.

Just because a policy seemed the "right call at the time" at some point in the past, doesn't mean it should persist forever in the face of changing circumstances and needs.

Please reconsider your policy of trying to fob off image hosting onto others, and adopt instead a policy to make this board the very best that it can be as a medium for teaching, learning, sharing, and customer service.

The quality of your online community, in the long run, is the most important thing for your success.

You've got very knowledgable, helpful, and likable employees doing your training and online support. You've also got a saavy and cooperative customer base that wants to eagerly adopt your new technologies. Please make it a priority to implement forum policies which fully enable them!
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