Registered User Joined: 6/26/2009 Posts: 1
What is the current support cycle or shelf life of SF5?
How does Worden plan to phase out SF5 in such a way that traders who have come to rely on SF5 for their trading business will not suffer any negative consequences?
If I am starting to rely on SF5 more and more for my trading decisions - I want to ensure that the product will be around for next 4-5 years or Worden will make arrangements for alternative products which provide same or better functionality than what SF5 provides.
I understand that your current focus is on TC2000. But frankly T2K does not serve any of my needs for my current trading system. Especially useful are these capabilities of SF5:
1. Watchlist indicators: Where I could analyze data on entire watchlists and create and indicator out of the summarized data
2. Ability to plot relative data from 2 indicators: e.g. sum or substract 2 MAs on the graph and plot it as a histogram
Given that SF5 is still being sold as an active product *even today* - I want to request Worden to think seriously about traders who rely on SF5 for their trading decisions. Our trading business depends on SF5.
If other SF5 users share the same sentiment - please add your opinion to this post.
 Registered User Joined: 6/15/2008 Posts: 1,356
I'm with you heyman, would love to see continuing development on SF (specifically the backscanner). from what I understand is that eventually they'll release a final 5.1 version, and will continue to be supported, except from development in new features. With the focus shifted towards T2k I have deliberated to switch to a different platform, but since I have spent a significant amount of time to get it set up the way I like it, I wouldn't want to go through yet another learning curve in switching to something else. SF is working "relatively" great for me and as long Worden shows us the commitment of continuing support for the longer term future then that is good enough for me. And with "relatively" I mean that I do find some minor issues now and then, and room for improvement, but that's the nature of the beast, you can't make a product perfect for everyone. But I agree, a formal statement from Worden on SF's timeline, would us, traders give the warm fuzzy feeling we have a platform that we can rely on for the foreseeable future. But in my years of using Worden I haven't seen one product/feature timeline. they announce something only when they release it, unfortunately.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
There are no plans to discontinue either TC2000 version 7 or StockFinder. There are no plans to develop StockFinder further once StockFinder 5.1 is finalized.
While the focus is currently on TC2000 version 12.2 and its mobile and tablet counterparts, both TC2000 version 7 and StockFinder will continue to be supported for the forseeable future.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 3/5/2006 Posts: 55
How soon will Stockfinder 5.1 be released? And what is the latest build of Stockfinder 5.0?
P.S. I'm in 100% agreement with the 1st 2 comments of this thread. Please continue to support Stockfinder indefinitely. Thanks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I do not know when StockFinder 5.1 will be finalized. Current development is focused on TC2000 version 12.2 and its mobile and tablet counterparts.
You can obtain the StockFinder 5.1 beta here:
password : fins1
The most recent production build of StockFinder is Version and can be downloaded from the main StockFinder website.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles

Gold Customer
Joined: 3/26/2006 Posts: 223
I agree with other Stockfinder lovers: For me TC2000 needs at least two additional features that are built in Stockfinder:
- the capacity to handle at least 5000 candles (instead of 500) , and
- to give the possibility to write or draw on each timeframe something that is invisible on other timeframes.
Thanks for supporting Stockfinder and its new version 5.1
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 426
QUOTE (bernystock)
For me TC2000 needs at least two additional features that are built in Stockfinder:
- the capacity to handle at least 5000 candles (instead of 500)
TC2000 already has this... it's called V7
The problem with Stockfinder: it seems like you are working in quicksand
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 1,006
Below are question I asked Worden when TC2000 v11 beta was released and I believe are still valid today.
I use a 4 multiple monitor layout, I don’t use a mobile unit. At present I believe TC2000 12.3 Beta does not support multiple monitors which I understand rests with Microsoft Silverlight 5 capability. I use and I’m very satisfied with StockFinder 5.1.18 Beta, a wonderful charting program, does more things than I can possibly use. Since I rarely use TC2000, the TC2000 feature questions below may now be available.
1. TC2000 beta is built on Microsoft Silverlight 5 server web application and at this point Silverlight does not support separate windows on different monitors for Charts, WatchLists, etc. but can only use one monitor or separate Windows stretched within the Main TC2000 Layout. -Worden, TC2000 is not capable to move WatchList windows, Chart Windows, etc. etc. to different monitors.
2. Draw a Horizontal Line at a certain indicator, say for O, H, L, H1, L1, C1, can this be done in Real Time with an update frequency set to every tick or 1 Minute for a 1 Minute Time Frame Chart? -Worden, Not Available Option.
3. The EasyScan Re-Scan feature, can this be set to an update frequency? -Worden, Not Available Option.
4. The EasyScan Sort, can this be set to an update frequency? -Worden, Not Available Option.
5. Sorting of WatchList Columns, can the update frequency be set for each Column? -Worden, Not Available Option.
6. The Drawing Tool, Horizontal Line, can the thickness be adjusted? Presently the line width (thickness) is much too bold for my high resolution monitor. -Worden, Not Available Option.
7. Can the Linear Regression Channels be made active instead of fixed? What I mean by this, the right end of the channel is always offset by a fixed value, say 10 bars offset, during a 1 Minute Time Frame Chart, the right side updates every minute so the LR Channel is always offset by 10 bars. -Worden, Not Available Option.
8. For Chart Settings Properties, the Symbol Watermark, can this be resized and relocated similar to StockFinder? The Opacity can be changed but the location is fixed, sits in the center of the Chart/Indicators, much too big and prominent which interferes reading the chart Indicators. -Worden, Not Available Option
Registered User Joined: 5/11/2009 Posts: 120
I used to use Stockfinder (yes it is slow and a memory hog too) and was at a crossroads of whether to invest in a new computer to handle the slow response from my larger scans. When Worden announced the decision to discontinue any further Stockfinder development and combine Stockfinder, FreeCharts, and TeleChart into TC2000 which would use the Wordens servers for the number crunching, I switched to TC2000. It took a while to get used to, but the difference in speed will blow your mind and hardware is no longer a problem.
Most of the questions that you asked about TC2000 have been addressed. Maybe a Worden Trainer can chime in. The multiple monitor problem is a biggie for me also but I have faith that Microsoft will solve that with an updated Silverlight soon.
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 1,006
The real benefit of StockFinder is the RealCode compared to PCFs in TC2000, each has it plus and minuses. If you have the right Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Graphics Card and Monitors, StockFinder runs just fine alongside Interactive Brokers TWS. You can do things with StockFinder you just can’t do with TC2000.
The power of RealCode:
You can create the following RealCode items:
Indicators (plots on chart)
Conditions (true/false rules to scan, filter, color or backtest)
Paint Scheme (indicator coloring based on code)
Scans (via RealCode Conditions applied to a WatchList)
Filters(via RealCode Conditions applied to a WatchList)
Sorts (via RealCode Indicators or Conditions applied to a WatchList column)
Indicators, Conditions and Paint Scheme are all created for and owned by a Chart. Indicators and Conditions can also be added to any WatchList to perform a scan, sort or filter. You can treat a RealCode indicator or Condition like any other indicator or condition in that it can be used in other Conditions, List Calculations, Scans, Sorts, etc. Anything you can do with a regular Indicator/Condition in StockFinder can also be performed with a RealCode Indicator / Condition.
Chart Conditions can be: Edited, QuickScan, QuickSort, Add Column (Last True Date, % True Period, Bars Since True, Condition Column - Linked, Last Date True-Linked, % Tuew in Period-Linked, Bars Since True-Linked, # True in a Row-Linked), Paint Price History, Paint and QuickSort, Show True Markers, Create Market Indicator, Add to Paint Scheme, Move Left, Move Right, Save Condition, Click Options, Delete All, Delete.
Registered User Joined: 5/11/2009 Posts: 120
Hmmm...I am running TC2000 on my iPad and iPhone while I am away from home but I do not see Stockfinder.
Do you have a Realcode program that I could use?
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