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Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
There are times I would like to save a topic so that I can look at it later. I right click on the topic to save it and then paste it into a Microsoft Word docunent,, the right side of a long line is cut off.
Can you suggest a way to get all of those long lines?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I don't seem to be able to reproduce this in Microsoft Word 2010 when I click on the beginning of the post and hold down the shift key before clicking on the end of the post to highlight the entire post before copying.
While it isn't happening to me, it may be possible that some sort of formatting is being copied from the forums into Word which is causing the issue. If so, pasting it into Notepad first and then copying and pasting it from there might get rid of the formatting.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
 Registered User Joined: 7/30/2007 Posts: 1,072
A couple of thoughts...
Bruce can speak to this, but except for rare occasions when a post is edited by a "moderator", you should be able to pull up the original post any time by just saving the link to the post. If you want to view the post without an internet connection ...
I've used Bruce's suggestion of pasting into Notepad first to strip away any "hidden" formatting characters, and it works well, but...
If you're using IE as your browser you can save a few steps by just doing a File > Save As > Web Archive, single file. This will save the post to your computer as a file with a .mht extension. Any time you want to view the post you just click on your copy of the file and it will open in your browser instead of Word or Notepad.
Registered User Joined: 9/22/2005 Posts: 849
Thanks guys
Bruce -- I can't hold down my Shift key to catch the post to copy it. Dont know why.
Putt4Dough. Right clicking to Select all, copying and using your technique with Notepad works fine.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome. Our pleasure. I'm happy to read you were able to find something which works for you.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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