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Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
Bruce....... Can you help me to create a formula to find stocks when the Stochastic 12.5.1 cross the 20% line on an upward trend .....Thank you.... lefty86

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
If it is a Simple Stochastic 12.5 SK:
STOC12.5 > 20 AND STOC12.5.1 <= 20
If it is an Exponential Stochastic 12.5 SK:
XAVG(STOC12,5) > 20 AND XAVG(STOC12.1.1,5) <= 20
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF)
PCF Formula Descriptions
Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs!
If you are using TC2000 version 12, it is probably much easier to just click on the Stochastic and select Create Condition. You can then choose Crossing Up Value from the Condition drop-down menu and set the Crossing up through field to 20.
Indicators, Sorting & Scanning
The resulting Condition will also calculate more quickly using less resources than a Condition Formula while be more likely to match the charts.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
Bruce......Thank you for your help..
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
I entered your formular and checked it out and I get "Error in Formular Syntex. What am i doing wrong?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
My guess would be that it is a typo as the formulas do not return any errors when I copy them from the forums (highlight the formula and select ctrl-c) and paste them into either TeleChart 2007 or TC2000 version 12 (select ctrl-v in the formula window).
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
I made an error in spacing the formulars including AND. I corrected the spacing I created in the formulars and only spaced the AND between the formulars. Thank you for your help.
My second question , I only want stocks were the Stockastic and the Day Lines cross the 20% together on an Upward swing. only. Can it be done?. Thank you Again

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I don't know what "Day Lines" are.
You would need to objectively define an "upward swing" to be able to identify it.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
Sorry.. The Stochastic Line is Orange and the SD Period line is white. I like to find only stocks that the SD period line along with the Stochastic line both cross the 20% line in an upword swing.. Thank you.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
When you said, "Stochastic 12.5.1", I assumed you meant a 12-Period Stochastic with an SK Period of 5 and an SD Period of 1. If the SD Period is 1, there won't be two lines in the Stochastic. It will just be a single line.
Understanding Stochastics
What is the SD Period? Is it Simple or Exponential?
What is your objective definition of an "upward swing"?
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
Sorry, I see where i ave miss lead you.
It is Simple and I was going to create one SD period for 3 days and another for 5 days once I understood how to create them.
I like to find stocks when the Stochastic and SD lines both cross each other below the 20% line and have crossed the 20% line in an upward movement and are above the 20% line.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
How long ago can they have crossed each other below the 20? I ask, because I have to check for each bar individually.
Do the SK and SD need to cross up through 20 during the same bar? If not, how far apart can the crosses occur?
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
One formular the SK & SD cross the 20% during the same bar. Another a five day to give me an idea how to create the formulars. Thank you again for your patients

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
A formula for both the SK and SD of a Simple Stochastic 12,5,3 crossing up through 20 on the same bar could be written as:
STOC12.5 > 20 AND STOC12.5.1 <= 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5,3) > 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5.1,3) <= 20
A formula for both the SK and SD of a Simple Stochastic 12,5,5 crossing up through 20 on the same bar could be written as:
STOC12.5 > 20 AND STOC12.5.1 <= 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5,5) > 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5.1,5) <= 20
A formula for the 3-Period SD and 5-Period SD of a Simple Stochastic 12,5 crossing up through 20 on the same bar tould be written as:
AVG(STOC12.5,3) > 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5.1,3) <= 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5,5) > 20 AND AVG(STOC12.5.1,5) <= 20
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
Bruce Hi... Can you create a EasyScan formular for stocks when the Moving average 20 crosses the Moving average 40 upward Simple and visa versa
Also I forgot how to get to the EasyScan formulars that have been created so as to edite some of them.
Thank you

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
A Condition Formula for a 20-Period Simple Moving Average crossing up through a 40-Period Simple Moving Average could be written as:
AVGC20 > AVGC40 AND AVGC20.1 <= AVGC40.1
A Condition Formula for a 20-Period Simple Moving Average crossing down through a 40-Period Simple Moving Average could be written as:
AVGC20 < AVGC40 AND AVGC20.1 >= AVGC40.1
Moving Average PCF Templates
Things to check if your moving averages don't "seem right" or "seem to match"
In TC2000 version 12, you can view Condition Formulas by selecting My Conditions (Formulas) and choosing Edit to the right of the Condition Formula you wish to view.
In TC2000 version 12, you can view Indicator Formulas by selecting My Indicators (Formulas) and choosing Edit to the right of the Indicator Formula you wish to view.
In TeleChart 2007, you can view a Personal Criteria Formula by selecting Personal Criteria Formulas (the icon which looks like fx) and then choosing the Edit Personal Criteria Formula icon (the hand writing on a piece of paper) to the right of the PCF you wish to view.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/27/2005 Posts: 88
THANK YOU..... Lefty86

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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