Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 16
Might it be possible to scan for stocks with the following characteristics:
MACD 12,26,9 and ADX 14 form a squeeze where they come together and then go apart. Some dates for chart examples: T - 12/1, CRUS - 11/3-5, ABT - 12/1, ADM - 12/2, AGN - 12/2-3, ARG - 12/2, BMS - 11/18-24, BIG - 11/22-24, FSLR - 11/30-12/2, ISRG - 9/1-3 11/18-24, BIG - 11/22-24, FSLR - 11/30-12/2, ISRG - 9/1-3

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Not really. While it is possible to create Personal Criteria Formulas for MACD.
Understanding MACD
I am not aware of a practical method of creating the ADX line itself as a Personal Criteria Formula. It is possible to sort by ADX using Indicator Sorts however.
Sorting by the ADX indicator
Average Directional Index (ADX)
It is possible to identify the crossover of the +DI and -DI or determine their values using a PCF as long as the DX period is know.
PCF for Wilder's Directional Movement DMI-crossovers
PCF for Wilder's DX, and/or a CI for Wilder's ADX
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
Remember that ADX and MACD are also on different price scales.
You may want to look at this, which represents a "squeeze" when below 1.
(between bollinger and keltner bands)
SQR(ABS(C ^ 2 + C1 ^ 2 + C2 ^ 2 + C3 ^ 2 + C4 ^ 2 + C5 ^ 2 + C6 ^ 2 + C7 ^ 2 + C8 ^ 2 + C9 ^ 2 + C10 ^ 2 + C11 ^ 2 + C12 ^ 2 + C13 ^ 2 + C14 ^ 2 + C15 ^ 2 + C16 ^ 2 + C17 ^ 2 + C18 ^ 2 + C19 ^ 2 - 20 * AVGC20 ^ 2) / 20) * 4 / 3 / ((AVGH20 - AVGL20) / 2 + (ABS(H - C1) + ABS(L - C1) + ABS(H1 - C2) + ABS(L1 - C2) + ABS(H2 - C3) + ABS(L2 - C3) + ABS(H3 - C4) + ABS(L3 - C4) + ABS(H4 - C5) + ABS(L4 - C5) + ABS(H5 - C6) + ABS(L5 - C6) + ABS(H6 - C7) + ABS(L6 - C7) + ABS(H7 - C8) + ABS(L7 - C8) + ABS(H8 - C9) + ABS(L8 - C9) + ABS(H9 - C10) + ABS(L9 - C10) + ABS(H10 - C11) + ABS(L10 - C11) + ABS(H11 - C12) + ABS(L11 - C12) + ABS(H12 - C13) + ABS(L12 - C13) + ABS(H13 - C14) + ABS(L13 - C14) + ABS(H14 - C15) + ABS(L14 - C15) + ABS(H15 - C16) + ABS(L15 - C16) + ABS(H16 - C17) + ABS(L16 - C17) + ABS(H17 - C18) + ABS(L17 - C18) + ABS(H18 - C19) + ABS(L18 - C19) + ABS(H19 - C20) + ABS(L19 - C20)) / 40 + .000001)