Registered User Joined: 9/18/2008 Posts: 65
Other than using the "Add Trade-Based Rule / Target %"
How would i use real code to code the Profit Target Percentage for stockfinder 4.0.
(As a side note....FYI... The Add Trade Based Rule for Profit Target Percentage has a bug that I Found and Reported it , but your senior tech will not address it because its in stockfinder 4.0 and he will eventually get to fix it for 5.0, but 5.0 in my opinion is slower that 4.0 and has many bugs and i will not switch over for various reasons).
In other words....
If I shorted a stock on a particular close of a day
and Now I want to program a Profit Target to Exit at the Low of the Bar if the current bar's Low is 1.7% or better from the original entry price. How would i program that in Stockfinder 4.0 REAL CODE.
Thank you
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
RealCode does not have syntax for referencing the Entry in BackScanner. The only way to create a Rule that is aware of the Trade in the current version of BackScanner is to use one of the existing Trade-Based Rules.
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