Registered User Joined: 12/21/2004 Posts: 3
CWZ (corporate backed trust certificates) I found this chart pattern while searching and wonder if anyone can explain it, I don't know what these certificates are, in fact. A 3 year chart shows up the pattern, every 6 months it drops about 1 point in one day, and then gradually rises for six months back to the high, then drops precipitously again, 1 point, but there is never any huge volume associated with the pattern, as far as I can tell . Thanks in advance if anyone can explain it. willyger
Registered User Joined: 1/28/2005 Posts: 6,049
This looks like some type of adjustment in price
for a yield or dividend payment. (It does not
have this look on stockcharts)
The same type pattern can be seen in SHY
and BIL.