Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
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General Criteria:
# Users Viewing Chart - This is the number of TeleChart users currently viewing a stock. This conditions updates every minute.
Company Name
Discussion Dates - This is the date and time of the most recent discussion posting.
Exchanges - Displays the exchange the stock primarily trades on.
News Dates - This is the date and time of the most recent news article. This condition updates dynamically as news is posted.
Note Dates - This is the date and time of the most recent note published by any author you have chosen in the note selector. This condition updates dynamically as notes are published.
Ticker Symbol
Real Time Criteria (Platinum only):
Per Share - RT - The current price per share updated every minute.
Percent Change – RT - The difference between the current price and the previous day’s close expressed as a percentage. This is updated every minute.
Volume – RT - The current day’s trading volume updated every minute.
Technical Criteria:
30 Day Price Trend vs Market
5 Day Price Trend vs Market
BOP Net Change - BOP-BOP.1
BOP Value Today - Current value of Balance of Power indicator
Gappers - Stocks that gapped up (L>H1) or down (H<L1)from the previous day. Values of 1=GapUp and 2=GapDown. The formula used to calculate these values is: (L>H1)*-1 + (H<L1)*-2
MoneyStream 1-Year Range - This is MoneyStream as a % of its one year range. Values of 100 would display MoneyStream at a one year high. Values of 0 would display MoneyStream at a one year low.
MoneyStream 3-Month Range - This is MoneyStream as a % of its three month range. Values of 100 would display MoneyStream at a three month high. Values of 0 would display MoneyStream at a three month low.
MoneyStream 3-Year Range - This is MoneyStream as a % of its three year range. Values of 100 would display MoneyStream at a three year high. Values of 0 would display MoneyStream at a three year low.
MoneyStream Surge 1 Week - This is the net change of MoneyStream over the past week as a % of the range of MoneyStream over the past six months. A value of 90 would mean that 90% of the MoneyStream movement over the past six months happened over the past week.
MoneyStream vs Price 1-Yr. Period - This is the difference between MoneyStream as a % of its one year range and price as a % of its one year range.
MoneyStream vs Price 3-Mo. Period - This is the difference between MoneyStream as a % of its three month range and price as a % of its three month range.
MoneyStream vs Price 3-Yr Period - This is the difference between MoneyStream as a % of its three year range and price as a % of its three year range.
Price 1-Year Range - This is price as a % of its one year range. A value of 100 would display price at a one year high. A value of 0 would display price at a one year low.
Price 3-Month Range - This is price as a % of its three month range. A value of 100 would display price at a three month high. A value of 0 would display price at a three month low.
Price 3-Year Range - This is price as a % of its three year range. A value of 100 would display price at a three year high. A value of 0 would display price at a three year low.
Price as Percent of 30-Day High - This is the current price divided by the most recent 30-day high. The highest possible value is 100%. Stocks with a value of 100% are at their 30-day high.
Price as Percent of 30-Day Low - This is the current price divided by the most recent 30-day low. The lowest possible value is 100%. Stocks with a value of 100% are at their 30-day low.
Price as Percent of 52 Week High - This is the current price divided by the most recent 52 week high. The highest possible value is 100%. Stocks with a value of 100% are at their 52 week high.
Price as Percent of 52 Week Low - This is the current price divided by the most recent 52 week low. The lowest possible value is 100%. Stocks with a value of 100% are at their 52 week low.
Price as Percent of 90-Day High - This is the current price divided by the most recent 90-day high. The highest possible value is 100%. Stocks with a value of 100% are at their 90-day high.
Price as Percent of 90-Day Low - This is the current price divided by the most recent 90-day low. The lowest possible value is 100%. Stocks with a value of 100% are at their 90-day low.
Price Growth Rate 1-Yr - This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last year, derived using the least squares method.
Price Growth Rate 2-Yr - This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last 2 years, derived using the least squares method.
Price Growth Rate 3-Yr - This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last 3 years, derived using the least squares method.
Price Growth Rate 5-Yr - This is the compound annual growth rate of price over the last 5 years, derived using the least squares method.
Price Per Share - This is the current price per share (quotes are 20 minute delayed).
Price Percent Change 1 Month - This is the difference in the current price per share and the price per share 1 month ago expressed as a percentage.
Price Percent Change 26-Week - This is the difference in the current price per share and the price per share 26 weeks ago expressed as a percentage.
Price Percent Change 30-Day - This is the difference in the current price per share and the price per share 30 trading days ago expressed as a percentage.
Price Percent Change 5-Day - This is the difference in the current price per share and the price per share 5 days ago expressed as a percentage. This value is updated every 20 minutes.
Price Percent Change Today - This is the difference in the price today and the price yesterday expressed as a percentage.
Price Volatility - (Relative Volatility) - This is a measure of the propensity of a stock’s share price to fluctuate widely. This indicator is calculated as follows: The stock’s calender weekly percentage magnitude change over the last 13 calender weeks is averaged. The stock’s final volatility is found by multiplying its average by 10.
Price vs. 200 Day Moving Average - For scanning purposes, the Value of this criterion is expressed as a percentage of the moving average. For example, stocks with a Value greater than 100 are trading above their 200-day moving average.
Price vs. 40 Day Moving Average - For scanning purposes, the Value of this criterion is expressed as a percentage of the moving average. For example, stocks with a Value greater than 100 are trading above their 40-day moving average.
Relative Strength 1-Yr (vs SP-500) - The relative change in price of a stock over the past year compared to the change in the SP-500 over the same time. The calculation is : (Latest Close Price of Stock / Latest Close Price of SP-500) / (Close Price of Stock 1 year ago / Close Price of SP-500 1 year ago) * 100.
Short Interest Ratio - Short interest shares divided by average daily volume, representing the number of days of average trading needed to cover the shorts. Latest month as reported by the Exchanges.
Stochastic Short Term - This is 12 day stochastic smoothed by a 5 day moving average.
Stochastic is a measure of where the stock is with in a price range for a specific time period. A stochastic of 100% would mean the stock price is at the high of the range, while a stochastic of zero would mean the price is at the low. As a general rule, stocks above 80% in this indicator are considered over bought and values of less than 20% are considered oversold.
Total Volume Last 13 weeks - Total number of shares traded in the last 13 weeks.
Volume (Dollars) 1-Day - Today’s volume multiplied by latest closing price. Value displayed in 10000s.
Volume (Dollars) 5-Day - This the average daily number of shares traded over the last week times the average closing price over the last week. Value displayed in 10000s.
Volume (Dollars) 90-Day - This is the average daily number of shares traded over the last 90 days times the average closing price over the last 90 days. Value displayed in 10000s.
Volume 1-Day - Number of shares traded for the most recent market day. Value given in 100s.
Volume 5-Day - Average number of shares traded over the last five market days. Value given in 100s.
Volume 90-Day - Average number of shares traded over the last 90 market days. Value given in 100s.
Volume Surge 5-Day - 5-day moving average of volume divided by 200-day moving average of volume
Volume Surge Today - Today’s Volume divided by the 100-day moving average of volume
Fundamental Criteria:
Asset Turnover - Equals revenue divided by the average of total assets from the most recent two balance sheets. It measures the ratio at which each dollar of assets will generate a dollar of revenues.
Beta - The coefficient which measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 36/60-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500:
Ri = a + (Rm) + e
where Ri is the monthly total returns on the stock, a is the stock's Alpha, Rm is the monthly total returns on the market (S&P 500), and e is a random error term. A minimum of 12 monthly returns are required for this calculation.
A beta of 1 means that the market and the stock move up or down together, at the same rate. That is, a 5% up or down move in the market should theoretically result in a 5% up or down move in the stock. A beta coefficient of 2 suggests that the stock will tend to fluctuate twice as much as the market. That is, if the market moves up 5%, then the stock should move up 10%. A beta coefficient of 0.5 indicates that the stock will move one-half as much as the market, either up or down.
A negative beta indicates the stock tends to move in the opposite direction from the general market. That is, the stock price declines when the overall market is rising, or rises when the overall market is declining. Negative beta stocks are rare.
Capitalization - This is the latest closing price of a share times the number of shares outstanding as indicated in the latest quarterly report. Sometimes called Market Valuation. This is useful for controlling the size of the company you are scanning for. You can also sort by this value if you wish to rank the companies by size. The units are in millions of dollars.
Debt to Equity Ratio - From the most recent fiscal quarter, it is the Long Term Debt divided by Common Stock Equity.
Dividend Growth Rate 5-Yr - This is the compound (shows accrued interest/dividend re-invested) annual dividend 5 year growth rate. The units are in percentages.
Dividend Yield - This is the latest dividend divided by the share price. It reads in percentage.
Earnings ($Millions) 1-Yr - This is the sum of the trailing 4 quarters of net income (profit) as taken from the quarterly report. This is not the earnings per share. This value will also provide some insight into company size. It reads in millions of dollars.
Earnings as a percent of Sales 1-Yr - This is an indication of profit margin. Weak profit margins are often a sign of hidden vulnerability in a stock that appears to have high earnings. Be careful of companies that pay high dividends while having low profit margins. Within industries, the companies with the highest profit margins are usually the leaders. It is a sign of good management. This reads in percentage.
Earnings Growth Rate 5-Yr - The compound annual earnings per share 5-year growth rate. In looking for quality companies, well established companies of good size, this criterion is indispensable. The units are in percentages.
EPS Latest Qtr - Fully Diluted earnings per share from Total Operations, as taken from the latest 3-month ending period.
EPS Percent Change (Latest Q) - The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before. Timely stocks will usually have strong recent quarterly earnings to validate the annual earnings strength. This reads in percentage.
EPS Percent Change (2nd Q back) - The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change (3rd Q back) - The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change (4th Q back) - The percentage change in earnings per share from the comparable quarter a year before.
EPS Percent Change (Latest Yr) - The percentage change in earnings for the latest 4 quarters compared to the preceding 4 quarters. An appropriate criterion to include in many types of screens. Also a common criterion to sort by, with the best earners on top.
Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio - The fiscal year Long-term debt divided by the Total Common Equity.
Latest Float - Shares outstanding minus shares held by insiders. Reported in 1000's.
Latest Net Profit Margin - The after-tax Net Income from Total Operations of the latest 4 quarters, divided by the latest 4 quarters Operating Revenues.
Latest Short Interest Ratio - The short interest shares divided by average daily volume, representing the number of days of average trading needed to cover the shorts.
Latest Total Net Income - Includes all the operations (continuing and discontinued) AND all the other income or charges (extraordinary, accounting changes, tax loss carryforward, and other gains and losses).
Net Profit Margin (post tax) - The after-tax Net Income from continuing operations of the latest 4 quarters, divided by the latest 4 quarters Operating Revenues.
Operating Cash Flow 1-Yr - The sum of net profit, depreciation, change in accruals, and change in accounts payable, minus change in accounts receivable, minus change in inventories.
P/E Ratio - The price per share divided by the trailing 12 month's earnings per share. Companies with negative earnings are designated N/A. This well known criterion is a quick and dirty way of evaluating whether a stock is richly priced or reasonably priced. The P/E ratio must, however, always be evaluated in conjunction with growth rate. A high growth rate deserves a high P/E. Generally a low P/E would merit a long position.
P/E Ratio vs. 5-Yr-Average P/E - This is the current P/E ratio divided by the average of the last five year's P/E ratio. Expressed as a percentage: a value of 80, for instance, would mean that the current P/E is 80% of the five year average. This value shows whether a stock is reasonably priced relative to its own history.
Percent Change Revenue 1-Yr - The difference between the revenue from the latest 12 months and the previous 12 months expressed as a percentage.
Percent Change Revenue Last Qtr - The difference between the latest quarter revenue and the revenue for the same quarter one year ago, expressed as a percentage.
Percent Shares Held by Insiders - The percentage of the latest shares outstanding held by insiders of the company.
Price to Sales Ratio - Determined by dividing current stock price by revenue per share (adjusted for stock splits). Revenue per share for the P/S ratio is determined by dividing revenue for past 12 months by number of shares outstanding.
Percent Shares Held by Institutions - The total number of shares held by institutions divided by the total number of shares outstanding.
Sales ($Millions) 1-Yr - This is the sum of revenues for the last 4 quarterly reports. This is an excellent gauge of company size.
Revenue Growth Rate Last 4 Qtrs - The difference between the latest fiscal year revenue and the previous fiscal year revenue, expressed as a percentage.
Sales Growth Rate 5-Yr - This is the compound annual revenue per share growth over the last 5 years. This is an indication of growing market share (especially in issues with over 15.93% since the average compound inflation rate for five years in the USA is 15.93%). Never forget, it takes revenue to produce earnings.
Pre-Built Personal Criteria:
10 day movavg crossing 200 day - Returns a value of TRUE if the 10 day simple moving average crossed above or below the 200 day simple moving average any time between the previous day's close and the current price.
BOP Net Change - Returns the difference between the value of BOP yesterday and the current value of BOP.
New High - Returns a value of TRUE if the current day's high is the highest high over the last 250 trading days (1 year).
New Low - Returns a value of TRUE if the current day's low is the lowest low over the last 250 trading days (1 year).
RSI Today - Returns the current value of RSI 14.
RSI Yesterday - Returns yesterday's value of RSI 14.
Stochastic crossing down thru 80 - Returns a value of TRUE if Stochastic 12,5 crossed below 80 any time between the previous day's close and the current price.
Stochastic crossing up thru 20 - Returns a value of TRUE if Stochastic 12,5 crossed above 20 any time between the previous day's close and the current price.
Today's range crossing 40 day movavg - Returns a value of TRUE if the current value of the 40 day simple moving average is between the current day's high and low.
Trending/Consolidating (25 day) - Compares the average trading range to the trading range over the past 25 days. Lower values reveal consolidation while higher values reveal trending.
Up 5 days in a row - Returns a value of TRUE if each close over the last 5 days was higher than the previous.
Display Only Criteria (Platinum only):
% Change – RT - The difference between the last executed price of the stock and the previous day’s close expressed as a percentage.
Ask – RT - The lowest price the stock is currently offered for sale.
Ask – Vol - The number of shares (in hundreds) offered at the current Ask.
Bid – RT - The highest current bid to buy the stock.
Bid – Vol - The number of shares (in hundreds) wanted at the current Bid.
Exchange – RT - The exchange that processed the latest trade of the stock.
High – RT - The current high of the day.
Last – RT - The last executed price of the stock.
Last Time – RT - The time of the last trade.
Last Vol – RT - The size of the last trade.
Low – RT - The current low of the day.
Net – RT - The difference between the last executed price of the stock and the previous day’s close.
Volume – RT - The current volume of the day.
Data Bar Specific Criteria (not for use in Watchlist Columns or EasyScans):
Bar Open - Displays the opening price of the current bar
Bar High - Displays the highest price of the current bar
Bar Low - Displays the lowest price of the current bar
Bar Close - Displays the last price of the current bar
Bar Volume - Displays the total volume of the current bar (in 100’s)
Bar Net - Displays the net difference between the last price of the current bar and the previous bar.
Bar % Change - Displays the Bar Net as a percentage
Bar Date/Time - Displays the date of the last price of the current bar and the time if the bar’s time frame is less the one day.
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