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Profile: TomCulberson
User Name: TomCulberson
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, November 24, 2005
Last Visit: Monday, November 13, 2006 8:27:13 PM
Number of Posts: 13
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Price Rate of Change in Chart Template per Worden Report 10/11/2006
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:29:38 PM
Sir Shopper gave the following chart template:
F6 [Time Frame = Monthly]
Top Window
MA 7 bars
Middle Window
MA 9 bars
Bottom Window
Price Rate of Change - 11 bars
MA - 7 bars

I can not get the Price Rate of Change in the bottom window.
Topic: TC Data Sheet Analysis & Interpretation
Posted: Saturday, August 26, 2006 4:04:28 PM
In searching for guidance on analysis and interpretation of the TC Data Sheets I find nothing in the books & videos or discussion. Is anything available?
Topic: Fibonacci Retracement Levels
Posted: Sunday, July 23, 2006 5:11:47 AM
If appropriate, are you willing to post your document for others to study?
Topic: Volatility in Worden Report June 23, 2006
Posted: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:21:44 AM
I entered the PCF's in this Report and obtained the results on two Resilient Russell 1000 Watchlist Tracking Reports. The information generaled does not appear correct on the Volatility5, althouygh I am not sure how to interpret this information. I need to determine if I have calculated this correctly and how I can use the information. My understanding is that I can set stops based on the Volatility5. In a review of my results the calculation is not correct. A stop on CPT with a close of $74.16 would be $77.942 using the Volatility result of 0.51 in the Volatility 5 report. The result I obtained was $112.50. I can fax or scan the WatchList Tracking reports as needed.
Topic: CD: Winning Stock Selection Simplified-Vol. 1: problem in Bearish M/S Scan
Posted: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:15:05 PM
My error found: I had "Display Market Rank" checked rather than "Display Value" in the sort criteria. Thanks for your help. All set now and if I need help further I will be in touch. I learned something new!
Topic: CD: Winning Stock Selection Simplified-Vol. 1: problem in Bearish M/S Scan
Posted: Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:53:34 PM
What is the stock at the top of the list? WMG
What value does it say under SORT VALUE? +1
What is teh second stock under it? TUTS
What value does it say for SORT VALUE? +1.01
Topic: CD: Winning Stock Selection Simplified-Vol. 1: problem in Bearish M/S Scan
Posted: Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:26:58 PM
The moneystream is negative on these but the numbers are not.
Topic: CD: Winning Stock Selection Simplified-Vol. 1: problem in Bearish M/S Scan
Posted: Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:22:59 PM
No; have tried that many times. Tried again just now. All green and with plus; no negatives. Does "Peter's UNIVERSE have different bullish and bearish sets of criteria?
Topic: CD: Winning Stock Selection Simplified-Vol. 1: problem in Bearish M/S Scan
Posted: Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:00:17 PM
Yes, typo; it's always been there. Are blank spaces necessary in the formula? It is hard for me to tell if there are blanks.
Topic: CD: Winning Stock Selection Simplified-Vol. 1: problem in Bearish M/S Scan
Posted: Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:49:23 AM
I note the sublist is marked for the bullish moneystream scan. I do not have the information on the bearish moneystream scan. I am searching the CD received but can not find. This is probably the problem.