Registered User Joined: 11/24/2005 Posts: 13
I entered the PCF's in this Report and obtained the results on two Resilient Russell 1000 Watchlist Tracking Reports. The information generaled does not appear correct on the Volatility5 , althouygh I am not sure how to interpret this information. I need to determine if I have calculated this correctly and how I can use the information. My understanding is that I can set stops based on the Volatility5 . In a review of my results the calculation is not correct. A stop on CPT with a close of $74.16 would be $77.942 using the Volatility result of 0.51 in the Volatility 5 report. The result I obtained was $112.50. I can fax or scan the WatchList Tracking reports as needed.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
Check out the work done here:
stop loss by %
I think it will clear things up for you. I found this by searching the forums. You too can search these forums for anything. Watch this short video on how to get the most from these forums: Learn how to use the forums: post a new topic, reply, Search existing topics
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