wildcat7129 |
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Saturday, February 5, 2011 1:07:29 PM |
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Bruce - wildcat7129. I entered the formula for MACD12.26.9 and it was accepted. Then I went to the criteria and clicked on the MACD and saved. When I went to the Scan Bolt it have me all the 7709 stocks and I didn't have only those stocks that closed above the signal line 2 days ago. Thanks for you help
I am trying to write a formula for MACD 12. 26. 9 that was below the line 7 days ago and above the line 2 days ago. Tried many times but all I get in the syntex response
I am trying to write a formula for MACD 12, 26, 9 that was below the line 7 days ago and above the line 2 days ago. Tried many times but always get the syntex answer. Please help.
I would like to write a formula where MS is greater than the MA of MS30 for the last 22 days AND TSV is greater than TSV18 for the last 10 days - have tried many times but can't get it to happen
How do I create a exponential PCF for TSV 27 - MA 12 which 10 days ago above the MA and 2 days ago was below the MA?
How do I write an exponential TSV 27, MA 12 which 10 days was above the MA and 2 days ago below the MA. Thanks
Bruce L - I have been a Worden user for 14 years and am 83 years old. I have been all through PCF material and I cannot find an answer to my question, which to a guru is elmentary, but not to me. How do I write the formula where TSV 27 was below the 10 day moving average 2 days ago, AND TSV 27 was above the 10 day moving average 5 days ago. I have written the PCF AND it works, but does not get the desired results. Give me the answer and not a reference to Worden material.
Charles Baxter 484752
Where do I find the answer to my question yesterday?
I am trying to write a PCF where TSV 27 is befow th 10 day moving average 2 days ago AND TSV 27 is above the 10 day moving average 5 days ago.
TSV27<AVG(27,10.2) AND TSV27>AVG(27,10.5)
This scan does not give the desired results. I would appreciate any counsel you can give me.
Thanks much Charles Baxter