I was asked for help converting an indicator used in another platform into a scan pcf for TC2000. This one is beyond me. I realize that previous forum posts indicate 1) TC2000 does not currently have a zig-zag indicator and 2) a possibly related indicator from even a different platform was referred to development a few years back.
However, I did not know if anyone had tried to convert this particular 3rd-party code...and whether it might be more doable than the MT version referenced in 2015 and before. At the very least, I figured it was worth a shot since another TC user had asked me. So, below are the code for Zig-zag indicator and the function that it calls.
Any shot that it can be converted to pcf?
Main script:
input priceH = high;
input priceL = low;
input percentageReversal = 5.0;
input absoluteReversal = 0.0;
input atrLength = 5;
input atrReversal = 1.5;
def zigZag = reference ZigZagHighLow(priceH, priceL, percentageReversal, absoluteReversal, atrLength, atrReversal).ZZ;
def step1 = open[1] >= open and open >= close[1] and open[1] > close[1];
def step2 = open[1] <= open and open <= close[1] and open[1] < close[1];
def upStep1 = step1 and close > open[1];
def upStep2 = step2 and close > close[1];
def downStep1 = step1 and close < close[1];
def downStep2 = step2 and close < open[1];
plot UpStep = (upStep1 or upStep1[-1] or upStep2 or upStep2[-1]) and zigZag == low;
plot DownStep = (downStep1 or downStep1[-1] or downStep2 or downStep2[-1]) and zigZag == high;
In my mind, this would be 2 pcfs...one for "Upstep Zig-Zag" and one for "DownStep Zig-Zag." I have taken the step of converting this easier portion to pcf as follows:
(O1 >= O and
O >= C1 and
O1 > C1 and
C > O1)
(O1 <= O and
O <= C1 and
O1 < C1 and
C > C1)
(O2 >= O1 and
O1 >= C2 and
O2 > C2 and
C1 > O2)
(O2 <= O1 and
O1 <= C2 and
O2 < C2 and
C1 > C2)
(O1 >= O and
O >= C1 and
O1 > C1 and
C < C1)
(O2 >= O1 and
O1 >= C2 and
O2 > C2 and
C1 < C2)
(O1 <= O and
O <= C1 and
O1 < C1 and
C < O1)
(O2 <= O1 and
O1 <= C2 and
O2 < C2 and
C1 < O2)
This is where things get ugly. The function called above "ZigZagHighLow" contains this code, which is beyond my time and/or ability to convert.
ZigZagHighLow function:
input priceH = high;
input priceL = low;
input percentageReversal = 5.0;
input absoluteReversal = 0.0;
input atrLength = 5;
input atrReversal = 1.5;
Assert(percentageReversal >= 0, "'percentage reversal' must not be negative: " + percentageReversal);
Assert(absoluteReversal >= 0, "'absolute reversal' must not be negative: " + absoluteReversal);
Assert(atrReversal >= 0, "'atr reversal' must not be negative: " + atrReversal);
Assert(percentageReversal != 0 or absoluteReversal != 0 or atrReversal != 0, "Either 'percentage reversal' or 'absolute reversal' or 'atr reversal' must not be zero");
def hlPivot;
if (atrReversal != 0) {
hlPivot = percentageReversal / 100 + WildersAverage(TrueRange(high, close, low), atrLength) / close * atrReversal;
} else {
hlPivot = percentageReversal / 100;
def state = {default init, undefined, uptrend, downtrend};
def maxPriceH;
def minPriceL;
def newMax;
def newMin;
def prevMaxH = GetValue(maxPriceH, 1);
def prevMinL = GetValue(minPriceL, 1);
if GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.init, 0) {
maxPriceH = priceH;
minPriceL = priceL;
newMax = yes;
newMin = yes;
state = state.undefined;
} else if GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.undefined, 0) {
if priceH >= prevMaxH {
state = state.uptrend;
maxPriceH = priceH;
minPriceL = prevMinL;
newMax = yes;
newMin = no;
} else if priceL <= prevMinL {
state = state.downtrend;
maxPriceH = prevMaxH;
minPriceL = priceL;
newMax = no;
newMin = yes;
} else {
state = state.undefined;
maxPriceH = prevMaxH;
minPriceL = prevMinL;
newMax = no;
newMin = no;
} else if GetValue(state, 1) == GetValue(state.uptrend, 0) {
if priceL <= prevMaxH - prevMaxH * hlPivot - absoluteReversal {
state = state.downtrend;
maxPriceH = prevMaxH;
minPriceL = priceL;
newMax = no;
newMin = yes;
} else {
state = state.uptrend;
if (priceH >= prevMaxH) {
maxPriceH = priceH;
newMax = yes;
} else {
maxPriceH = prevMaxH;
newMax = no;
minPriceL = prevMinL;
newMin = no;
} else {
if priceH >= prevMinL + prevMinL * hlPivot + absoluteReversal {
state = state.uptrend;
maxPriceH = priceH;
minPriceL = prevMinL;
newMax = yes;
newMin = no;
} else {
state = state.downtrend;
maxPriceH = prevMaxH;
newMax = no;
if (priceL <= prevMinL) {
minPriceL = priceL;
newMin = yes;
} else {
minPriceL = prevMinL;
newMin = no;
def barNumber = BarNumber();
def barCount = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(priceH), 0, barNumber));
def newState = GetValue(state, 0) != GetValue(state, 1);
def offset = barCount - barNumber + 1;
def highPoint = state == state.uptrend and priceH == maxPriceH;
def lowPoint = state == state.downtrend and priceL == minPriceL;
def lastH;
if highPoint and offset > 1 {
lastH = fold iH = 1 to offset with tH = priceH while !IsNaN(tH) and !GetValue(newState, -iH) do if GetValue(newMax, -iH) or iH == offset - 1 and GetValue(priceH, -iH) == tH then Double.NaN else tH;
} else {
lastH = Double.NaN;
def lastL;
if lowPoint and offset > 1 {
lastL = fold iL = 1 to offset with tL = priceL while !IsNaN(tL) and !GetValue(newState, -iL) do if GetValue(newMin, -iL) or iL == offset - 1 and GetValue(priceL, -iL) == tL then Double.NaN else tL;
} else {
lastL = Double.NaN;
plot ZZ;
if barNumber == 1 {
ZZ = fold iF = 1 to offset with tP = Double.NaN while IsNaN(tP) do if GetValue(state, -iF) == GetValue(state.uptrend, 0) then priceL else if GetValue(state, -iF) == GetValue(state.downtrend, 0) then priceH else Double.NaN;
} else if barNumber == barCount {
ZZ = if highPoint or state == state.downtrend and priceL > minPriceL then priceH else if lowPoint or state == state.uptrend and priceH < maxPriceH then priceL else Double.NaN;
} else {
ZZ = if !IsNaN(lastH) then lastH else if !IsNaN(lastL) then lastL else Double.NaN;
Many thanks in advance for my friend. I wish I could give you more background on the usage of this for trading, but it is not my setup. However, I will ask the original requester to fill in some detail in this thread.
Thanks Bruce and/or any other person that can help!