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Profile: Burt49
User Name: Burt49
Groups: Gold User, Member, Platinum User, TeleChart
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Joined: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Last Visit: Monday, April 4, 2011 12:23:32 AM
Number of Posts: 31
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Scanning for days of the week comarisons
Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:44:25 PM

I am looking to do a backscan for days of the week.  I would like to scan for one day and compare to another day,  ie friday to the following monday.  How does stockfinder handle the days during short weeks ie monday holidays??? and how can this be done.  Does stockinfer use a 5 day trading cycle or a calendar week day for compiling its stats.  I know TC uses 5 days, not the calendar week.  how does stockfinder handle this 


Topic: RE Timeframes
Posted: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:09:52 AM

I modified the time frames in Stockfinder to it's limits of 100.  Is there a way to increase the limit to 999?

Topic: Re Timeframes
Posted: Monday, April 12, 2010 4:40:25 PM
I modified the time frames in Stockfinder.  It only allows one to go to 100, so the 130 time frame cannot be accomplished.  Is there a way to increase the # limitation of 100 


Topic: Re Timeframes
Posted: Monday, April 12, 2010 4:30:01 PM



Topic: Using Stockfinder to track the changes in the price for the day floating like in freestockcharts
Posted: Monday, April 12, 2010 3:23:43 PM

The price change goes by the period of time seen on the screen. In Freestockcharts they have a one day window on the bottom, which holds the period to one day.  In stockfinder it is not set up that way, and varies depending on ones settings.


Topic: Re Timeframes
Posted: Monday, April 12, 2010 3:21:15 PM

I do not know how to modify the time of the bar interval periods.  I would like to have a 65 minute period and a 137.5 minute period.  The 65 minute period would be 6 even periods out of the 6.5 hr day. and the 137.5 period would allow one to check the market at 1/4, 12, and 3/4's of the day.



Topic: Using Stockfinder to track the changes in the price for the day floating like in freestockcharts
Posted: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:35:07 PM
Is there a way to set up stockfinder like freestockcharts to track the stocks in ones watchlist, for the daily price changes.  I have tried to do this with stockfinder, and I am unable to set up the scan.  I can post the daily high, and lows at the top of the page, I would like to set up a scan to monitor the changes in the % up for the day, instead of just a period of time. I have not been able to find any scans set up this way, and I do not know how to write realtime to accompish this task.


Topic: Volatility Squeeze in Stock Charts
Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:14:31 PM
I figured it out

Thanks again

Topic: Volatility Squeeze in Stock Charts
Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:00:46 PM

Thanks for the information.  Is there a way to add to the rules some of the conditions of the indicators.  What I want to do is in the indicators, and I do not know how to apply that to the current chart.  When I attempt to show the net change over 20 days, it gives me an indicator at the bottom of the chart.  How can I combine this with a rule to run them together to sort the stocks with both perameters?
Topic: Volatility Squeeze in Stock Charts
Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:49:54 PM
I ran the Standard and Poors 100 stocks in TC using the information from Aug 25, with the prices current, and it returned 21 of the 100 as canadates for this squeeze.  If I run it in Stockfinder, with the perameters of Bollinger Bands limiting to .06, it gives me all the stocks in the Standard and Poors 100. Why the difference?