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Profile: kolbgib
User Name: kolbgib
Groups: Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Last Visit: Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:29:04 PM
Number of Posts: 24
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: HLTH: Cup With Handle
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:36:57 AM
Hey Apelss, take something for your PMS you are all over the place and soon you will be calling the moderators asking for help like a little girl.

By the way, does that ugly avatar come with the big belly?  I should bring the old pictures out - don't you think?
Topic: Why? Because...
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:32:56 AM
QUOTE (diceman)
Still asking questions?
Obviously you don't understand how the economy works.
You should try and find a basic/beginners handbook on

Why don't you explain to the board how the economy works instead of wasting time with meaningless remarks? 

Thanks diceman.
Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:29:23 AM
QUOTE (Apsll)

BB, just for our final amusment; I do not need to read this article. I know that chart patterns work. No article or silly self indulging questions are going to change mine nor Tobydads trading results.

Like Diceman says; " get down on your knees and just keep begging".

Are you claiming now that you know more than Bulkowski about Technical Analysis?
or are you claiming now that Bulkowski is wrong?

I don't think you can handle either one Apesll.  You better get back with your "Professional Traders" there you can linger like a leech.  You may even learn something that is not flawed.
Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:21:05 AM
QUOTE (diceman)
Interesting you are demanding I test something when you are lost
and floating adrift at sea.
If I had to test what you don't understand I wouldn't have time for anything
Should your weakness/ignorance be my problem?
You are lost and asking the questions not me.
Here's what I would recommend:
Bulkowski's data was based on the test of 13932 patterns.
(this is what is missed when you wait for other to read the
article for you)
If you have questions run 13932 test of moving averages.
Then you will have your answer.
What you have missed is facts are in play not opinion.
You have to stop doing analysis from a lazy-boy recliner.
When you are lost, confused, Roll up your sleeves and get to work
on finding the answer.
You should certainly never demand others do your work for
(or for that matter read articles for you)

I am sorry to dissapoint you, but I already know the answer.  The exercise was directed to the board so they can see.

About being are lost and flooating adrift at sea I must say is an entertaining thought, but nonetheless your thought, which has nothing else that a product of your poetic imagination.

Going back to the question, which you among other have taken of the track.
Do you have an answer or not.  If you don't - then just say you have NO IDEA and move on.

Thanks diceman. 
Topic: HLTH: Cup With Handle
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:31:25 AM
QUOTE (Apsll)
Nope, gonna keep this one. I have not spoken with WSE since my return. I wonder why he stoped posting?

You certainly should, it fits who you are down to a T.  Can't find a better one - a lying filth.
Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:22:21 AM
Now, go and read the article if you want to know "the truth".
Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:08:41 AM
QUOTE (jas0501)
QUOTE (kolbgib)

Do you think at this point that chart patterns are more efficient than let's say - the crossing of 2 moving averages?  Why?

Moving average crossovers is a chart pattern....

If you are looking for the "best" chart pattern for today's market conditions....

you'll have to wait a year or two and then backtest the heck out of the data to find it. Then you can sell the system pointing to the excellent performance of the system!

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.... It can convince you of the power of any approach given the right selection of data points. The problem I find in most articles in S&C is the limited set of data used. Both time spen tested and stocks tested. Too much curve fitting risk. Also little is ever mentioned of the performance of the article's approach after changing the parameters in small ways.

If you want to know the "truth" of any system backtest it yourself.  Stockfinder is progressing toward becoming a very capable tool for answering this type of question suplying far better answers than supplied in this or any forum.

As already stated...

Think for yourself.

It is not easy and takes some work and some education but that's the fun part.

Got a task for you genious.  

Take for example the flag pattern - called here "Dragon Pattern" by David and compare it to a two simple MAs - take your pick (perhaps a 5 and 10 - I haven't done the fitting but it should be close enough) and take it to your "progressing toward backtesting".  Then report the results.

Think for yourself and for others.  We are comparing efficiency of trading systems.  Noone said here that crossing averages were a pattern.  What was simple said is that trading patterns is not more profitable than trading a couple or MA's.

Now you can see it and think it by yourself or NOT.  I always like to see things for myself, not for what anyone tells me. 
It should be a good reason for you to backtest - Don't you wonder?  or you don't want to know.
Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:01:08 AM
QUOTE (Apsll)
Tobydad is right just as Fpetry has suggested. I have been trading patterns and trend for a very long time. When they work then you ride it for all she's got and when they fail then you bail. 

Diceman you are to much man; leave poor "Obligbok" alone, he has suffered enough humiliation on this forum over the years. I hear that he is related to someone that we all know... 

Apesll your little red friend told me to tell you that you may want to ask your "professional trader friends" some insight into this simple question.  Then you can come and relate their answer to me.

I bet that by your tone you bail a lot - don't you.  OH! no I am sorry you are a "professional trader" who has
been trading patterns and trend for a very long time. When they work then you ride it for all she's got and when they fail then you bail. 
LOLO man LOLO.  

Get a grip man, and stop lying.  Just say you have no clue.
Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:57:58 AM
Well not a single sensible answer.  I thought it was a simple questiong - it is a simple question.

Topic: Do Chart Patterns Still Work?
Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:50:11 PM
QUOTE (diceman)
Interesting your upset others haven't read the article.
Here's an idea, maybe you should.
Its what the Wordens call "thinking for yourself."
You display a lack of knowledge of indicators.
Don't you know there is a difference between a 2 and 3 day moving
average and a 100 and 200 day moving average?
If you need me to explain it to you I will.
Always ready to help a newbie.

LOL - funny to say the least.

Can you answer the question?  Why is the key.