Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 7
What is the difference between List Rank and Market Rank which are used in the building of criteria of an EasyScan?
I built an EasyScan for All Stocks and in the 4 criteria where a choice was avaiable I used List Rank. The number of stocks that came up was 8. I then changed the available choice on the 4 criteria (all pre-built System sorts) to Market Rank. This time I only got 3 stocks. Why? Why the difference?
The criteria used were: Price Growth Rate 1-year Price Percent Change 1 Month Price Moving Average - 5 Days MoneyStream Surge - 1 Week All set for the top 20%.
Harold Kuhn
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 4,308
Let's say you choose the Standard and Poors 500 as the watchlist to scan. If you choose List Rank for your condition type, you will be selecting stocks based on how they rank compared to the other stocks in that list only (ie. the S&P stocks in the top quarter of the S&P500).
If, on the other hand, you choose Market Rank as your condition type, you will be selecting S&P 500 stocks based on how they rank compared to all stocks in the rest of the market (ie. the S&P500 stocks in the top quarter of the entire market).
- Doug Teaching Online!