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Registered User Joined: 6/27/2005 Posts: 20
Dear Trainers: I subscribe to your daily chart service. Could you tell me how to write a screen for the following:
average daily volume over past 10 days > 1 million High of day for most recently completed session is within 3 cents of one of the following pivot points R2, R1, central pivot, S1, or S2. OR
average daily volume over past 10 days > 1 million Low of day for most recently completed session is within 3 cents of R2, R1, central pivot, S1 or S2.
Note that if I run this screen in the evening, I want the screen to refer to pivot points for TOMORROW's trading, rather than pivot points for the session that has already been completed.
Thanks so much,

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
The volume is easy. Create this PCF
Average volume 10-day
After you create the PCF you can add it to any EasyScan and, using the range selector, limit it to VALUE 10000 to MAX (volume isin hundreds).
Here are two videos to review:
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF)
Using EasyScan to find stocks that meet your own criteria
I need you to define the pivot points you list above. What makes something a R2 or a S1? What makes it for today or a pivot for tomorrow?
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 6/27/2005 Posts: 20
Craig, Regarding pivot points:
The calculation for the new day are calculated from the High , low and close of the previous day.
Pivot point = P = (H + L + C)/3
First area of resistance = R1 = 2P - L First area of support = S1 = 2P - H Second area of resistance = R2 = (P -S1) + R1 Second area of support = S2 = P - (R2 - S1)
the pivot point is what I called the central pivot in the previous e-mail. Hope this is clear -- thanks so much for working on this.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
For starters, here is everything in PCF syntax:
P = (H+L+C)/3 R1= 2*((H+L+C)/3)-L S1= 2*((H+L+C)/3)-H R2= ((H+L+C)/3)-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H)+(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L) S2= ((H+L+C)/3) - ((((H+L+C)/3)-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H)+(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L))-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H))
I will assume you will run your scans after market close:
High of day for most recently completed session is within 3 cents of one of the following pivot points R2, R1, central pivot, S1, or S2
ABS(H-(((H+L+C)/3)-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H)+(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L)))<=.03 OR ABS(H-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L))<=.03 OR ABS(H-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H))<.03 OR ABS(H-(((H+L+C)/3) - ((((H+L+C)/3)-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H)+(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L))-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H))))<=.03
Low of day for most recently completed session is within 3 cents of one of the following pivot points R2, R1, central pivot, S1, or S2
ABS(L-(((H+L+C)/3)-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H)+(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L)))<=.03 OR ABS(L-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L))<=.03 OR ABS(L-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H))<.03 OR ABS(L-(((H+L+C)/3) - ((((H+L+C)/3)-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H)+(2*((H+L+C)/3)-L))-(2*((H+L+C)/3)-H))))<=.03
I don't know what you mean by "the previous email". The formulas above do not include the "central pivot". What is the "central pivot"?
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 6/27/2005 Posts: 20
Craig, Central pivot is the same as P. Some people say "pivot point," some say "central pivot." Last thing I need to know about this stuff. When I get the results of the scans -- that is, the stocks that meet the criteria -- can I have the following print on the charts: 10 day average intraday range (high minus low) and 10 day average volume?
Thanks for being so quick! You are the best!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
Add this to the end of the formulas:
OR ABS(H-((H+L+C)/3))<=.03
OR ABS(L-((H+L+C)/3))<=.03
Once you create your EasyScans with the volume PCF and the pivot pcf you can plot the above.
Create a custom indicator with the formula:
Here is a video on custom indicators:
Plotting Custom Indicators with Examples
You can plot VOLUME and then add a moving average to it (click the PLUS next to VOLUME once you add it.) If you want to just see the average, you can make the volume bars NOT VISIBLE (uncheck their visible option).
You could also plot
as a cutom indictator and set the period to 10.
Whichever you prefer
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 3/28/2005 Posts: 23
Anybody figure out how to move these calculations for Pivot Points over to Snapsheets as of yet? Seems like there's a lot of interest from the users in Pivot Points so I'm sure somebody must be working on this already.
If so please let me know where I can go to apply these to Snapsheets. I've done the video training but do not feel ready to tackle this one!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
netedge, It is generally best to confine your related questions to a single topic. You may wish to review the following:
PIVOT POINTS FOR BLOCKS Learn how to use the forums: post a new topic, reply, Search existing topics
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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