Platinum Customer
Joined: 1/30/2005 Posts: 135
Is have it possible to have a linear regression trend line with a valiable period and have 1 and 2 standard deviation lines above and below the LinReg trend line in StockFinder and TC2000?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The only thing like this in TC2000 is the Linear Regression Channel drawing tool and it is only going to draw one channel, not two channels.
StockFinder has similar drawing tools. The Linear Regression Scan and Regression Channel edit topics have RealCode Indicators for TeleChart style Linear Regression Channels and Moving Linear Regressions (with options to use Standard Deviation or TeleChart's LR calculations for Width).
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 1/30/2005 Posts: 135
I set up your TC LR Channel indicator with the following settings
Period is 63
Width is .95
TCWidth is False
I scan for Price.Low less than lower band
Can this be done in TC2000?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You can create a condition formula for this (and it is relatively short), but you can't plot the indicator.
L < 3 * FAVGC63 - 2 * AVGC63 - .95 * STDDEV63
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 1/30/2005 Posts: 135
Thank you
Platinum Customer
Joined: 1/30/2005 Posts: 135
as of April 13 StockFinder scan with
TC LR Channel indicator with the following settings
Period is 63
Width is 1
TCWidth is False
and price.close less than lower band
AndAlso volume.AVGC(21) > 10000 AndAlso volume.MinClose(5) > 4000 _
AndAlso price.close > 1 AndAlso price.Close < 10
avgv21 > 1000000 and minv5 > 400000
and c > 1 and c < 10
and C < 3 * FAVGC63 - 2 * AVGC63 - STDDEV63
The StockFinder stocks are all under lower band. TC2000 does not appear to be finding all the stocks.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
What WatchList is being used as the basis of your scan? All of the symbols from the StockFinder list return true for me yesterday in in a daily time frame in TC2000 as well.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 1/30/2005 Posts: 135
It was set to hi cap 1000. I changed to U.S. Stocks and that fixed the problem.
Thanks for you help
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 1,178
Hi Bruce,
You offered maljester the following PCF True for Linear Regression Trendline one to two Standard Deviations BELOW.
L < 3 * FAVGC63 - 2 * AVGC63 - .95 * STDDEV63
Please offer the formula for Linear Regression Trendline one to two Standard Deviations ABOVE.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
No, the formula given is for the low being more than 0.95 SD below.
The high being more than one SD above would be the following.
H > 3 * FAVGC63 - 2 * AVGC63 + STDDEV63
The high being more than two SD above would be the following.
H > 3 * FAVGC63 - 2 * AVGC63 + 2 * STDDEV63
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles