Registered User Joined: 10/14/2007 Posts: 56
In StockFinder, I have written two rules in real code that identify stocks that meet the conditions of each rule and therefore "PASS". I would like to know how many stocks pass each rule. Is there a counter that will indicate how many issues pass each rule an any given time? I would like to create an indicator that performs a math function on a ratio of the two counts. I would also like to monitor that ratio during the day and create an indicator that uses either the two numbers or the ratio.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The way to count how many symbols Pass a particular Condition is to create a Market Indicator.
Market Indicators from Conditions
Custom Market Indicators
You can then Drag and Drop one of the Market Indicators onto the other Market Indicator and select Create Comparison | Ratio to create a Comparison Plot of the ratio of how many symbols Pass each Condition.
Comparison Plots
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