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Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 57
how can i write a pcf to find stocks that move at least 8% of there price a day, for at least the last 5 days. thank you

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Please try the following:
ABS(C / C1 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C1 / C2 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C2 / C3 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C3 / C4 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C4 / C5 - 1) >= .08
You may wish to review the following:
How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF) Handy PCF example formulas to help you learn the syntax of PCFs!
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 57
bruce how do i know how much each one moved, is there a way to see how much it moved next to it?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I'm not sure what value you want to display since the formula is testing against five days (meaning there are five values for each symbol). Here's a version that displays the average of those five days if True:
ABS(ABS(C / C1 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C1 / C2 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C2 / C3 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C3 / C4 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C4 / C5 - 1) >= .08) * (ABS(C / C1 - 1) + ABS(C1 / C2 - 1) + ABS(C2 / C3 - 1) + ABS(C3 / C4 - 1) + ABS(C4 / C5 - 1)) / 5
Here's the same formula for yesterday:
ABS(ABS(C1 / C2 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C2 / C3 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C3 / C4 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C4 / C5 - 1) >= .08 AND ABS(C5 / C6 - 1) >= .08) * (ABS(C1 / C2 - 1) + ABS(C2 / C3 - 1) + ABS(C3 / C4 - 1) + ABS(C4 / C5 - 1) + ABS(C5 / C6 - 1)) / 5
We can adjust these results if they do not meet your needs since I'm not actually getting any symbols returning True that actually Trade.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
Nicky, when you say "find stocks that move at least 8% of there price a day" do mean from the low to the high of the day or from day to day (close to close)?
- Craig Here to Help!
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 57
craig i need it from high to low and a move of at least 8% for the last 5 days. i dont want it if it just moved 8% yesterday but 8% every day for at least the last five days. thanks

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/1/2004 Posts: 18,819
Try this:
Create the following PCFs:
Range as % of Low Today 100*(H-L)/L
Range as % of Low 1-day ago 100*(H1-L1)/L1
Range as % of Low 2-days ago 100*(H2-L2)/L2
Range as % of Low 3-days ago 100*(H3-L3)/L3
Range as % of Low 4-days ago 100*(H5-L5)/L5
Once you create and calculate the above PCFs, please build the following EasyScan
WatchList (ALL STOCKS) Price Per Share (limit based on your trading) Volume 90-day (limit based on your trading) Range as % of Low Today (limit VALUES: 8 to MAX) Range as % of Low 1-day ago (limit VALUES: 8 to MAX) Range as % of Low 2-days ago (limit VALUES: 8 to MAX) Range as % of Low 3-days ago (limit VALUES: 8 to MAX) Range as % of Low 4-days ago (limit VALUES: 8 to MAX)
Save your EasyScan and enjoy the resulting WatchList of stocks that fit your conditions.
Here are two videos to review: How to create a Personal Criteria Forumula (PCF) Using EasyScan to find stocks that meet your own criteria
You can then sort by any of the PCFs I gave you OR add all 5 to your WatchList window to see their values. Check these videos out:
Create your own stock rankings using WatchLists and Sort conditions
Customize the Information Displayed in the WatchList
- Craig Here to Help!
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