Thank you Bruce:
I was able to upload the first screen shot (below), but not the second
The code as exampled below does not compile into real-code for me
Can you give me any hints as to what is missing?
Following is the second segment:
I am reviewing the “Worden Best of 2009 Training Class Video Series Step by Step” instructions on how to generate RealCode for Support & Resistance
The following is a copy of the instructions in the video followed by a copy of my attempt to make this RealCode and save it. I added the final statement “End if” in line 12, but as you can see in the error message lines at the bottom of this box, there seem to be additional errors I need to correct. How can I correct these errors and thereby allow myself to compile this piece of RealCode?
LOOKS LIKE MY SCREEN PRINT NOTES are not being embedded in this request. How can I email them to you?
I have submitted a search on all forums using the search word "kirkpatrick" and only recieved messages dated back from 9/18/2009 through 11/12/2009
It may be that there are no newer messages in this search path later than 11/12/2009 but I know there are earlier messages, i.e. from a previous search I did some time ago I received messages dated from 9/18/2008 through 8/24/2009
Is there a way to get all messages in the archives from all forums for a specific search word?