In the webinarr called Scanning with Indicator Conditions on 3/20/2012 the trainer created an easyscan and there was a "Auto-Refresh" checkbox which I do not see. Is this a feature only for Platinum users?
Got it finally. Thanks for the help.
Wiow I apologize for being so dense but I think I am looking and clicking on what you are telling me too. I have things in a different order but I click on "Add Indicator" and I get a "Select Indicator" window. If I click on "Write Indicator Formula" blue link thenI still get an Edit PCF box that does nmot look corect.
I do see a "pre-built" System Indiocator called Custom % True Indicator in the list of System Indicators but as I say it already exists and has C > C1.
Am I suppose to be editing that pre-existing formula and if so how can I save it as an indicator that later show uo in My Indicators (Formula) section?

Thanks for the quick reply but I am still puzzled. Ths is what I see when I click on the Add Indicator at the top of teh Chart and then click on the Write Indicator Formula. There is a "pre-built" System Indiocator called Custom % True Indicator but it has C > C1. Am I suppose to be editing that and if so how can I save it as an indicator that later show uo in My Indicators (Formula) section?

This is probably right in front of my face but I cannot figure out how to create a Custom PCF % True Indicator in TC2000 12.1. The help shows this edit formula box for a % True Indicator

and this for a custom price channel

but all I see when I click on the "New Condition Formula" in the Conditions window is

with no way to choose a % true or a custom price channel. A I in teh wrong place? The help page for Custom PCF Indicators does not really tell me how to get there.
Thanks for the quick reply. The comparisons feature is not quite what I was after.
I woudl like to see the Industry and Sub-Industry plotted in their own charts so I can apply indicators and different plot styles etc.. Is this possible?
Sorry if I have missed seeing this capability but so far I cannot see how to show a base chart along with a chart of its industry and sub-industry on the same workspace.
I am trying to replicate the ability I have in tc2000 v7 to display a chart along with the charts of that underlying stock's industry and sub-industry. I can do this in v7 by choosing the "Industry and Sub-Industry Comparison" layout in the upper righ. So for instance if AAPL is the current watchlist symbol I see a chart of AAPL, of MG810 and of MG812. If I space in my watchlist to Amazon then I see a chart of AMZN, MG730 and MG739 all arranged on the same screen.
Can this be done in tc2000 v12.1. If not would you add a feature request? One way I would suggest doing this is to have two more "link symbol" option in the Symbol Linking" chart dropdown menu. One is Link Industry to Symbol Change and the other is Link Sub-Industry to Symbol Change. You may want these in the same colors so a blue linked symbol on my underlying chart, a blue industry link on a chart and a blue sub-industry link on a third chart all change as my blue symbol linked watchlist sumbol changes.
Is there a way to set the font style and size for the notes and news window? If not would you add this either on a window by window basis or in the system preferences?
In additioon would you allow me to set the size of the font (as I can now in v7) and the font itself in the Daily Worden Report?
I could not seem to select Add Condition | My Computer when adding a Strategy Condition as indicated above when using Blocks 3.1. What am I missing?
Just so I am clear. Is there anything new in TeleChart 2007 besides the support for SnapSheets?