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Profile: ddiederich
User Name: ddiederich
Groups: Beta Testers, Gold User, Member, TeleChart
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Joined: Thursday, December 16, 2004
Last Visit: Friday, November 10, 2017 10:32:26 AM
Number of Posts: 10
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Last 10 Posts
Topic: Scan Condition for Moving Linear Regression?
Posted: Thursday, April 18, 2013 1:04:05 PM

Thanks Bruce, that helps. I guess my sample size was too small. Just the indicators I was trying to use didn't work. The Time Series Forecast gives me close to the same answers. Dpd

Topic: Scan Condition for Moving Linear Regression?
Posted: Thursday, April 18, 2013 8:38:38 AM

I'm would like to scan for Smart Change of the Moving Linear Regression Indicator. I set it up and create a column for the results, but no results. I've noticed this problem with other indicators as well. It only seems to work on just a few indicators. Any suggestions? Thanks. Dpd

Topic: Linear Regression
Posted: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:03:39 PM

How would I sort on the linear regression % slope and channel in version 12.3? I used to be able to do it in older software by right clicking on the indicator and selecting these options. What now? Thanks.

Topic: Column Conditional Scan Lights
Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 9:34:39 AM

Thanks Bruce. I found it. Doug

Topic: Column Conditional Scan Lights
Posted: Monday, July 16, 2012 2:10:46 PM

I can't find the scan lights in the new release. My conditional columns with scan lights carried forward for the older build are still present, but I can't implement new ones. Only the check mark seems to be availabe. Am I missing something? Thanks. Doug

Topic: Trading for a living.
Posted: Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:49:09 PM
Kaye, Sounds like you're starting off with a sound approach. I found the critical factor was having the discipline to stick to the plan, particularly on the sell side. That's were Trader Vic comes in. Victor Sperandeo wrote a book entitled Methods of a Wall Street Master, 1991 Wiley. I think Amazon can still find copies even though it's out of print now. It's my bible on selling stocks. Good luck. HG
Topic: Trading for a living.
Posted: Saturday, December 25, 2004 8:02:19 PM
I’ve never meet anyone that was truly successful “trading for a living”. Over the past fifteen years I've taken a “trading for retirement” approach. My goal was to make a 15% return each and every year. That’s a doubling of capital every five years. I was very successful at doing this, with only one bad year, 2002, where I experienced a 10% drawdown. Naturally that down year occurred the first year of my retirement, making for a stressful start. As it turned out my account recovered quickly and my retirement has been with little or no compromise of lifestyle; earning enough money from my investing to pay my way. My investing, a value strategy, requires about two hours a week with a quick check of market activity at the end of each trading day. I stick with stocks in the S&P500 and cull out those that pass an Intrinsic Value test; ala Benjamin Graham. (I’m patiently waiting for the TC2000 upgrade that will let me do the IV calculation using a custom pcf, eliminating my need for a separate spreadsheet). My buys are found using trendlines, RSI and Candlestick Signals to find trend reversals. I sell using trend and support line breaks, following Trader Vic’s strategy. This approach has given me consistent returns with minimal effort while letting me focus on more important things in life like, grandchildren and golf. Happy Grandpa