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Registered User Joined: 6/15/2015 Posts: 49
Is there an idicator or study that I can overlay on a chart, which would show a stock's quartrly earnings pr a share.
Perhaps something like a histogram on the bottom showing the quarters on the side of one another, or something that shows earnings surpise?
Thank you
Joined: 9/30/2004 Posts: 9,187
Yes, you can add "EPS Latest Qtr" to your chart to see the quarterly EPS history.
Registered User Joined: 6/15/2015 Posts: 49

I was talking more like Market Smith how they post the EPS on the day reported vs surpise, or increase % from last quarter over quarter.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
We do not have anything that is going to reflect earnings suprise. Thank you for your suggestion.
You could add a Rate of Change % indicator set to a period covering about a quarter to the chart and change its data source to the EPS Latest Qtr mentioned by StockGuy.
There are also built in EPS Percent Change criteria, but these are versus the same quarter from the previous year and not to just the previous quarter (because EPS can be quite seasonal for a lot of companies).
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