Registered User Joined: 11/16/2018 Posts: 1
Hello brothers!!! I was looking at the for the PCFs of the Candlestick patterns. I pasted the formulas to the EasyScan but over 90% did not work. Is there a simple fix. Thank you.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I am not quite sure if the issue is that the formulas are returning an error message or that the formulas aren't returning the desired patterns.
If you are getting an error message, my best guess is that your computer is set to use the , as the decimal marker instead of the . as is more common in the Unitied States.
If that is the issue, the formulas will work correctly using the . on things calculated on our servers even if you are getting an error message (but will require replacing the . with a , where your computer is doing the calculations such as a Custom PCF % True Indicator on the charts).
Another workaround is to re-write the formulas in such a way that the formulas do not include decimal markers at all. So for example if you have something like the following.
.05 * C
You would re-write it as:
5 * C / 100
C / 20
A "fix" if you just aren't getting the patterns you are expecting is more complicated. Different candlestick practitioners have pretty different definitions for candles and patterns with the same name. The formulas given matched the definitions used for candlestick patterns by the author of the post.
So if the patterns don't match what you want, you would need to provide a specific unambiguous objective definition for your version of the candlestick pattern and then we can try to help you come up with something which better meets your need.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles