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Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
I am trying to get the 5 day adr of the highest high and lowest low for the last five days but when I run this scan starting with (MAXH3 - MINL3) I am not getting the incorrect numbers. What am I doing wrong?
((MAXH1 - MINL1)+ (MAXH2 - MINL2)+ (MAXH3 - MINL3)+ (MAXH4 - MINL4)+
(MAXH5 - MINL5))/5
and is this the same for Vs 18
I tried ((AVGH1 -AVGL1) + (AVGH2 -AVGL2) + (AVGH3 -AVGL3)+ (AVGH4 -AVGL4)+ (AVGH5 -AVGL5)) /5 and the same hapens.
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
Is anyone answering inquiries today?
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2010 Posts: 484
The forum is resourced during regular working hours, Monday - Friday.
By ADR do you mean Average True Range ATR?
I'm not clear from your description what you are after. "Highest High" is the Highest of the 5 days, which would be MaxH5. so you would be looking for (MaxH5-MinL5)/.
On the other hand, the PCF suggests looking for the average Candle height across the 5 days. ATR standard equation is Current High less the current Low, so ATR5 should yield the result you might be looking for. Why not use the built in formula?
Your PCF is summing the 1 day Range (MAXH1 - MINL1), the 2 day range (MAXH2 - MINL2) etc rather than the average of the individual days MaxH2 is the higher high of the last two days, not the High of two days ago
Hope this helps
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
I have used the above formulae but it doesn't generate the true results and I am experiencing a Senior moment. It is simple the adr Average Daily Range is the highest high minus the lowest low divided by the # of days
The attached range for the stock BZUN has a range of over $2 every day but when I use the results from the above formulas they come out to 1.25 and 1.96 which are incorrect.
i am looking for the average range for the last 5 days I even tried ((H1 +L1) +(H2 +L2) +(H3 +L3) +(H4 +L4) + (H5 +L5))/5
BZUN 12/14 H 38.30 LOW 35.80, 12/13 38.69 36.75 , 12/12 37.85 35.65, 12/11 35.29 34.16, 12/10 34.35 32.42
I am in a fog and know I am mssing something but...? and then I want to get a percentage (.625) of that ADR so that I can work within the anticipated range for an issue
Registered User Joined: 9/17/2010 Posts: 484
Why can't you use ATR 5 built in Formula?
There is a difference mathematically between
the highest High minus the lowest Low of the past 5 days [in TC2000 (MaxH5-MinL5)/5] and
an average range over 5 days which is the average of the range each day, divided by the number of days which is [almost] ) (H-L) + (H1-L1) +(H2-L2) - (H3-L3) + (H4-L4))/ 5. This might be the ADR you are looking for.
I say almost because the formula actually used for ATR is a bit more complex to account for down days. I'm not sure which exact calculation Worden uses, but you can read about the math behind ATR here https://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:average_true_range_atr
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
I have suffered a stroke and I am mending so my question my seem elementary I apologize but could you please look at it.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I do not understand the question. The use of ADR would seem to mean Average Daily Range. Over the previous 5 bars this would be written as follows in TC2000 v7 for the most recent 5 days including today.
(AVGH5 - AVGL5) / 5
Or as follows if it is the 5 trading days ending 1 trading day ago (so excluding the current bar).
(AVGH5.1 - AVGL5.1) / 5
The long version of the above would seem to be what you were trying to write in your Sunday, December 16, 2018 11:55:47 AM ET post (only the first and last parentheses are actually necessary).
((H1 - L1) + (H2 - L2) + (H3 - L3) + (H4 - L4) + (H5 - L5)) / 5
But your use of MAX and MIN makes me wonder if you are interested in the total range instead.
Or the folllowing if the current day is not included.
MAXH5.1 - MINL5.1
Dividing this total range by 5 would not result in the average daily range because the range of each trading day could overlap and/or gap.
(MAXH5 - MINL5) / 5
(MAXH5.1 - MINL5.1) / 5
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
Thank You
I'm sorry for the confusion
Registered User Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 794
bcochrane Thanks for your input

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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