Registered User Joined: 9/28/2014 Posts: 20
why the gap of some gapping stocks is not shown on the intraday charts. i.e. symbol PAYC ,09/26/18: the daily chart shows the gap but not the 5,15, and 60 minutes charts

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You would really need to contact technical support to know for sure, but the general reason is that the gap didn't yet exist while the first 1-minute bar of the trading day was forming. If there aren't any trades during the 1st minute of the trading day, that first 1-minute bar is just going to be a flat bar using the close of the previous trading day. Then the other intraday time frames get formed from the 1-minute bars making it so the intraday time frames don't have an opening gap.
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