Registered User Joined: 2/1/2018 Posts: 6
Is possible for Tc2000 this indicator ?
study(title="Blai5 Koncorde", shorttitle="KONCORDE")
calc_pvi() =>
pvi=(volume > volume[1]) ? nz(pvi[1]) + ((close - close[1])/close[1]) * (na(pvi[1]) ? pvi[1] : sval) : nz(pvi[1])
calc_nvi() =>
nvi=(volume < volume[1]) ? nz(nvi[1]) + ((close - close[1])/close[1]) * (na(nvi[1]) ? nvi[1] : sval) : nz(nvi[1])
calc_mfi(length) =>
upper = sum(volume * (change(src) <= 0 ? 0 : src), length)
lower = sum(volume * (change(src) >= 0 ? 0 : src), length)
rsi(upper, lower)
lengthEMA = input(255, minval=1)
pvi = calc_pvi()
pvim = ema(pvi, m)
pvimax = highest(pvim, 90)
pvimin = lowest(pvim, 90)
oscp = (pvi - pvim) * 100/ (pvimax - pvimin)
nvi =calc_nvi()
nvim = ema(nvi, m)
nvimax = highest(nvim, 90)
nvimin = lowest(nvim, 90)
azul = (nvi - nvim) * 100/ (nvimax - nvimin)
xmf = calc_mfi(14)
basis = sma(tprice, 25)
dev = mult * stdev(tprice, 25)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
OB1 = (upper + lower) / 2.0
OB2 = upper - lower
BollOsc = ((tprice - OB1) / OB2 ) * 100
xrsi = rsi(tprice, 14)
calc_stoch(src, length,smoothFastD ) =>
ll = lowest(low, length)
hh = highest(high, length)
k = 100 * (src - ll) / (hh - ll)
sma(k, smoothFastD)
stoc = calc_stoch(tprice, 21, 3)
marron = (xrsi + xmf + BollOsc + (stoc / 3))/2
verde = marron + oscp
media = ema(marron,m)
plot(verde, color=#66FF66, style=area, title="verde")
plot(marron, color= #FFCC99, style=area, title="marron", transp=0)
plot(azul, color=#00FFFF, style=area, title="azul")
plot(marron, color=maroon, style=line, linewidth=2, title="lmarron")
plot(verde, color=#006600, style=line, linewidth=2, title="lineav")
plot(azul, color=#000066, style=line, linewidth=2, title="lazul")
plot(media, color=red, title="media", style=line, linewidth=2)
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I cannot think of a way to implement this in TC2000 currently. I haven't worked my way through all of the calculations, but at the very least, oscp seems too problematic to implement in any sort of practical way.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles