Registered User Joined: 10/5/2010 Posts: 67
I have one symbol equityl line for long trades. The value is 108.88.
I have another symbol equity line for short trades. The value is 104.25.
Total toal is 213.13
Can I add two lines and subtract 100 from it to give me a net equity line of 113.13?
Do you plan to add backscanner to TC2000? Thank you/
Joined: 9/30/2004 Posts: 9,187
Yes, you can create a new RealCode indicator and then drag each equity plot into the editor. When you drag the plots into the editor, it will create variables for each plot and you can then write your formula using those variables.
The example below uses a stochastic plot and a Wilder's RSI plot. The formula divides Stoc by WRSI.
'|*** StockFinder RealCode Indicator - Version 5.0
'|*** Copy and paste this header and code into StockFinder *********
'|*** Indicator:My Indicator
'|*** Example: plot = price.close - price.close(1)
'# Stoc = chart.Stochastics
'# WR = chart.WildersRSI
plot = stoc.close / wr.close
Registered User Joined: 11/16/2015 Posts: 105
I would like to know if I could back test. Some of my formulas that I'm working out with TC 2000 v 17
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
No, this is not generally possible. TC2000 does not currently have any built in backtesting features. StockFinder cannot be used to backtest TC2000 formulas.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles