Registered User Joined: 9/19/2010 Posts: 29
Curious if anyone can assist in a scan for buyable Gap-Ups that fit the following criteria ? Thanks in advance
The gap-up is significant. Numerically, it should be at least 0.75 times the 40-day average true range.
The volume should be at least 150% of the 50-day moving average of the volume.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
If the gap up is between the previous close and previous open, then you could use the following Condition Formula in TC2000 v17.
O >= C1 + .75 * ATR40.1 AND V >= 1.5 * AVGV50
You would need to change the C to an H if the gap up is versus the previous high instead.
O >= H1 + .75 * ATR40.1 AND V >= 1.5 * AVGV50
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/19/2010 Posts: 29
Thank you Bruce
Registered User Joined: 11/19/2014 Posts: 1
gap up = low is greater than previous bar high full gap up
gap down = High is less than previous bar low
open gap up = open is greater than previous bar high (partical gap up)
open gap down = open is less than previuos bar low
common gap = a gap the is generally filled
continuation gap = a gap in the trend also called run away or measuring gap
breakaway gap = a gap from consolidation
Exhausting gap = a reversal gap
if you can make formulas for me according the above list
Joined: 9/30/2004 Posts: 9,187
gap up = low is greater than previous bar high full gap up
L > H1
gap down = High is less than previous bar low
H < L1
open gap up = open is greater than previous bar high (partical gap up)
O > H1
open gap down = open is less than previuos bar low
O < L1
...Not sure about the ones below. Will need more details.
common gap = a gap the is generally filled
continuation gap = a gap in the trend also called run away or measuring gap
breakaway gap = a gap from consolidation
Exhausting gap = a reversal gap