Registered User Joined: 12/30/2012 Posts: 39
C > C1 AND V > ABS(C1 < C2) * V1 AND V > ABS(C2 < C3) * V2 AND V > ABS(C3 < C4) * V3 AND V > ABS(C4 < C5) * V4 AND V > ABS(C5 < C6) * V5 AND V > ABS(C6 < C7) * V6 AND V > ABS(C7 < C8) * V7 AND V > ABS(C8 < C9) * V8 AND V > ABS(C9 < C10) * V9 AND V > ABS(C10 < C11) * V10 and C > (XAVGC9 * .98) AND C < (XAVGC9 * 1.02) and V > 400000 and ATR15>.40 and C => 8.00 and XAVGC17 > XAVGC43. I'm looking for volume greater than 400,000 but this brings up stocks that don't trade near that much (rbcn)?
How would I change it to get stocks trading an average of 400,000 in tha last 60 days? Thank you.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
This doesn't return true for RBCN currently.
If you have modified the Condition Formula and it is being used in your layout as a WatchList Column or EasyScan Condition for example, you will need to remove and re-add the Condition Formula to the layout.
This is because when you add the Condition Formula, it adds a copy which is not linked to the original in any way. Changing the original will not change the copy, which is why you need to remove the copy and re-add the Condition Formula if you want any changes reflected in your layout.
That said, your formula currently checks for the volume of the current bar being greater than 400000 shares.
V > 400000
You would want to change this to the following to check for the average volume over the most recent 60 bars being at least 400000 shares
AVGV60 >= 400000
This would result in the following overall Condition Formula (v17+ only).
C > C1 AND V > MAX(ABS(C1 < C2) * V1, 10) AND ABS(C / XAVGC9 - 1) < .02 AND AVGV60 >= 400000 AND ATR15 > .4 AND C >= 8 AND XAVGC17 > XAVGC43
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/30/2012 Posts: 39
So, if I understand correctly, I have to remove the condition from the column in my watchlist, then make the changes, then add it back to the watchlist?
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You seem to understand.
You could change the Condition Formula before or after removing the column from your WatchList, but you have to change the Condition Formula before adding the WatchList Column back to your WatchList.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 12/30/2012 Posts: 39
Thanks Bruce - that's very helpful.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You're welcome.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles