Registered User Joined: 1/22/2016 Posts: 9
It's 7pm EST. I booted up TC2000 and looked at a couple of stocks on the chart that was up when I last logged off. No problem. I clicked on one of the other chart tabs and suddenly there was no data, even though the stock name, sector and industry watermark for each selected stock appeared in the chart window. Tried indexes - same thing. Rebooted the computer - still no data. Any ideas?
Registered User Joined: 1/14/2010 Posts: 13
same issues here.. both on downloaded version and browser version. is TC2000 down?
Registered User Joined: 1/22/2016 Posts: 9
Okay, it's back
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
We had a single history server down from around 6:50 PM ET until 7:45 PM ET that was causing a problem viewing charts for some customers. So if you hit that server you would have had blank charts, but if you hit any of the other servers things should have been fine.
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