Platinum Customer
Joined: 2/20/2007 Posts: 83
I need help in developing a specific list of stocks. The list includes only NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stocks, excluding ETF's, unit investment trusts, closed end funds, warrant stocks, preferred securities and any non-SIC classified stock.
I have attempted to build the list from the Common Stock watchlist provided, but it has warrant stocks in it and preferred securities … trusts etc. I want to use the list for tracking NHNL.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
There is only so much you will be able to do to streamline the process of creating a Personal WatchList with just the symbols you want to use.
Start by copying the US Common Stocks to a Personal WatchList. This is eventually going to be the WatchList you will use for tracking NHNL.
Now create another Personal WatchList into which you will copy all of the symbols you don't want (I called this WatchList Do Not Want).
Select WatchLists of symbols you don't want (such as Exchange Trades Funds, US Preferred Stocks and US Warrants) one at a time. Right-click on a symbol and select All Symbols. Then right click on a symbol again, select Add Symbols to Another List and choose your Do Not Want WatchList.
Bring up your Personal WatchList copy of the US Common Stocks WatchLists.
Select Add Column at the top of the WatchList and choose your Do Not Want WatchList from the list. This will add a WatchList Column which flags only the symbols in your Do Not Want WatchList.
Click on the WatchList Column Header (the name of the WatchList Column at the top of the WatchList) for your Do Not Want WatchList Flag Column to sort all of the symbols in the Do Not Want WatchList together.
Highlight all of the flagged symbols.
Right-cilck on one of the highlighted symbols and select Remove Symbols from List.
The resulting WatchList should have just the symbols in your Personal WatchList copy of the US Common Stocks WatchList which are not also in your Do Not Want Personal WatchList.
Now there may be categories of symbols for which we do not have any pre-constructed system WatchLists. You would need to manually remove these symbols from your Personal WatchList copy of the US Common Stocks WatchList.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Platinum Customer
Joined: 2/20/2007 Posts: 83
Thanks I was having to hand pick the Preferred and Warrrants, this way is much faster.
Registered User Joined: 2/28/2011 Posts: 33
How to do this in v12?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Copy the US Common Stocks WatchList to a Personal WatchList.
Right-click on a symbol in a WatchList and select Clear All Flags in System.
Go into the WatchLists containing the symbols you don't want one at a time and select Flag All | Symbols in List.
Go into the Personal WatchList you created earlier and right click to select Remove All Flagged Symbol(s) from List.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles