Registered User Joined: 11/20/2011 Posts: 3
Is there a place where you can find a list of the Twitter and Third Party Sources for notes instead of just typing in search terms and stumbling on things?
Also, is the Worden Report only Platinum? If it is Gold too how do I subscribe to it?
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
You can view the Worden Report in TC2000 version 12.4 Gold by selecting Notes & News | Peter Worden Notes & Reports | Reports.
There is no list of third party sources available.
The feature is designed as a way for third parties to give you a way to access their content within TC2000. The idea is that you would already have some sort of association with the that third party and it they would provide value added content and that such content would not normally be available to those not associated with the third party first.
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