Registered User Joined: 6/15/2005 Posts: 67
I've created several market indicators inside of stock finder which I use everyday. I'm wondering if there is a way to make them not have to recalculate all the data each time but instead add one day of new data when the program is updated. I was also wondering if my same indicators and be displayed in TC200 12.3.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The Export/Import topic explores in a very basic way to avoid recalculation by exporting the Custom Market Indicator and then using the Market Data Reader or RealCode File Reader to read back the data for use in a RealCode Indicator.
You could theoretically calculate the Custom Market Indicator for a very short period of time and import it into the same indicator which is reading the outside file to merge the results into a single indicator. That said, I am not a programmer and wouldn't really be able to help you with doing so.
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