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Registered User Joined: 9/21/2011 Posts: 15
On the webinar from 4/21/09 Julia has a rule written that searches for positive divergences called MS Divergence. Is there a way to write this rule into the TC2000 version 12 for the daily charts only? Using basically 90 candelsticks (90 days) as my search criteria.
Thank you,

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
The RealCode in the Layout was:
If MS.value = MS.minlow(50) And MS.value > MS.minlow(50, 50) AndAlso _
price.Low = price.MinLow(50) And price.Low < Price.minlow(50, 50) Then pass
This could be converted directly into a TC2000 Condition Formula as:
MS = MIN(MS,50) AND MS > MIN(MS1.50,50) AND L = MINL50 AND L < MINL50.50
This covers a span of about 100-bars, so if you wanted it to only cover a span of 90-bars, you would need to change all of the 50s to 45s:
MS = MIN(MS,45) AND MS > MIN(MS1.45,45) AND L = MINL45 AND L < MINL45.45
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-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/21/2011 Posts: 15
Thank you for your prompt reply. I went into My Conditions in TC2000 and added the formula above. When I tested it the response was 'False'. I am guessing I did something wrong.

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
No. A False response is not an error message. It just means the result is not True for the test symbol.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/21/2011 Posts: 15
Got it. Thank you. If I wanted to scan for divergences on Stochastics RSI or Moneystream what would those formulas look like? I swear that is my last question. Thanks!

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Any formula or technique for identifying divergences depends on the specific unambiguous objective definition of divergences being used.
The Condition Formulas in my Friday, February 17, 2012 9:31:57 AM ET post are MoneyStream divergence formulas designed to identify where both price and MoneyStream are hitting their 45 or 50-period low, but where this 45 or 50-period low is higher for MoneyStream but lower for price than the 45 or 50-periods prior to the most recent 45 or 50 periods.
It is not possible to create a similar formula for Stochastics RSI versus Price because Stochastics RSI is not built into the Personal Criteria Formula Language and any manual expansion using the syntax which is available would create a formula which is too long to be practical or postable.
A relatively simple technique for identifying divergences based on just having price increasing and Stochastics RSI decreasing follows.
Click on Price and select Create Condition. Then select Moving Up from the Condition drop-down menu (Net, % or Smart would do, but I'd start with Smart). Then set the Period of the Condition to the number of bars over which you wish to check for a divergence.
Indicators, Sorting & Scanning
Then do the same thing with the Stochastics RSI, but select Moving Down instead of Moving Up.
You can then add both the Conditions to the same Scan. Checking for a divergence where Price was Moving Down and Stochastics was Moving Up would just be a matter of switching around how you created the Conditions.
You can also use this same basic technique with any indicators you want.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
Registered User Joined: 9/21/2011 Posts: 15
Thank you Bruce. That clears that up and was able to set them up very easily on TC2000. Much appreciated. For MS Divergence what is the forumla for a negative divergence.
Thank you,
Registered User Joined: 2/18/2012 Posts: 1
I'm from India I'm a trader currency,commodities and Equities...I'm searching a good software..I want use your TC2000 it's possible in Indian markets...please replies back to me..
so thank
shintlung maring. India...(phone number removed by moderator)

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
None of our products currently carry the Indian markets.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles
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