Registered User Joined: 2/1/2010 Posts: 7
The following formula(with a trick) calculates the 14 period ATR as a % of Price. The trick is that by leaving off the parentheses at the beginning, it will show what the formula is for in the chart.With or without that parenthesis it doesn't work in 2000.What change in syntax would make it work?ThanksATR AS PERCENT OF PRICE) (((((h-l) + (h1-l1) + (h2-l2) + (h3-l3) + (H4-L4) + (H5-L5) + (H6-L6) + (H7-L7) + (H8-L8) + (H9-L9) +(H10-L10) +(H11-L11) + (H12-L12) + (H13-L13) + (H14-L14))/14)*1.1)/C) * 100

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Your formula as written:
(((((h-l) + (h1-l1) + (h2-l2) + (h3-l3) + (H4-L4) + (H5-L5) + (H6-L6) + (H7-L7) + (H8-L8) + (H9-L9) +(H10-L10) +(H11-L11) + (H12-L12) + (H13-L13) + (H14-L14))/14)*1.1)/C) * 100
Works fine as a Personal Criteria Formula or Custom PCF Indicator in both the current version of TeleChart and in the version 11 beta on my computer. It does not represent an Average True Range (as a Percent of Price or otherwise), but returns the same results as the somewhat shorter:
825 * (AVGH15 - AVGL15) / 7 / C
This is approximately 118% of the 15-Period Simple Moving Average of Range as a Percent of Price.
Removing one of the five opening Parentheses will continue to produce results in TeleChart but not in the version 11 beta because TeleChart has less strict error handling than the version 11 beta.
Please provide a description and PCF for calculating an ATR value to be used as a stop loss value
All questions, comments and suggestions related to the version 11 beta should be addressed to:
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles