Registered User Joined: 4/27/2006 Posts: 29
Hi I have questions regarding stockfinder 5 gold subscription;
1. Does the stockfinder 5 have canadian stock data( those listed in the toronto and venture exchanges)
2. If it does, then does stock finder 5 share the same data department as My experience from freestockscharts is that many stocks listed in the venture exchange is not updated well and that newly listed issues are not reflcted in the database till months later. It is a concern to me as I trade the venture exchange quite often .
3. I am a current user of telechart 2000 gold for a few yrs with many PCFs and scans created. can these be migrated to stockfinder 5 if I switch platforms?

 Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
StockFinder has a Canadian data feed available for $14.99 per month. The same data department handles StockFinder, TeleChart and
It is not possible to import Personal Criteria Formulas and EasyScans directly into StockFinder. You would need to re-create them in StockFinder as it uses RealCode instead of TeleChart's Personal Criteria Formula Language and uses Scans and Filters instead of EasyScans. Any EasyScans utilizing Fundamentals would require StockFinder Platinum to be able to implement them in StockFinder.
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