Registered User Joined: 2/9/2007 Posts: 21
request and need a formukla that gives Volume % for All stocks in Tc 2007 on a backdate for eg on
October 1 and October 2,but not limited to those dates alone
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
Volume (or possibly Volume change) as % of what? It is possible to write Personal Criteria Formulas based on past dates. You may wist to review the following section of the Online Help Files:
Days Ago parameter
There are two distinct ways to use historical data with Personal Criteria Formulas.
Any criteria can be used to scan X number of days back by adding '.XX' where XX is equal to the number of market days past to calculate for. An example of this is (AVGC21.21), which is a 21 day moving average 21 of close, 21 days ago. This use of historical data always refers to the market day XX number of days ago (in this case, 21). If you wish to use a specific date’s data, use the option detailed below.
The other method of using historical data is by specifying a precise date in history to use. For example, (AVGC21.'11/13/08') will provide a 21 day moving average of close for November 13, 2008 (the period should be used in cases where the first method requires a period and not used when the first method does not use a period). Always confirm that the date you wish to use using this parameter was a market day.
-Bruce Personal Criteria Formulas TC2000 Support Articles