Gold Customer
Joined: 1/30/2007 Posts: 3
I would like to find long Bottoming Tails candle after three or more day pullback.
Worden Trainer
Joined: 10/7/2004 Posts: 65,138
I'm not a candlestick guy. How does a "Bottoming Tail" differ from a "Hammer"?
A Rule for Bullish Hammer can be added by selecting Add Rule | Select... | Bullish Hammer.
If I were to write a RealCode Rule for Price dropping for three days and then having a tail below the Body constituting at least 75% of the Candle, it would look something like this:
If Price.High - System.Math.Min(Price.Open, Price.Last) < _
.25 * Price.High - Price.Low AndAlso _
Price.Last(1) < Price.Last(2) AndAlso _
Price.Last(2) < Price.Last(3) AndAlso _
Price.Last(3) < Price.Last(4) Then Pass
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